Los Pumas (9) 12 / 26 (20) Springboks (Final Score)
The Argentinian Pumas and South African Springboks did battle in a Rugby World Cup warm-up match at
Vélez Sarsfield, Buenos Aires at 21:40 SA Time (16:40 ARG Time, 19:40 GMT).
This was the live match discussion Article.
The match was broadcast LIVE on SuperSport 1 & M-Net on TV in SA.
Los Pumas:
- Penalties – Nicolas Sanchez (4)
- Drop Goals – 0
- Tries – 0
- Conversions – 0
- Penalties – Pat Lambie (3)
- Drop Goals – Pat Lambie (1)
- Tries – Bryan Habana (1), Lwazi Mvovo (1)
- Conversions – Pat Lambie (2)
Argentinian Pumas |
South African Springboks |
15 August at 21:40 SA Time | |
Referee: Glen Jackson (New Zealand)
Assistant Referees: Romain Poite (France), Mike Fraser (New Zealand)
TMO: George Ayoub (Australia)
@ 420 Nortier
414 @ grootblousmile:
Just dont trust cricket.
Comfortable win the other day. Now a hiding.
Need to keep the series alive for gate takings?
ICC have not done too much to stamp out match fixing so I will always question strange batting collapses and unusually inept catching and fielding.
@ Angostura:
The answer to your question lies in the quote that I put up, Ango.
Ek en my eksvrou, Beverly, Damian se ma, (my ex-wife, Beverly, Damian’s mother and I, (/i) ignoreer dit net altyd. Ons gee regtig nie om nie. Al wat vir ons belangrik is, is dat Damian goed rugby speel.”
Beverly de Allende ( see the same surname) wou nie kommentaar lewer oor die kwessie nie.
“Damian is een van my twee seuns (one of my TWO sons) waarvoor ek baie lief is. En hy is gekies om die no. 12-trui te dra omdat hy goed is,” is al wat sy wou sê.
So, in short. They were married, had two sons together and got divorced.
“But does it matter to you what Damian’s ethnicity is?”
Silly question.
@ Scrumdown:
The difference between cricket (in the shorter format especially T20) is that anybody can beat anybody on the day. All you need is one person to put up a match winning performance, either with bat or ball. NZ beating SA is no surprise. They’ve done it before.
In rugby you’d expect your top 5/6 teams to consistently beat the teams ranked below them. Except of course if it’s the Meyerboks.
410 @ Nama:
Flippit ek moet seker heeltyd. Aanhangsels bysit om jou op topic te hou. Ek praat van die laaste 5 jaar.
@ nortie:
Its counting against jantjies. The 2014 had him slide down the second or third in the picking order at the lions, this had him definitely miss out on selection at the boks with boshoff going to europe. And getting experienc3 there that meant little in hindsight.
By no means missing out on going last year when meyer tried to take just about every single player he can counted against jantjies.
@ MacroPolo:
Steeds ‘n stupid angle om vir HM te probeer skerm. In die laaste vyf jaar het slegs 3 spanne in die CC finaal gespeel en aldrie het dit op ‘n stadium gewen nl. WP, Sharks en die Leeus.
Miskien moes HM maar net op daai drie spanne gekonsentreer het toe hy sy groep saamgestel het dan het hy ten minste spelers gehad wat darem al ‘n kompetisie/beker/finaal gewen het.
Kom ons vergeet maar vir eers van die SR kompetisie. Geen SA span sal dit in die afsienbare toekoms wen nie. Nie solank spelers weet hulle kan oorsee gaan speel (en miljoene maak) en nog steeds vir die Bokspan in aanmerking kom nie. Alles te danke aan HM.
@ Nama:
Well ek doen dit glad nie om Meyer te beskerm nie, jy verkies om dit so te sien.
