SuperBru LogoHello Friends,

Finally I have managed to get the time to set up SuperBru Pools for Rugby-Talk for the Currie Cup and The Rugby Championship!

Both Pools have been upgraded to Super Pools, giving us the added benefit and advantage to show a bit more than usual, like our SuperBru Widgets for these two competitions on the right hand sidebar.

To be eligible to join our Rugby-Talk SuperBru pools, the only requirement is that you are a REGISTERED RUGBY-TALK SUBSCRIBER.

To all our recently added Users / Subscribers, this counts for you lot muppits, moepels and mopkoppe as well, you can now join in the fun!

Invitations have been sent to our regular Pool members, but in case I missed you, register for these Pools too… this of course counts for our new and recently registered Users / Subscribers too.

Here are the Pool details:

The Rugby Championship 2013:

Pool Name: Rugby-Talk TRC 2013

Pool Code: figsrent


Currie Cup 2013:

Pool Name: Rugby-Talk Currie Cup 2013

Pool Code: hillcalm




(Webmaster & Pool Captain)

86 Responses to SuperBru – Join our Rugby-Talk Currie Cup & Rugby Championship POOLS!

  • 61

    So Parnell back and goes for a 4 2nd delivery – keep the pace off the ball!

  • 62

    Swinging heavily in Sri lanka’s favour now… another 4

  • 63

    13 needed off 14 balls…

  • 64

    18 off the over so far, 1 ball to go

  • 65

    Crazy captaincy is making this too easy for Sri Lanka should have kept going with slow bowlers – are Faf and JP injured? Now there is much less pressure on Sri Lanka so even if spin comes on now its maybe too late as they can just pick the runs off – going to take inspired cricket from here by SA to win.

  • 66

    19 runs off the over as a high wide is bowled… 1 ball to go in the over

  • 67

    21 runs off that over… it’s all over, bar the shouting

  • 68

    6 off the 1st ball from Morkel… Sri Lanka win!

  • 70

    Not watching what are they thinking GBS, why is that even from so far away without even being able to watch can see that they the slow bowlers would have been a better option!

  • 71

    Very disappointing that should have been a score they defended as a score of over 150 is obtained for only the 3rd time by team chasing in Sri Lanka in last 22 games

  • 72

    70 @ Bullscot:
    No idea why SA continued with the pace bowlers whilst the slower bowlers were making the Sri Lankans work much harder for their runs, and were the pick of the crop by a mile!

  • 73

    Lopsy not only bowled badly, he fielded woefully!

  • 74

    Lonwabe Tsotsobe bowled 4 overs for 49 runs, at a rate of 12.25 runs per over.
    He dropped a sitter of a catch and also let 2 4’s slip through his fingers…

    So, much worse than that a SA bowler and fielder cannot really do…

  • 75

    More GBS,
    Het aansoek gedoen om by die Superbru pools aan te sluit, is ‘n Superbru veteraan onder die naam “Willem”. Sal jy goedkeur asb?

  • 76

    75 @ Willemblou:
    Hello Willemblou!

    Gedoen, goedgekeur en alles.

    Kom gesels bietjie gereeld hier met ons op die blog.

  • 77

    Baie dankie.
    Maak so

  • 78

    A very exciting test match and at tea I thought Aus were favorites to win. 120-1 with Clarke still to come in looked a good position to be in. However, Bresnan produced a good ball to get rid of Warner and Broad produced a great ball to bowl Clarke and you could almost hear the air escaping from the Aussie balloon

  • 79

    So what do the Rugby Gurus think of SARU’s plans to introduce a racial quota system in the Vodacom Cup competition next year to encourage more black players to emerge through the ranks, they are quite clear on the numbers and will have to field seven black players in their 22-man squad, five of whom must be fielded among the starters and two of whom must be forwards.
    Personally I can see merit in the idea; but feel disgruntled that they have actually stipulated the positions; mind you in saying that most players of colour have traditionally filled the B(L)ack Line!
    There has never been an official quota system in South African rugby, although it has been commonly accepted that Springbok squads would have at least three black players named.
    Your thoughts?

  • 80

    79 @ Raggie:
    I think quotas or “Targets” are rubish and does not belong in a country which has supposedly adopted democracy…

    Unfortunately we live in a very unbalanced country, where retributive steps have replaced another form of unbalanced society which prevailed before that, with these foul acts being applied under the guise of “corrective measures” or “quotas” or whatever the fark they want to name the discriminatory practice.

