Jurie RouxSouth African Rugby Union CEO Jurie Roux has been linked to a police investigation into major financial irregularities at Stellenbosch University.

At the centre of the investigation is former Stellenbosch Rugby Football Club chairperson and Deputy Director of student finances, Chris de Beer, a good friend of Roux’s and a SARU-accredited agent.


De Beer took over the chairmanship from Roux, who also held the position of Chairperson of the Varsity Cup (Pty) Ltd and was a Senior Director of Finances and Asset Management at Stellenbosch University prior to his appointment as Chief Executive of SARU.

According to media reports De Beer allegedly transferred funds from student accounts to a personal bank account to draw interest, while Deputy Director of student finances.

He was dismissed from Stellenbosch University “based on his non-compliance to the accepted financial policies and processes of the University.” and now manages a number of players – including Springboks Juan de Jongh, Lourens Adriaanse and Frik Kirsten.

Both Roux and SARU confirmed they are aware that Roux is mentioned in a report handed to the South African National Police Service by Stellenbosch University, but stressed they do not know in which way it makes mention of the SARU CEO.

Some media reports suggested the police investigation relates to alleged practices whereby fees of players at the university, their accommodation and other costs were financed illegally.

It was claimed by the Afrikaans daily newspaper, Beeld, that the debt of players who defaulted on their repayments were dismissed in many cases and players were helped financially when the tuition fees became too expensive for them.

It is claimed that some of these students are now professional players.

“The stories of creative accounting has been doing the rounds for years,” the newspaper claimed.

Roux, however, strongly denied any wrongdoing.


Stellenbosch University released a statement on Tuesday that read:

“Stellenbosch University reported alleged financial irregularities to the South African National Police Service on 19 November 2013 after forensic investigations had been completed.

“Stellenbosch University (SU) previously announced further forensic investigations into the alleged non-compliance to financial policy and internal procedures at the university. This came as a result of the legal actions that had to be taken against Mr Chris de Beer, a former deputy director: student fees in this regard towards the end of 2012.

“The relevant forensic investigations have now been completed and the required legal opinion on the relevant fact statements has also been obtained. The Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) of the Stellenbosch University Council considered the content of the reports at a special meeting on Thursday 7 November 2013. The SU Council was kept informed of progress with the investigations.

“The ARC concluded that there was reasonable suspicion that an offence related to fraud had been committed by former Stellenbosch University employees. As the amount exceeded R100 000, the matter had to be reported to the South African National Police Service (SAPS) as legally required by Section 34(1) of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (Act no 12 of 2004).

“The mentioned  reporting to the commercial crimes branch of the SAPS in Cape Town was completed on 19 November  2013. The reported offence is related to the alleged irregular utilisation of SU reserve funds.

“Stellenbosch University trusts that the SAPS will take the investigations further and has committed its full cooperation and support.

“The University management would like to emphasise that the irreproachable administration and integrity of all university systems are non-negotiable, and therefore, we will not hesitate to take appropriate and concerted steps against any person who brings this commitment into ill repute through wrongful acts, said Prof Russel Botman, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch University.”


SARU, in a statement on Wednesday, said:

The South African Rugby Union (SARU) has been advised that a Stellenbosch University administrative report handed to SAPS refers to Jurie Roux, CEO of SARU.

Jurie Roux, SARU CEO: “Some months ago I was interviewed on one occasion by auditors appointed by Stellenbosch University on a policy matter relating to the authority to transfer funds internally. There was no suggestion of personal gain. I am not aware of any charges against me.

“I understand that a report has been filed with the SAPS for investigation, but I have no knowledge of its contents or the accusations against me. I deny any wrongdoing.

“I must stress that the discussions that took place related to events prior to my appointment as CEO of the South African Rugby Union and do not relate to any activities of SARU.  I advised my employers that I had been called to interview as part of the Stellenbosch audit and they were fully aware of the process.

“My main concern now is that this report does not affect the operations of SARU and that the matter is cleared up as soon as possible.

“With that in mind it would not be helpful in either cause to say anything further at this time.”

Oregan Hoskins, SARU President: ‘We were advised by our CEO of the conversation that took place some time ago in relation to his former employment at the University of Stellenbosch.

“We are in no position to comment on the detail of the audit as it does not relate to the activities of the South African Rugby Union and pre-dates the appointment of Jurie Roux as CEO of SARU.

“This is entirely a Stellenbosch University matter and has no bearing on the CEO’s role at SARU.