Ek glo well dit is relevant dat geen van ons spanne kon challenge in Super Rugby nie, en dis al van 2011 af.
as jy terugkyk na 2006 wat een van die swakste jare in springbok rugby was, (hoewel dit vir jou seker die laaste 4 jaar is 😆 )
2007 het die feit dat die bulle en sharks in die finaal kon meeding die wereld beteken, daai “wenne” suifer deur na die spelers toe, en daai deurdruk vermoe het ons gehelp.
2009 het ons goed gevaar ook agv die fondasie van SR.
Dit is geensins die alfa en omega van hoe die bokke sal vaar nie (2010 tri nations), maar dit is n moerse faktor veral in close games, dat ons spelers het wat daai tight games kan benader, veral in die laaste 20 minute.
@ Nama:
So jy kan my maar stupid nie, of my punt afskryf as niks, want jy dink ek wil net vir Meyer verdedig, maar ek dink wel dit is geldig, so as dit te stupid vir jou is, hoef jy nie verder met my te praat nie… joune ook dan.
426 @ MacroPolo:
Sorry, but I disagree. Jantjies’ form, or lack thereof in 2014, is not the overriding factor in his non selection.
Each coach has his preferences, and no one can force HM to like or rate Jantjies, or Kriel for example.
What I don’t like is when coaches pull these players into his “groups” with no intention of playing them in any case.
He is wasting his and their time.
The form half back combination in Sr was Faf and Elton, we all saw it, yet he wasted a couple of their months by acting as if he rated them.
He is under no obligation to select them or any other players he doesn’t rate, but don’t waste their time.
My biggest issue with him is the BS he spouts….a meteor can wipe out his training camp and he will select 15 fresh players and try to sell it to the public that “it has always been part of his plan”
@ MacroPolo:
Wel, ons het die afgelope jare onder HM so baie “karakter” gebou dat ons noual teen die tyd veronderstel is om genoeg “karakter” te he om ‘n wedstryd deur te trek in die laaste 20 minute, of so.
In 2010 het die Stormers en die Bulle in die eindstryd van SR gespeel. Met daai logika, moes ons dus eintlik maklik in 2011 gewen het aangesien ons spelers in die groep gehad het wat geweet het hoe om wedstryde/kompetisies/bekers te wen. Tog kon ons nie die Aus wen met bykans 70% balbesit en gebiedsvoordeel nie. Vergeet net vir ‘n oomblik van die skeidsregter op die dag.
Nee wat, Macro. Daai een sal min mense voor val.
@ Nama:
Niemand hoef daarvoor te val nie, ek hoef niemand se verifikasie te kry nie.
Ek het ook gese, dat dit nie outomaties sukses beteken nie, maar dit help ongelooflik baie, spesiaal in daai moeilike games, Aus het wel in 2011 SR gewen sowel as die Tri Nations.
Ons spelers het 5 jaar terug iets gewen behalwe CC, en wat die Europese spelers kon wen.
IAAS wrote:
But it isn’t, as they have just extended his contract.
Why they would do that a month before the WC is beyond me…
430 @ nortie:
Well I cant disagree with you about the benefits and disadvantages of big squads, it really does feel like Eltons time was wasted, as well as Morne Steyn for 2 tours now.
I am also sure there HAS to be a plan involved there somewhere, however what it is I have no idea, has every springbok coach given all squad members game time over the last decade? traveling to europe and tri nations?
@ Stormersboy:
Well I hope there is a clause that he has to at least reach the semi finals.
@ MacroPolo:
Some of the key players in the AB side are Hurricane players.
Yet, look how they choked in the SR final.
When last have the Crusaders won a title in SR…..haven’t they also choked in the last few years?
Is SR titles the overriding factor?
When those guys pull on the black jersey it doesn’t matter to them whether they won the SR title or whether they choked in the final
@ nortie:
They won the rugby championship 3 years in a row. Also it should not limit the squad to only the team winning the competition, but to have those key players in the team… by no means was the 2007 and 2009 success limited to only Bulls players, but the positive impact on other players, John Smit’s autobiography was a good example of this.
