Philippe Saint-Andre
France coach Philippe Saint-Andre is running out of time to address his side’s shortcomings ahead of next year’s World Cup after their series whitewash at the hands of Australia.
The Wallabies’ 39-13 victory in Sydney on Saturday brought an end to another difficult season for France, which also featured a 4th placed finish in the Six Nations, and Saint-Andre is frank about his side’s current predicament.
“At the moment we are seventh (in the IRB rankings) and given our results, that is probably where we deserve to be.”
A year after a whitewash in New Zealand, France were outclassed physically, technically and tactically in two of the three test matches Down Under.
The 6-0 defeat in the second test provided some respite but the French camp admit that at present they cannot compete with the best in the world, especially at the end of an 11 month season.
France continually struggled, particularly with ball in hand, and were overwhelmed by the Wallabies’ intensity.
The narrow defeat in Melbourne was thanks to their sheer will and desire to preserve their honour, but on Saturday, there was nothing left in the tank.
“The group continues to show incredible solidarity because given the run we’ve been on, that could have disappeared completely,” claimed Saint-Andre.
However, he was less complimentary about French domestic rugby, again lamenting the negative effect of the Top 14 on his international side.
The demanding and wealthy clubs, who have also overseen the influx of foreign players into the league at the expense of many young French players, have not made Saint-Andre’s job easier. Those he selects are often exhausted, while the talent pool at his disposal is drying up.
“We’re suffering from this set up,” he complained.
“France is the only place where the league is more important than everything else.”
“What worries me is that we’re getting more and serious injuries” he continued.
“If we don’t realise that top players shouldn’t play more than 28-30 games a year, we’re going to keep having problems.”
However, if the Top 14 poses problems, it also acts as an useful scapegoat, with Saint-Andre rarely accepting responsibility for questionable management and defensive tactics.
A potentially more perverse effect of his complaints, however, revolves around his ability to motivate his players while continually claiming that he doesn’t have the firepower to compete at this level.
As is often the case, France’s fortunes could improve come the World Cup, but with 11 matches between now and then, is this French side capable of winning it in its current state?
Saint-Andre thinks so, believing his side will prove it in this autumn’s internationals.
“In November, with the players fresh and with lots more preparation time, we will be capatable of matching Australia and dominating them like in 2012 (33-6 victory),” he said.
The 47-year-old also believes that competition for places will help his side improves when he choses his next squad, which could include South African-born scrum-half Rory Kockott who will become eligible for France in July.
“Competition for every position will give the players more motivation and make them work harder as they try to secure their place,” he said.
“We have a group of 38-40 players and could maybe add a couple more. We have 11 matches between now and the World Cup and every second counts.”
Can someone please tell PSA to stop worrying about ” running out of time” for the World Cup.
Even if he had 100 years, the French will never ever win the World Cup.
As per usual, they will cause an upset, and be there or thereabouts, but to win the competition a team has to play and win 3 big games in a row, and the French simply don’t have the temperament to pull that off.
They will implode at some stage.
“France is the only place where the league is more important than everything else.”
Kry vir julle ou pel…julle hele bedryf is gebaseer op oorsese spelers wat die huishoudelike kompetisie gedurende die seisoen aan die gang hou.
Waar gaan jy oor n jaar of twee Franse burgers kry om n wereldbekerspan saam te stel, n span wat enigsins n kans staan om vir NZ of SA te klop?
Engeland gaan ook nog dieselfde probleem he, binnekort.
@ Pietman:
Spelers soos Kockott wat kwalifiseer na hulle n sekere tyd daar speel.
Enigste talent wat hulle het is ingevoerde talent.
Hulle is altyd goed vir een upset iewers, maar nie konsekwent en aanhoudend goed genoeg om n WB te wen nie.
Ek weet baie het gevoel hulle moes in 2011 gewen het, maar hulle het op hulle moer teen die AB’s gekry en teen Tonga verloor in die pool stages, nooit verdien om eers in die finaal te wees nie.
Dink net as hulle per geluk moes wen, n wereld kampioenspan wat teen Italy verloor en houtlepel in die 6 nasies kry, dit sal n skande wees en n grap maak van die WB
“If we don’t realise that top players shouldn’t play more than 28-30 games a year, we’re going to keep having problems.”
Tim Noakes se, “nie meer as 1 600 minute (20 wedstryde) nie.”
““France is the only place where the league is more important than everything else.”
Not quite ou Phillipe, in SA we have found that in certain quarters the SR is more important than test match rugby as well.
Of course, it all depends on what side is in with a chance to win the competition.
So, it’s not unique to the French, we also have a similar situation here
@ nortierd:
Ja wragtag, kan jy weer se!
Daar is wel n horde Kokkotts in Frankryk, veral uit SA, en die ouens maak lekker geld, maar die Franse Rugbyunie sal nie net op hulle kan steun vorentoe nie. Ons weet hulle gebruik al jare spelers uit lande soos Algeria en Kameroen, maar dis manne wat kleintyd daar aangekom het, nie manne soos Rory nie…..
Die Franse publiek is erg passievol oor rugby, veral in die suide, en hulle soek Franse in die nasionale span, nie n herlewing van die Franse Vreemde Legioen nie.
nortierd wrote:
Nama wrote:
Ja, dis mensvleis en dit breek en kneus……ek weet nie hoe hou manne soos Bakkies, Habana en Schalk Britz dit om aanhoudend al daai houe in die vreemde te vat nie.
Gepraat van Schalk Britz, dit was darem lekker om hom weer te sien speel in die Springboktrui, hy bly maar net goed! En altyd vol ‘smiles’….jammer WP kan hom nie meer bekostig nie.
@ nortierd:
Daar is ‘n konneksie, soos jy weet.
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