“All I can say is that Jurie Roux is an outstanding CEO of SARU who, among other things, has been rigorous in ensuring that the highest standards of corporate governance have been applied in our organisation. He continues to enjoy our full confidence and support. ”

The statement concluded that Hoskins said SARU would make no further comment on the matter.

16 Responses to Jurie Roux – SARU boss linked to Maties Police probe

  • 1

    I’ve been keeping my eye on this investigation for a while now, also knowing that Greame Joffe and some others have been doing the same.

    It seems to have been a struggle getting Maties to finally bring out the Forensic Investigation Report mentioned in the Article. We were hoping (as most South Africans should), that this report would be made public as soon as possible, but Maties were clearly hesitant to do so and of course now have the excuse that the matter is in Police hands for further investigation and possible further action, thus leaving the matter sub-judicae.

    The reason I and others are and were hoping that the report is made available, is that SA Rugby needs to be clear that it cannot possibly tollerate a situation where it’s CEO is / was involved in or is implicated in FRAUD on the grand scale of this type of matter.

    Availability now of that report, would have been very timeous before the next SARU General Council Meeting on 5 December 2013, where if Jurie Roux was indeed implicated or accused of some negligence or wrongdoing, it would have provided the necessary information to bring a Motion Of No Confidence against Jurie Roux or force him to resign his position.

    We cannot afford a shadow of Fraud hanging over a SARU CEO and full disclosure at this stage of the Maties Forensic Report would surely have been in the interests of Rugby in South Africa.

    I do not agree with Maties that the Forensic Report cannot be released now for all to see, due to the Police Investigation… surely that Report is a public accountability issue, done by the University and needs to be out in the public, whilst the Police’s further investigation is what could be rightfully held to be sub-judicae… not the report itself. Having the report available to the public surely also cannot adversely affect the Police Investigation, in fact it might aid the investigation if more people scratch for more evidence to back the report up or come forward with information.

    This is very worrysome… and certainly does not reflect well on SARU, Jurie Roux and even on Oregan Hoskins, for trying to smear this thing over to cover for their own little inner circle.

    Talk about good corporate governance, accountability, transparency and having the best interests of South African Rugby at heart… and you certainly cannot mention the names of Jurie Roux & Oregan Hoskins in the same sentence!

    It is scandalous!

  • 2

    Maybe if the report was available for all to see we could rest easy and say, Phweeeew, luckily Jurie Roux is not implicated or is positively cleared… but the secrecy around the matter suggests precisely the opposite.

    Let me get this clear…. I am not accusing Jurie Roux of wrongdoing, I am wondering why there is not full disclosure at a vital juncture!

  • 3

    Another thing which is worrysome is the inability or direct sublimation of information and hindrance by SA Rugby’s GM Corporate Affairs, Andy Colquhoun to provide information on request about this and other matters.

    To give you an example, Chris de Beer is still listed as an Accredited SARU SA Rugby Player Agent (notwithstanding his suspension from Maties and the criminal investigation)… yet when questioned by Joffe whether that is indeed the case, stalling techniqueas and vague answers has been the only thing forthcoming from Colquhoun.

    This is just as vague as the fact that the SA Rugby Annual publication is run under Colquhoun’s wife maiden name, MWP, which costs millions. In addition to that Andy Colquhoun pulled the tender for The Rugby Experience Museum at the Waterfront in Cape Town from a SA Company to a UK based Company which cost about 4 times as much without Colquhoun or Jurie Roux consulting the Exco and Unions…. Now tell me that is not a massive conflict of interests and massive nepotism stance indicated!

    SARU better get their ship in order, we need and deserve the truth to be reflected in a great Corporate Governance Model for rugby in SA…..

  • 4

    Hier is wat Die Burger koerant oor die saak rapporteer:

    Die Valke ondersoek Jurie Roux, die uitvoerende hoof van die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugbyunie (Saru), vir bedrog.

    Die Burger kan onthul dat Roux een van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se “voormalige senior amptenare” is teen wie die instelling eergister strafregtelike klagte ingedien het.

    Dít kom nadat ’n forensiese ondersoek deur die ouditfirma KPMG by Stellenbosch “grootskaalse bedrog” gevind het in transaksies tussen die Matie-rugbyklub en die universiteit.

    Roux het gisteraand uit Ierland gesê hoewel hy bewus is van die polisie-ondersoek, dra hy nie kennis van die bewerings teen hom nie. Hy ontken dat hy enige misdryf gepleeg het.

    “Dit sal gevolglik in niemand se belang wees om enigiets meer te sê nie,” het Roux gesê.

