Rebels (14) 21 / 20 (17) Bulls (Final Score)
The Melbourne Rebels and Vodacom Bulls did battle in Super Rugby at
AAMI Park, Melbourne at 07:30 SA Time (15:30 AEST, 05:30 GMT).
This was the live match discussion Article.
The match was broadcast LIVE on SuperSport 1 & M-Net on TV in SA.
- Penalties – 0
- Drop Goals – 0
- Tries – Sean McMahon (1), Jack Debreczeni (1), Lopeti Timani (1)
- Conversions – Mike Harris (3)
- Penalties – Jacques-Louis Potgieter (2)
- Drop Goals – 0
- Tries – Dean Greyling (1), Lappies Labuschagne (1)
- Conversions – Jacques-Louis Potgieter (2)
Melbourne Rebels |
Vodacom Bulls |
6 June at 07:30 SA Time | |
Referee: Nick Briant
Assistant Referees: James Leckie, Michael Hogan
TMO: Ian Smith
@ Bullscot:
The thing is. We have preconceived ideas of what certain positions. There is simly little room for diversity because if the player does not conform to specific determinations he is barely looked at.
Dont get me wrong, im not saying ross is better than the other loosies in sa, but there is a serious issue at the bulls. Forcing ross to play a certain role at six because of the perception of what he should be doi g is a huge mistake.
Just look at damien de allende he is not revolutionizing the 12 position. Not much different to what se4fontein and fransie are doing… He is just doing it better…
@ Bullscot:
Bulls supporters like to blame specific players or ludeke… But i feel there is a serious issue in the overall structure at the bulls… I can only blame the CEO.
Looks like FDP sees it the same way.. the management of the franchise is shocking… and thats not Ludekes Job imo
‘Most of the things I’ve said would be the same things I said four years ago and therein lies the problem,’ Du Preez told me. ‘The 2011 exodus they were prepared for. But in 2013 I think, and this is simply my view, that had more to do with poor management of the situation.
‘A lot of damage was done then. They had a team that could win Super Rugby and a lot of those guys left. Since then it seems like there has been a haphazard way of running the franchise. They have the talent and all the facilities to be a top franchise. But there also needs to be a change of mindset from the guys who run the union. They need to have a revolutionary approach but I’m not sure they are capable of it. If that doesn’t change they’ll keep being an average franchise. I’ve shared my views with the people in charge at the union but whether they are going to listen is debatable.’
@ MacroPolo:
Gosh quite forthright stuff from someone who, if the rumours are to believed, may be returning to Loftus at some point.
Ludeke could be promoted
The Vodacom Bulls Board of Directors won’t only meet on Friday to decide the future of coach Frans Ludeke, they may actually even promote him.
This is one of the options on the table when the board meets at Loftus Versfeld on Friday to review the current Vodacom Super Rugby season and the overseas tour that the Bulls have just been on.
The idea was presented by Ludeke himself before the tour – when the Bulls were sitting second on the overall log and at the top of the South African conference – and will be debated by the board as they look to plot the way forward after another failed Super Rugby season.
With there being growing unhappiness about the way the Bulls played – especially on the tour – as well as the way they managed players during the season and the fact that some players are selected despite poor performances, Ludeke faces one of the toughest weeks of his career leading up to the game.
The proposal was put to the board to promote Ludeke into the vacant Director of Rugby role, allowing him time and energy to focus on recruitment and the overall strategy of rugby at the union, while handing over the coaching reigns to one or two other coaches to see the day to day responsibilities take shape.
Under the proposal, Springbok lock Victor Matfield will revert to a coaching role after the World Cup and will possibly be joined by Fourie du Preez after he completes his contract with Japanese club Suntory Sungoliath at the beginning of 2016. Ludeke has a contract until the end of 2016 but it would be altered, and probably lengthened should the proposal be accepted.
It is also understood that one other coach – said to be former forwards coach and current Springbok assistant coach Johan van Graan – has been approached to possibly take up the role of head coach, with Matfield assisting him for next year’s Super Rugby series.
Matfield is already in charge of planning the Bulls attack and promised before the tour the team would need to go out with an “attacking mindset” on the tour if they were to make the playoffs. Four weeks later, the side has slipped back into their one-dimensional game plan and lost all four games, falling from second to ninth on the log and now without any hope of making the playoffs.
245 @ nortie:
Lekker klomp Einsteins daar in Loftus se gange…..doen so voort
@ nortie:
die probleem met die bulle “brotherhood” sien ek eenvoudig nie dat daar enige kans is wat iemand van buite af gaan kom nie, moontlike bulle afrigters vir die volgende 12 jaar, Nolis Marais, Pine Pienaar, Vic, Ludeke, Johann van Graan of HM.. niemand gaan deurbreuk wat nie in daai boys club behoort nie.
nortie wrote:
Blykbaar is julle volgende afrigter Paul Treu
MacroPolo wrote:
Farking Broederbond gatgabba #@^ts
MacroPolo wrote:
Hulle is gelukkig, Treu is goed
Selfs Snor is beter as Frans
nortie wrote:
He lost four games in a row and a promotion awaits him when he returns?
