- Team: 15. Cam Crawford, 14. Tom Kingston, 13. Rob Horne, 12. Berrick Barnes, 11. Peter Betham, 10. Bernard Foley, 9. Brendan McKibbi, 8. Dave Dennis (Captain), 7. Michael Hooper, 6. Jed Holloway, 5. Kane Douglas, 4. Sitaleki Timani, 3. Sekope Kepu, 2. John Ulugia, 1. Benn Robinson
- Replacements: 16. Luke Holmes, 17. Jeremy Tilse, 18. Will Skelton, 19. Pat McCutcheon, 20. Mitchell Chapman, 21. Matt Lucas, 22. Tom Carter, 23. Ben Volavola
- Team: 15. Ben Lucas, 14. Rod Davies, 13. Ben Tapuai, 12. Mike Harris, 11. Luke Morahan, 10. Quade Cooper, 9. Nick Frisby, 8. Jake Schatz, 7. Liam Gill, 6. Eddie Quirk, 5. Rob Simmons, 4. Ed O’Donoghue, 3. James Slipper (Captain), 2. Saia Faingaa, 1. Greg Holmes
- Replacements: 16. Albert Anae, 17. Jono Owen, 18. Radike Samo, 19. Jarrad Butler, 20. Beau Robinson, 21. Anthony Faingaa, 22. Dom Shipperley
Stormers and Bulls team sheets also now added
This is a good Stormer side. Pity that Joe is out injured was really good with the boot this year. Gonna be another huge physical derby game.
Bulls should have played Visser at fb he is way better than Zane.
Good luck to both teams. Just hope no injuries.
I have always liked Gio at 15, he can run with just a bit more space. That being said he has struggled for form this year so he may not be at his best.
Gary starting in front of Elton is an interesting decision. I wonder if this means that talks between them have not concluded?
3 @ Stormersboy:
I wondered that too when I saw the Stormers team. Unless Elton is carrying a slight niggle. Also remember he is going back to Lions to help them in the relegation game and will also play CC for Lions. So better that Stormers now start with Gary as think they will be needing him for CC after this game.
On Elton I think he was far more happy with the Lions. Really can’t be good to read so much vitriol about yourself on the internet by Stormer supporters. The Lions supporters loved him, with that you get a lot of motivation and also a happy player. He just may want to go back to the Lions where he played his best rugby. Have no idea just guessing here.
Is Katrakilis injured?
See Sharks are losing some senior players after this game. Well according to Greenaway in the Mercury today. Viljoen is leaving so is Ludik both have signed for European sides. What a damn pity the Sharks will lose Ludik if Greenaway is to be correct. He was brilliant for us last year and again this year before picking up a injury. He is a massive loss and last year he should have been chosen ahead of Zane for FB at the Boks already. Now we lose him. Players that don’t see that they will get selected for the Boks eventually all leave.
I see Butch will retire. Feel it was a waste for us to have signed him as he only played two games for us and got sin binned in the last one which also cost us. I really hope we don’t lose any of the other big names. Do hope we secure the Dup brothers and PSDT for next year. JPP is off to Japan and so is Kanko though both have signed with Sharks and will play Super Rugby for them next year.
Just have to wonder with the new coaches coming in if some players will want to play under them, well the senior players that is. Think we will only know after this weekend for sure who is leaving and who is staying.
So who for FB for Sharks next year? No Ludik or Viljoen.
This weekend seems as if Viljoen will play fh and Ludik will stay at outside centre with Odwa moving to FB and JPP back on the wing. Pat is out injured with a back injury, how serious have no idea as we have heard nothing yet. Hope not too serious for him. Viljoen has played for us before at fh so he will be fine there and Bosman is seems will start at inside centre according to Greenaway in the Mercury. Now wonder if we will start with the same loose trio of last week and bring on Keegan sto speed things up later? First time Keegan had a great game last week this year, well he played well against the Rebels, but last week was his best game. Might be better if he does come off the bench again. If Keegan does not start then surely Deysel has to be captain this week.