    Oregan Hoskins, Saru-president, het gesê die saak is “volkome ’n aangeleentheid vir die US en het geen betrekking op die rol van Saru se hoofbeampte nie”.

    Saru het “volle vertroue” in Roux en steun hom.

    Hoewel daar nie beweer word dat Roux homself persoonlik verryk het nie, ondersoek die Valke jare lange praktyke waarin die universiteit Matie-rugbyspelers se studiegeld, verblyf en ander onkoste gefinansier het.

    “Die stories van kreatiewe rekeningkunde kom al jare,” het ’n bron ná aan die ondersoek gesê.

    Chris de Beer, die US se voormalige adjunkdirekteur vir studentegelde en voormalige Matie-president, is einde verlede jaar deur die universiteit afgedank.

    Twee bronne met regstreekse kennis van die saak sê Roux word direk verbind met die ondersoek.

    Roux was jare lank president van die Matie-rugbyklub terwyl hy die universiteit se senior direkteur van finansies en batebestuur was.

    Hy is einde 2010 as uitvoerende hoof van Saru aangestel.

    Die Valke-woordvoerder, Paul Ramoloko, het bevestig hulle ondersoek ’n bedrogsaak wat spruit uit KPMG se Maties-ondersoek.

    Die US het eergister ’n verklaring uitgereik waarin hy sê ’n saak is by die polisie aangemeld omdat die universiteitsraad se oudit- en risikokomitee van mening is daar bestaan ’n “redelike vermoede . . . dat ’n oortreding van bedrog gepleeg is deur voormalige amptenare van die US”.

    Aangesien ’n bedrag van meer as R100 000 betrokke is, moes die saak by die polisie aangemeld word ingevolge die Wet op die Voorkoming en Bestryding van Korrupte Bedrywighede.

    Volgens Die Burger se inligting is dié verklaring uitgereik in reaksie op ’n regsmening wat deur die US ingewin is oor die impak van KPMG se verslag.

    “Die regsmening het veral gegaan oor Roux se gedrag. Die universiteit se (media-) verklaring verwys na hom,” het Die Burger se bron gesê.

    Mohamed Shaikh, die universiteit se woordvoerder, wou nie bevestig dat hul verklaring na Roux verwys nie.

    “In die lig van die rapportering van ’n redelike vermoede van bedrog en die verdere ondersoeke wat nou deur die SAPD moet volg, kan ons uiteraard nie in hierdie stadium enige name verskaf nie.”

    Die universiteit het ’n forensiese ondersoek begin ná De Beer, wat Roux as president van die Matie-rugbyklub opgevolg het, se afdanking.

    Roux en De Beer was vroeër sakevennote van die onderneming Stellar Africa Rugby.

    Volgens Shaikh het die “voortgesette forensiese ondersoeke etlike maande geduur”.

    Hy het verder gesê: “Die US is verbind tot onberispelike administrasie en die integriteit van alle universiteitstelsels is ononderhandelbaar.

    “Die US bestuur sal dus nie skroom nie om gepaste en daadwerklike stappe te neem teen enige persoon wat deur onregmatige optrede hierdie verbintenis op enige manier in die gedrang bring.”

    Roux reageer:

    “Ouditeure wat deur die US aangestel is rakende ’n beleidskwessie oor die oordrag van interne geld het my ’n paar maande gelede ondervra. Daar was gaan aanduiding van persoonlike gewin nie. Ek is nie bewus van enige klagte teen my nie. Sover my kennis strek, is ’n verslag (oor die ouditeurs se ondersoek) by die polisie ingedien.

    “Ek het my werkgewers ingelig ek is as deel van die Stellenbosch-ondersoek vir ’n onderhoud ingeroep en hulle was ten volle bewus van die proses.

    “My grootste bekommernis is nou dat die saak nie die werksaamhede van Saru sal beïnvloed nie en dat die kwessie so gou moontlik opgelos word.”

  • 5

    Disturbing to say the least. (Smoke; Fire; – Make a sentence?)

  • 6

    @ grootblousmile:
    As a former attorney, would you feel comfortable defending a case such as this should it ever come to such?

  • 7

    6 @ Scrumdown:
    I defended many fraud cases and other cases much worse in my years… rape, murder.. even child molestors (before my own son was born, after which I refused to defend in such cases). Made the newspapers on many occasions and have matters in the reported Case Records…

    You have to remember, an attorney’s job is not to make a moral judgment on a matter, but in stead it is to test the effectiveness of the judicial process and investigations…. and in so doing assist his client to the best of his abilities. That includes using technicalities and all frailties one finds in a case or in the Legal System.