    This is nothing but the practice of inverse domination, inverse racism… just like BEE and Affirmative Action also now affords my young son less employment and economic opportunities compared to his peers of another hue, despite the fact that they did not grow up during the previous political dispensation.

    You see, we are all equal in this beautiful country…. some are just MORE equal than others… if you get my drift.

    But you know what, we don’t talk POLITICS or RELIGION here on Rugby-Talk… so this is the end of it!

    What I can tell you, and what everybody knows (even the freeky farkers in government, SARU & SASCOC), is that you can’t keep a good man down… and those with the talent and ambition to play great rugby will shine through, no matter what the hue of their skin, no matter what quotas are applied!

    What bothers me is that these good players, who WILL shine through… and who are being denied their rightful place and opportunity in South Africa, will simply go shine their lights elsewhere in the world… so fark SARU, fark SASCOC and fark anybody who believe they can engineer things along discriminatory lines or racial boundaries! They are setting themselves up to fail, but worse, they may be setting up South Africa to fail in the long run.

    Regan Hoskins and Jurie Roux are corrupt to the core…

  • 81

    @ grootblousmile:
    I am going to rock the boat here a bit, as this topic, when stripped of all the political BS has place, if looked at from the correct perspective. What the powers that be at SARU need to do is not enforce change at senior level ( I believe VC Cup can be classified as senior level), but address the issue at grassroots. They need to encourage 6&7 year olds in the townships to start playing rugby. It is a long process, but in terms of long term results, sheer weight of numbers will bring the quality players through. We are already seeing some quality young black players coming through the current school systems. Players like Scarra Ntumbeni, Siya Kolisi, Bandise Maku and Chiliboy Ralepelle have all got to where they are through sheer talent and hardwork. Players like Bryan Habana are well liked by all sectors of society. Players Seargal Pieterson have got great potential to really shine. Having said that are quotas really necessary when there are some great young black players coming through the ranks on merit?

  • 82

    81 @ Lion4ever:
    There is a difference between ENCOURAGING and providing the facilities on the one hand… and applying DISCRIMINATORY MEASURES on the other.

    At grass roots level any quota system would be vile as well, because it applies that same unlawful, undesireable, despicable measure of discrimination based on the colour of a skin. It is unacceptable and it will never become acceptable… never, ever!!

    What SARU, SACOC and the Government need to do is NOT to redress the numbers by means of colour of the skin, but RATHER to redress the availability of facilities in all communities… thus gradually levelling the playing field and creating equal opportunity upwards and for the future.

    Did you know that some years ago there was over 4000 government schools without ANY sporting facilities? I think the figure might even be bigger now!

    Look, we all agree that there needs to be DEVELOPMENT and I agree with you it has to start at “Grass Roots” level… but it has to be in the form of facilities and enabling society, not in the form of Racial Engineering!

  • 83

    @ Raggie:
    @ grootblousmile:
    @ Lion4ever:
    As GBS knows, I spent 5 years as Chairman of a “previously disadvantaged” club in JHB and so perhaps have a little more insight into the situation than most.

    It is complex and I have actually started an article from a “coloured club player” perspective, and what it means at true “grass roots level”.

    The article was getting a bit long winded, so I had a re-think on it yesterday afternoon, and thought to myself, “WTF, who really cares anyway”.

    If anyone on the forum thinks there is merit in it, I’ll gladly finish putting my thought in writing and publich it here.

    The thoughts of the actual players, as well as my own ideas gained through experience “on the ground” differ radically from SARU and unions like the GLRU.

    Anyway, let me know if the article has merit.

    Otherwise we can just leave it “under the carpet” so to speak. After all, it’s not like SARU give a toss what the public think is it?

  • 84

    83 @ Scrumdown:
    Do it, it is a perspective from the actual situation on the ground!

    SARU might not give a toss, but we need to know what it feels like from the perspective of the actual Club.

  • 85

    @ Scrumdown:
    I for one would like to have perspective from the so called previously disadvantaged.

  • 86

    @ Scrumdown:
    Hello Scrumdown would be really interesting to read your article, always good for folk like me who are more on the periphery to learn from guys like you who have ‘been there and done it’ At the very least if you don’t publish it hear in case it oversteps the mark on us not talking politics here please can you email it to me thanks

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