Rugby-Talk is ready and eager to place your Business Adverts on the website.

There are 5 possible Ad-space locations and / or sizes for sale:

  1. On the Left Hand Sidebar. (The dimensions of this available space is 140 pixels wide x up to 600 pixels high [Category 1]).
  2. On the Right Hand Sidebar. (The dimensions of this available space is 300 pixels wide x 600 pixels high [Category 2]). We could accommodate a height of more than 600 though, up to 900 pixels high.
  3. A Banner Leaderboard Advert in the centre column, ABOVE or BELOW the Content (The dimensions of this available space is 940 pixels wide x 300 pixels high [Category 3]).
  4. Click Through Button Adverts, on either the Left Hand Sidebar (Button 140 pixels wide x 100 pixels high) or the Right Hand Sidebar (Button 300 pixels wide x 100 pixels high) [Category 4]).
  5. Click through Banner Adverts, on a Live Game Article (The dimensions of this available space is 940 pixels wide x 300 pixels high [Category 5]).


Format & Design:


Tip: Website Adverts always produce better results and makes a more lasting impression if the content is in an ANIMATED FORM. It is simply more “alive” and more content can be relayed to the prospective observer.

Advertisers shall have their own adverts made up, alternatively and upon request, Rugby-Talk could give instructions to it’s preferred choice of graphic designers, to make up the advertising content at a cost to the Advertiser.

Payment Terms:

Payment for advertising material design and make-up shall be paid up front, in full, if it is the choice of Advertiser to ask Rugby-Talk to task graphic designers.

The full amount for the flight of the advert shall be calculated and shall be due and payable upon presentation of advertising material to Rugby-Talk and prior to placing or the actual flight of the advert (if the advert is for a specified number of Page Impressions or a standard charge for a Category 5 advert), unless otherwise approved.

Alternatively (if the advert is scheduled for a specified time duration in days or weeks or months) the average number of Page Impressions estimated – based on current Page Impressions per 24 Hour period – will be used to calculate the estimated advertising costs, to be paid in full upon presentatation af advertising material to Rugby-Talk and prior to placing or the actual flight of the advert, unless otherwise approved. Upon conclusion of the advertising time duration a final calculation will be made to determine the exact amount charged for the advert, upon which event the balance then due will be immediately due and payable by the advertiser or refundable to the advertiser, whichever scenario applies.


Adverts can be scheduled to be the only advert on a specific location on the website or as a rotating / alternating advert on the same location (Ad-space loading).

Rotating or alternating adverts on a location (Ad-space loading) is given priority levels and “weight” of preponderance.

It is the INDUSTRY STANDARD to pay for adverts by means of a rate charged per 1000 Page Impressions (CPM) and our rates are very affordable in comparison to similar websites.

Page Impression Rate:

At the moment, the amount of Page Impressions per day vary between 10 000 and 16 000 Page Impressions on average for each 24 hour period, with specifically Saturdays and Fridays the busiest days due to the interest in Live Rugby Games. The amount of 12 000 Page Impressions per 24 hour period will be used to calculate the estimated costs of adverts to be placed for a time duration. This specific method and calculation will be amended as this website gets busier and is more widely accessed.

There has been a steady climb in Rugby-Talk’s traffic over the months and years. and Rugby-Talk has a track record since August 2009.

The Southern Hemisphere rugby off-season runs from about 10 December in a calendar year to roughly the end of January of the following year, where no rugby is played in the Southern Hemisphere. During these more quiet times the website’s traffic reduces a bit in comparison with traffic during the active Southern Hemisphere season but attention is then also focussed on Northern Hemisphere rugby.

In the Southern Hemisphere off-season, detailed discussions follow regarding the squad composition and individual players who make up the Southern Hemisphere Super Rugby squads. In addition cricket, golf and other interests are also given some attention in these more quiet times.

Further Information and Contact Particulars:

If you would like more information about DIMENSIONS of Images / Flash Files / Advertising Media and how Statistics, Page Impressions and Click-through’s are measured, contact the WEBMASTER at:

On the sales side, we now have dedicated sales staff, with years of experience, to assist Advertisers.

The contact Particulars are:



Rudi Geldenhuys

(Managing Director / Owner & Webmaster)

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