Congratulations to the Australian Rugby Union – who against all odds, have managed (read carefully and meticulously choreographed) to bring the 15th Super Rugby franchise to Melbourne, especially when the ARU has 80,000 registered rugby players and SA Rugby over 500,000, over 5 times the number of players in Australia.
SA Rugby has had 4 years to plan for the inclusion of their sixth Super Rugby franchise from the Eastern Cape in Super Rugby and now they are left with the most diabolical wrangle amongst each other, which has put 10 of the 14 South African rugby unions on a collision course with each other, that if not sorted out now, will tear South African rugby apart, even further.
Let me declare at the outset that the tragedy in all of this, has nothing to do with racism, performance or money, but about a small group of individuals not adhering to the basic tenets of the SA Rugby Constitution, which is that rugby must be fair and a game for all, without discrimination and rancour. However, the Eastern Cape franchise has been unfairly tarred and feathered with accusations of racism, low performance levels and financially destitute, having been a drain on the resources of rugby in the country. For example SA Rugby who led the Bid process for the Southern Kings failed to attain a collective shareholders agreement between Border, EP and SWD which is a fundamental cornerstone of a franchises corporate structure.
This last part of the Eastern Cape being a drain on resources is true in large part, but it has not because of their own doing, but of that of SA Rugby, who has put the region on a drip feed system that keeps them weak. The marker in all of this is performance. On the field and off the field and that and only that must be the determinant of progress or failure. Had SA Rugby adhered to their Presidents Council resolutions of June 2005 and abided by their constitution, the Eastern Cape would have cost R10m in one shot in 2006, as agreed and not the R220 million financial devastation that has wreaked havoc on rugby in South Africa.
The staggering R220m of sponsors and all 14 unions money, spent, lost and forfeited on a dubious and sinister campaign, deliberately flies in the face of a legal and constitutionally binding agreement, on all 14 unions, that first excluded the Southern Spears and has now marginalised the Southern Kings.
The cost is so mind boggling and shocking, that it is almost incomprehensible that the actions of a few, have been tolerated for so long, without recourse. The past 4 years have been a reckless and negligent campaign in direct violation of the SA Rugby constitution, that for an organisation to have that much fear, they have gone and disadvantaged rugby by over R220million in a crazed 48 month spending spree, that defies logic.
Had this R220m rather been invested in the game in South Africa, we would have not only won the Rugby World Cup Bid as well as the 15th Super Rugby franchise, based on merit, but also established SA Rugby as true leaders of SANZAR and be lauded as true sports ambassadors of the game internationally.
Take a look at this obscene spending over the past 4 years and come to the jaw dropping realisation that this is so out of whack with reality it has to end. And soon.
Costs to exclude the South Eastern Cape region and SA Rugby from 2005-2009:
– Cost of funding the Spears from August 2005 to March 2006 – R6.5m (of the R10m discussed for 2006 only)
– Cost of acquiring 50% shares in the 3 Spears shareholders – R13.5m
– Legal costs against the Spears R4.3m
– Lost sponsorship of R15m per annum to the EC franchise for 5 years 2006-2010 – R75m
– Lost gate receipts of 5 international games per annum in the Eastern Cape at R3m each for 5 years – R75m
– Liquidation costs R5.7m
– Loss of the promised SA Rugby Academy in Alicedale – R30m
– COEGA rugby summit – R500K
– SA Rugby’s deployment of Godfrey Afrika to establish the EC franchise & associated costs – R3m
– Southern Kings 16 June 2009 launch and game against the British Lions- R4.5m
– SA Rugby Super 15 Bid costs – R2m
Sub Total R220 million
The Eastern Cape franchise was all set up in June 2005 with a unanimous Presidents Council resolution that today is still legal and binding and yet through bizarre self interest and narcissim, the collateral financial damage to South African rugby has been the most mind numbing reckless expenditure and damages to the game, in excess of R220 million!
The news out yesterday, was that the Melbourne Rebels have won the 15th Super Rugby franchise and despite all the advantages that the Eastern Cape had, the ARU trumped SA Rugby. It was really more a triumph of the ARU’s O’ Neill vanquishing and pillaging SA Rugby in the boardroom.
