The South African Rugby Union (SARU) has been awarded the IRB Development Award 2012 for its innovative and practical approach to player development regardless of ethnic origin, the IRB announced on Saturday.
SARU President Oregan Hoskins was presented with the Award at the Confédération Africaine de Rugby AGM in Port Elizabeth by IRB Council Member Abdelaziz Bougja.
“This is a singular honour and one of which SARU can be very proud,” said Mr Hoskins. “We identified a need and found a practical solution to address it. In the past decade thousands of aspiring young rugby players from previously disadvantaged communities have benefited from the project.
“To be recognised by the IRB from the hundreds of development projects that take place annually around the world of rugby is a proud moment. I’d like to congratulate the SARU staff and sports scientists who have worked on the project for the past ten years – I hope this award provides the inspiration for them to redouble their efforts.”
Since its launch in 2003, the Capital Works Project has been a key part of SARU’s overall goal to make Rugby fully representative at all levels throughout the country.
From research conducted by the world renowned Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA) at the Under 18 National Craven Week tournament it was found that, on average, black and coloured players weighed 8kgs less than their white counterparts.
The study also showed that the majority of these players did not have access to weight training equipment, another barrier holding back black and coloured players from progressing to the highest level.
The wheels were put in motion, literally, to tackle this issue through the design and manufacture of a Mobile Team Training System (MTTS), which takes gym equipment to the people in a self-contained transportable unit.
Big enough (at 12m x 3m) to train a squad of 40 players simultaneously, the MTTS has been an outstanding success.
By the middle of 2011, SARU had distributed 32 MTTS units across the country to the remotest of areas.
The 33rd unit was installed two weeks ago in the rural, rugby outpost of Springbok – on South Africa’s northern border with Namibia.
Coinciding with the delivery of the MTTS, SARU organises strength-training workshops for all coaches and trainers in the region and also provides on-going monitoring and support.
As a direct result of the Capital Works Project, data collected by SSISA shows that the percentage of black and coloured players participating in weight training has increased from 50 to 80 per cent between 2002 and 2010.
In 2007, SARU further developed this initiative by supplying a smaller version of the MTTS to schools.
Twenty Mobile School Training System (MSTS) gyms are now in use in previously disadvantaged communities, and a further 40 schools will benefit from this scheme over the next three years. Training in how to use the multi-purpose equipment is again provided by SARU.
so everyone is going to get a nice Krismis_Bonus
Krismis_Bonus himself!!!
1 @ Krismis_Bonus:
Good to see a new name around here
what team do you support?
What are you on about Bonus?
Good morning Cheetah I see your name here, how have you been doing man?
bullscot @ 2
i’ve been on here a while, hehehehe
just trying to make rudi die mo*r in, lol
4 @ Krismis_Bonus:
be nice to our GBS 
Ahh ok sorry thought you were a newbie, in elk geval aangename (hopelik) kennis
Ah, Krismis Bonus is an oldie trying to confuse us all.
These gyms are great and practical.
HOWEVER, the rollout and supply has been anything but smooth or without political interference.
Yes SARU have come up with an innovative idea, BUT I’m sure the whole picture is not clearly evident to those making the award.
Now SARU, how about doing some real development work. Like assisting clubs who have players that have to WALK 7 – 10 kms to training and back home & who have to share boots with other players. Like helping clubs that have 200-400 JUNIOR players that are UNABLE to compete in the CENTRALISED VENUE youth match days, because ONE bus to transport 60 players costs approximately R 2000?
A gym is a nice to have, transport and kit is probably more essential.
bullscot @ 5
lions @ 4
think i’d better log-in under my usual name before i get banned, lol
Maybe GBS will ask Father Krismis to give someone an Ashtray for Christmas!
scrumdown @ 9
bullscot, lions
see? it was only me. no harm done, i hope?
11 @ Ashley:
Watter kans vir n Krismis Bonus?
Haha Ash jou stoute kabouter
if you do get your Krimis bonus please send some of it over don’t get such luxuries here 
scrumdown, bullscot @ 12, 13
well, for the 2nd year in a row it seems that there wont be any, lol (hence the name).
but what the f*ck, i’m alive, i’m healthy, it couldve been worse!!
14 @ Ashley:
I know the feeling mate.
Only bonus I get is that I have work to keep food on the table and a roof over the family’s head(s).
14 @ Ashley:
That doesn’t see fair boeta. Hard work should be rewarded. Could be the tough times many companies are facing right now.
16 @ Puma:
Jeeper typos everywhere from me again… 😡
see = seem
scrumumdown @15
puma @ 16
thanks for the sympathy
i’m fine, thanks
I’ve been out making my own Krismis Bonus…. hehehe
Asbakkie jou vabond… passopa wena!
gbs @ 19
heita brudda, howzit?
20 @ Ashley:
Jy werk vir die verkeerde plek… hehehe
Met my gaan dit klopdisselboom, dankie… en daar by jou, tjom?
Moet ons die balju na jou baas stuur? Hehehehe
gbs @ 21
jy’s beslis reg … ek werk vir die verkeerde plek, lol
maar verder gaan dit met my goed … geen klagtes nie!
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