@ nortie:
and at least the hurricanes played in the final, where were our players?
MacroPolo wrote:
What is the difference between the Hurricanes winning almost all their league games and “choking” in the final and the Stormers winning almost all their league games and “choking” in the final?
You enjoy pointing to the failing off the latter team, but yet will rate the Hurricanes’ year as a huge success.
Nama wrote:
Also an interesting comment, so the fact that only 6/38 players in the springbok squad, (before the rugby championship) is your crucial point indicating that it is Meyers faults that our SR teams are being weakened.
out of the 6 of those players selected, how many south africans are going to europe/japan? and what percentage that is out of the players playing overseas, that while 32/38 of the squad played in south africa this year.
That puts your chances of playing for the springboks at 84% had you been playing in South Africa over 16% had you been playing overseas?
Gee hmmm, I wonder if the current economy might be the reason our players are flooding overseas?
@ MacroPolo:
“and at least the hurricanes played in the final, where were our players?”
Busy preparing for the upcoming RC. Two extra weeks and all and all…
@ MacroPolo:
If AC was the coach of the Boks at the moment, you would probably also have been calling for his head for a long time and admitting that he is on a road to nowhere.
And I guess some Stormer supporters would have been arguing the opposite and kept on defending him.
Unfortunately, the most revered coach in Bulls history is taking the Boks nowhere, and it stands to reason that the Bull supporters who are still on cloud 9 since 2007 won’t accept hearing anything bad about him.
It’s the nature of SA rugby
@ nortie:
No, I am not saying that the highlanders taking on everyone at the world cup would = automatic success. I am saying that the experience from successful members of the squad (and this includes players that won TRC three times in a row).
The Stormers, Bulls and Sharks choked in the last 5 years, while no one else won anything, apart from a few sharks players and schalk (currie cup), and Morne, Habana, Louw, Brits, Kirchner and FDP.
Nama wrote:
@ MacroPolo:
Of course it is the current economy, Macro.
Gerieflikheidshalwe vergeet jy nou van al die ander spelers wat oorsee speel, maar wat wel moontlik eerste keuse spelers by hul franchises sou wees as hulle gebly het. Vat byvoorbeeld iemand soos Jano Vermaak.
@ nortie:
Well, if you want to see it that way, thats fine, I am just seeing it from an alernative angle, because we keep hearing that our players are unfit, and that was a convinient excuse, I just believe that maybe there is more to it by losing those games to NZ and Aus, that is also why I feel unconvinced that we can win three play off games in a row at the world cup.
Because of all this last weeks loss did more damage than anything, even if Meyer and his staff pushed to team all week to get them up there fitness wise, when I believe that winning and getting winning momentum would probably have been more valuable.
So this is not in Meyers defense, but that was one of the biggest errors of his reign to allow that.
Nama wrote:
Ek weet, en dit is nie Meyer se skuld soos jy wou uitmaak in jou pos nie
“Kom ons vergeet maar vir eers van die SR kompetisie. Geen SA span sal dit in die afsienbare toekoms wen nie. Nie solank spelers weet hulle kan oorsee gaan speel (en miljoene maak) en nog steeds vir die Bokspan in aanmerking kom nie. Alles te danke aan HM.”
Want eerlikwaar, dan sien jy net wat jy wil sien, en hoe dit jou pas.
@ MacroPolo:
So, the extra weeks of training was a bad thing?
I seem to remember HM complaining every year, since 2012, that he did not have enough time to prepare the Bokke for the 1st test of the season. This year, he had an extra 2 weeks to prepare, now it is bad because our players did not get a chance to play in a final?
446 @ MacroPolo:
Meyer has had 4 years in charge, so to lose the penultimate game before the WC should not be the major factor in our probable failing in the competition.
Surely he has had enough time by now to actually be “on track” as he likes putting it?
Nama wrote:
HARDLY comparable, when was he appointed as the coach? when did he get his support staff?
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