In case anyone’s interested, the Lions team to face Griquas in their final “Lions Challenge” game before the Super Rugby Promotion / Relegation series against the Southern Kings has been announced.
MTN Lions head coach Johan Ackermann has announced his side to face the Griquas at Ellis Park this Saturday. Kick-off is at 15h00.
1.JC Janse van Rensburg (C) 2.Francois du Toit 3. Julian Redelinghuys 4. Hendrik Roodt 5. JJ Breet 6. Warwick Tecklenburg
7. Derick Minnie 8. Lambert Groenewald 9. Guy Cronje 10. Marnitz Boshoff 11. Anthony Volmink 12. Dylan des Fountain 13. Stokkies Hanekom 14. Deon van Rensburg 15. Ruan Combrinck
16. Mark Pretorius 17. Jacques van Rooyen 18. Ruan Dreyer 19. Hugo Kloppers/Gavin Annandale 20. Willie Britz 21. Ross Cronje/Viaan van der Watt 22. Lionel Cronje 23. Chrysander Botha 24. Deon Helberg
5 @ Scrumdown:
Yes has a knee injury. Though think they just don’t want him to mess it up any further as they need him for the relegation game. I heard he will be ready for that. So pleased you guys have Elton for that game. Elton plays well for the Lions.
7 @ Scrumdown:
When does A. Coetzee contract with the Lions end? I read somewhere it is until next year then again read it was ending this year. Do you know? I think he is a terrific player, actually I rate him better than even Le Roux at FB. Just a pity he got injured at the Sharks this year. Would have liked to see him play some more Super Rugby.
Hey Puma
I also like Coetzee. he really has a lot of potential.
I think the Lions will probablt play Elton off the bench initially.
Boschoff has been solid and has kicked his goals very well.
I’m not sure re Coetzee. He has massive potential. Typically, the GLRU website is being “re-built” (only for the last 2 moths though),
so can’t even find out there. Sorry.
11 @ Scrumdown:
Thanks will go and ask the guys on the Lions site. Wetalkrugby I think it is still under that. All Lions supporters there. Blogged a few times there. They might know.
10 @ MacroBull:
Yes I rate him highly. Pity he picked up a injury in the first game he played for Sharks just before we went on tour. We got him on loan at the time. With Ludik out at the time think we would have played him this year at fb. Though that game we played him on the wing. Has tremendous skills and great under the high ball as well.
Read he has a contract with Lions until next year, then read on another site his contract with Lions ends this year. Jeepers I would love to see him at the Sharks. Though think he will stay with Lions if the get back into Super Rugby. Such a damn pity we will lose Ludik. He was superb for Sharks at fb last year and again this year until he got injured. Anyhow not sure how long Coetzee is out injured for either. Will go and ask some of the Lions supporters on their site.
7 @ Scrumdown:
Thanks for the team Scrumdown. Funny to see your note about Lions website too as a few days ago I was wanting to find out something quickly from the website but also noted it was being rebuilt. Thought it quite odd that it was like that I know money is tight but would expect the development of a new site to run in the back ground with old one still available until new one was ready?
England 174/4 – 50 runs partnership between Bell and Bairstow just up
Wicket in the cricket – Ian Bell out for 25, caught Watson bowled Siddle. England now 178/5
England 185/6 – Prior out for 1, another wicket for Siddle
17 @ Bullscot:
Thanks for keeping us up to date with the cricket. Have not watched any of it yet. Not a great start by England.
Hello bruvvas!
Unbelievable sunset here over De Plaat at GooseBay!
Some KWV red to go with it, and life couldn’t be better here on my front porch……Gooi Mielies!
Talk later, pork ribs to attend to.
See you at the games, cheers.
@ Pietman:
Make that a ‘sundown’.
GBS, just heard about your father-in-law. Our sympathies to you and family my bruvva, strength to you all.
20 @ Pietman:
Dankie my goeie vriend, my maat van yster en plaat!