The pathetic excuse that the Southern Kings would cost extra travel of $400K is a pittance compared to the $426 million SANZAR will share from 2011-2015 and if anyone swallows that one, they need to take a few days off for post traumatic stress disorder.
The fact that absolutely no contingency plan or preparation has been made for the Eastern Cape Super Rugby franchise to play in an international rugby tournament, from 2010 onwards, even if they lost the bid fair and square, signals deep and very serious capability and competency issues within SA Rugby Pty Ltd, that now has a further negative knock-on effect on the 14 SA Rugby Unions, as you will see.
This is where confusion and panic and ugly infighting will set in, as one of the options has been calls to alter the Currie Cup to a 6 team format comprising the 6 Super Rugby franchises and that the top five advance through to the Super 15 from 2011. This option negatively impacts on the Pumas, Leopards, Griquas who would stand down in favour of the Southern Kings.
A 2nd option suggested is that either the last placed team of the Super 14 stand down for the Southern Kings in 2011. This puts in jeopardy the Lions and the Cheetahs.
A third option is to amalgamate the Cheetahs and Lions back into the Cats of old to make way for the Southern Kings. Try discussing this Harold Verster and Kevin de Klerk, Presidents of the Cheetahs and Lions respectively and you will get a thousand yard stare.
A fourth option is drop the Lions in favour of the Southern Kings for the 2010 Super 14 as the Lions have been the last placed South African side for the last 3 years. This causes apoplexy at the Lions.
A fifth option being discussed is because SA Rugby has violated their constitution and deliberately misrepresented matters to government and repeatedly broken promises made at Presidents Council level, that the Sports Amendment Act be invoked and SA Rugby’s leadership is replaced with an interim curatorship, as SASCOC has carried out with the ASA.
A sixth option is for SA Rugby to assemble a Task Team within the next 2 weeks, that is mandated by SA Rugby’s Presidents Council, to table solutions to remedy this problem by 31 December 2009.
The scene is now set for someone to bring order to this chaos and deliver the solution for the enormous financial issues facing SA Rugby and take the conflict out of rugby and deliver this to the 10 SA Rugby Unions that are under threat.
If an independent two-man panel appointed by SANZAR in 2 weeks, has chosen Melbourne to host the new franchise to take part in the 2011 Super 15, so too can SA Rugby appoint their own Independent Expert Determination Panel, to reach a unanimous position on remedying this terrible impasse in South African rugby.
Someone will fall by the sword, lucky the Bulls, my team off course, has achieved the ultimate this year and will be save for next year.
But we will have to offer something or all can be lost.
Factually flawed I’m afraid as the Lions did not finish last of SA sides in the 2009 S14.
Cheetahs did. Lions 25pts-12th on Log, Cheetahs 12pts-14th on Log.
Irrespective, SA Rugby have given the cat (Pardon the pun) a stiff one up the rear end with a sex toy the size of a fire extinguisher.
Really not good this. Why should the Lions or Cheetahs lose out?
Guys, if I accept the information presented her in good faith, surely there are issues greater than whether our beloved Super 14 franchise will take part in the expanded Super 15 or not?
For starters and given the apparent lack of financial planning and management, just who acts as the Financial Manager at SARU and how can this R220m wastage be justified/explained?
Surely, this situation would not be tolerated in any company worth its salt?
That 5th option sickens me, but that is the most ominous threat
#5 superBul
I agree.
And now I’m starting to wonder whether the Beast-passport story wasn’t the first shot fired in what will prove to be an extended round of hostilities between the Ministry and SARU…
6 fender
thats their style distract your attention with a salvo like that and then hit you while you are concentrating on that first salvo.
I said as early as 2006 when I really got into this issue that this will divide SA Rugby and that the fans must read deeper than what we are fed through the mainstream media.
The shit will now hit the fan.
8@ Morné – Yip, it’ll look like we all have freckles… who are standing behind the fan!
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