    Proper defence and testing all systems keeps the standards of jurisprudence high… well, that is the ultimate aim.

    Our SA Legal System has the stance (and it’s a very pure and honourable stance) that they would rather let 9 guilty parties go free than convict 1 innocent party. This is what seperates us from jungle justice.

    One has to remember that SA generally have wonderful Statutes and Common Law to govern it’s judicial systems and jurisprudence… some of the best in the world. Where the system fails is in the application of the Law as it stands…. in other words, the QUALITY of Police investigations, the QUALITY of Prosecution personnel, the QUALITY of acting Judicial officers who preside in matters and the Court Systems and time wastages in the Court Structures… this all is what fails us all.

  • 8

    @ grootblousmile:
    OK So let me phrase it another way, as an EX practicing attorney, given the merits of this case as you has seen them THUS far, do you feel that there could be a case for Mr Roux to answer?

  • 9

    8 @ Scrumdown:
    I do not have the facts to make that judgment… had the Forensic Report of Maties been made public, I could give an opinion on that.

    THAT is exactly what I am advocating… we need to see the Report, the SARU General Council members need to see the Report (and on 5 December act on it if needs be).

    To hide the Report away from full disclosure is where the shit hits the fan and where it fires the flames of a cover-up at all costs!

    The facts are that Jurie Roux was in Office (Finances) at Maties when at least some of the irregularities occurred, the question is whether he is accountable and / or was negligent in the excersise of his duties…

    It appears from a very basic and very much first glance peek that he might have to give some answers and at the very least should be a wittness in the case (if not an accused party).

    I think we are talking about R 34 Million in the Maties debacle… speaking under correction.

    Some believe, that the writing is on the wall for Roux and that SARU and Oregan Hoskins will be needlessly compromised in the process…

    Remember however that the “Jurie Roux Bomb”, if one could call it that, is but one of the issues SARU is not heeding or attending to (as I’ve already alluded to other issues involving Colquhoun), which need to be outed too… whilst the broom sweeps.

  • 10

    Very disturbing, indeed. People in public office should be above reproach. In my mind the CEO of SARU is a public office, and we the public should demand greater transparency.

  • 11

    10 @ Lion4ever:
    I believe we’re just barely scratching the surface of what’s going on in the inner-circles at SARU.

  • 12

    @ grootblousmile:
    That is scary, very scary.

  • 13

    I see a snake in the grass. Is there some 3rd force who wants to discredit all Rugby in SA. A new wave to replace our current bosses who at least have peace with the Government?
    We all know that all Universatis buy players. Did Maties slip up with a certain loophole? Or is there someone in there who is eying a top post.
    I think this will filter down to all big Rugby Universaties. Tuks certainly will have a sceme or 2 te get great promising players. The fact that Roux is i question might just be because he never questioned a old arangement at Maties.

  • 14

    13 @ superBul:
    You have it all wrong….

    Chris de Beer took massive loads of University money at Maties, deposited it into his personal Bank Account(s)… earned major amounts of interest from it, then only put the money without interest back in the Maties Accounts (well that’s the allegations)… Jurie Roux was head of Finances at Maties and had a duty to do his work properly… Maties subsequently fired Chris de Beer and had a massive Forensic Enquiry… SARU & Andy Kalkoen (GM Corporate Affairs SARU) are desperately trying to hide it all.

    Now how the hell does that type of Fraud (where Jurie Roux might be implicated) equate to some kind of Third Force who wants to discredit SA Rugby??

    Hoe de flok maak mens dit nog eenvoudiger? Dis kriminele kak en hare!

    Fokkie toggie!!!!

  • 15

    grootblousmile wrote:

    ondersoek die Valke jare lange praktyke waarin die universiteit Matie-rugbyspelers se studiegeld, verblyf en ander onkoste gefinansier het.

    “Die stories van kreatiewe rekeningkunde kom al jare,” het ’n bron ná aan die ondersoek gesê.

    @ grootblousmile:
    Ok waar jy daardie inligting gesien het weet ek nie. Ek het net die koerant berig gesien. Daarin se hulle die aangehaalde stuk. As jy meer inligting het kan jy seker meer drasties kant in neem en besluit wat aangaan.
    Ek het die berig gelees en net daarop gereageer.

  • 16

    15 @ superBul:
    Het jy die Engelse Artikel (hierdie thread se Artikel) gelees?

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