Sterkte met jou Pa wat weer in die hospitaal is.
Ons gaan ‘n mooi eervolle en waardige diens vandag hê, nie derduisende tierlantyntjies nie… verwag baaaaie mense by die diens.
The Sharks
1. Tendai Mtawarira
2. Bismarck du Plessis
3. Jannie du Plessis
4. Edwin Hewitt
5. Franco van der Merwe
6. Marcell Coetzee
7. Jean Deysel
8. Keegan Daniel (Captain)
9. Charl McLeod
10. Riaan Viljoen
11. Lwazi Mvovo
12. Meyer Bosman
13. Louis Ludik
14. JP Pietersen
15. Odwa Ndungane
Replacements 16. Kyle Cooper
17. Wiehahn Herbst
18. Jandre Marais
19. Willem Alberts
20. Jacques Botes
21. Cobus Reinach
22. Fred Zeilinga
All the teams sheets, bar the Force side, is now updated
The 2 LIVE GAME ARTICLES for Friday’s Super Rugby has been scheduled.
Vanaand is ek moeg en gedaan en emosioneel uitgeput..
Was skoonpa se begrafnis vanoggend 11:00 en die knop in my keel was baie groot toe ek die huldeblyk en bedankings moes doen… moes so paar keer baie hard sluk.
Die diens was baie mooi en die mense se trane het vryelik gevloei tydens die DVD wat ons gemaak en gespeel het en tydens die huldeblyk en bedankings.
My arme ou Handbriekie se hartjie is seer en sy was maar broos by tye vandag… die sterk klein mensie het haar held en mentor verloor hierdie week…
25: nog jammer om te hoor van julle groot verlies ou vriend, baie sterkte en troos ook vir julle in hierdie hartseer tye.
Jy kan maar hard huil ou GBS, soos ‘n groot tjom vir my eenmaal gesê het: dit vat ‘n man om te huil !
Dit is in sulke tye wat ‘n mens opnuut besef, die tye kom en gaan, die spel rugby wat ons so geniet is maar tydelik en van verbygaande aard, dit bring net tydelike vreugdes en baie keer teleurstellings (veral as jy ‘n wp fan is!), some you win some you loose …. ek is maar net gelukkig om aan ‘n span te behoort wat meer wen as verloor, hehe.
Maar of ons nou baie superrugby/CB titels wen of nie, so what, die harde maar lekker lewe gaan voort.
Die spel van die lewe waarin ons almal is, gaan egter oor die ewigheid, daar kan ons alles verloor vir altyd.
En elke keer as ons by ‘n oop graf staan, dan is ons enigste hoop en troos van Hom wat gesê het 2000 jaar gelede toe Hy ook by ‘n graf was, en baie gehuil het oor sy goeie vriend wat dood was –
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
As ou handbriekie en haar pa en jy glo in Jesus, dan het julle skoonpa nie verloor nie, net afskeid geneem vir ‘n kort tydjie in vergelyking met die ewigheid wat voorlê.
Weet nie hoe ongelowiges getroos kan wees as hul mense sterf nie, dit moet erg verdrietig en magteloos wees. Maar gelowige mense het ‘n wonderlike troos in ons Here Jesus Christus wat opgestaan het uit die dood 2000 jaar terug, en daarom sal elkeen wat in Hom glo ook eendag opstaan, en al hul geliefde mense sien, en bo alles ons Here Jesus Christus !
Dit is nou ‘n ‘wedstryd’ om na uit te sien, die wedstryd van die ewige lewe …. wat reeds hier en nou op aarde reeds afgeskop het …. elke dag van ons lewens.
Ons moet net seker maak ons is in die regte span, want dit is ‘n wedstryd wat ons nie durf verloor nie.
26 @ ben-die-bul:
Dankie BiDiBiDi,
Ja, die dinge wat belangrik is kom sterk deur in hierdie tipe tye.
Ons klomp weet presies waarnatoe Skoonpa is…
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