Luckily we didn’t lose with 50 points or more against both the Brumbies and Chiefs
He would have taken over Barend van Graan’s job
@ Victoriabok:
Ek het nie n probleem met treu nie. Maar dis n moerse gammble. Dit is n skande dat almal snor die koue skouer gee, hy sal nie kakker doen as ons ander afrigters nie, dalk sou sy span darem onder die top 5 geindig het.
MacroPolo wrote:
Dis ook ok….ons het nie n SR legacy om te beskerm nie 😆
Ons eindig sommer 7de op die log maar vat 3rde plek en die Conference Cup
Bulle gaan n groot fout maak om Victor en FDP aan te stel.
Geen afrigting ondervinding nie, en het alles wat hulle weet by HM geleer.
HM sou ook nie die beker gewen het met die huidige spelers nie.
Julle wenspan was n once in a lifetime groep spelers, geen span sal weer so n groep bymekaar saam op die veld sien nie, spelers speel n jaar of twee dan kry hulle moerse aanbiedinge in Frankryk of Japan
En dit sal n moerse klap in die gesig van dobson wees
@ Victoriabok:
@ MacroPolo:
Spesiaal vir julle twee….
@ nortie:
Daai was n spesiale span… Maar met die spelers tot ons beskikking moet ons darem beter doen. Dis waar wat fdp se. 2013 het ons opgeneuk eant selfs ludeke en sy kak bulle kon tweede eindig op die log…
Ek like ook dat hy die status quo aanvat, ek stem hyt nie ervaring nie, maar kan nie kakker as n klomp yes-men wees nie… Ons is in n moeilike posisie.
@ nortie:
Haha julle was net so stil gister:P
MacroPolo wrote:
Stem saam….as die Stormers nie n “proven SR coach” soos n Deans of Mitchell aanstel nie, dan sal ek ook die moer in wees as hulle True bo Dobson aanstel.
Mens stel nie vir so n kompetisie iemand aan wat geen ondervinding het nie. Ouens moet eers as hulp afrigters die pad stap voor hulle oorneem
@ nortie:
Ha ha ha
Farkin grapgat
MacroPolo wrote:
Nee wat, niemand was heel dag online gewees nie.
Meeste van ons het ons se gese tydens en na die wedstryd en die Lions baie krediet gegee.
My siening is dat al die spanne wat n kans staan die naweek of gewen het, of met n bonus punt vir driee gewen het….toe dit regtig tel, behalwe ons.
Dit spreek boekdele en bewys vir my weereens dat ons nie eers daar moet wees nie.
Victoriabok wrote:
MacroPolo wrote:
Coul you please post the link to the FdP article?
@ Victoriabok:
nortie wrote:
‘n Oorsese afrigter sal kan werk by julle, die problem is waar ons ‘n Broederbond-Tuks-Affies Mafia het, het julle twee, die Struggle Mafia vs die Maties Old Boys wat in ‘n magsstryd is
Onthou jy die Taute-Jantjies fiasco?
@ nortie:
maar dis maar nog n super rugby jaar, dit gaan ook maar oor luck (goed of sleg).
al het die bulle hoe kak gespeel die jaar kon die seison ook heel anders gewees het met n bietjie geluk en hart. 6 games het ons verloor met minder as sewe punte, waarvan ons in n goeie posisie was om die stormmers, rebels, brumbies en lions te wen, so daar is 12 punte wat ons eintlik moes gekry het want ons het daai drie spanne op die toue gehad, maar hulle het net beter deursettings vermoe gewys as ons… selfs die Chiefs game glo ek ons kon gewen het…
Moenie my verkeerd verstaan nie, as is verbrande hout, maar ek glo darem ouens so minder fout kry by Ludeke en besef dat daar in die grooter prentjie n probleem is by die unie, die ouens is verseker nie gelukkig nie.
Kyk na die rebels game, daai stuk toe hulle JJ so rondstamp, sommer 3 rebels het almal hulle beurt, maar die res van sy spanmaats kyk in die ander rigting… as hulle vir JDJ so rondstamp kan ek jou waarborg die hele stormersrsers span sou betrokke raak om hul spanmaat te beskerm… sulke goed pla my, is die ouens dan net moeg?
MacroPolo wrote:
Geluk het niks daarmee te maak nie
Ons speel maar net soos Ludeke se spanne altyd speel
Gaan kyk maar hoe het die Lions gespeel het die laaste paar jaar toe hy hulle afgerig het
Hulle was so planloos en ongemotiveer soos die Bulle nou is
Kyk die eerste paar wedstryde se beslissings vir ons waar ons eintlik moes verloor het soos Hougie se drie teen die Sharks?
JJ het meer as net ‘n klap nodig, miskien het sy spanmaats gehoop hulle kan twee vlieë met een klap kry, JJ kry ‘n goeie pakslae en die Rebelle kry ‘n rooi kaart 🙂
@ Victoriabok:
Om niks weg te vat van die Lions nie, hulle het basies geen beserings gehad die jaar nie, die Haaie het gereeld sleutel spelers verloor… daai tipe goed swaai n seisoen vinning… dat die ander spanne meer gemotifeerd is as die bulle stry ek nie,
bulle is gereeld in die nuus oor spelers ongelukkig is oor kontrakte, gn wonder hulle is nie gemotifeerd nie.
Vermeulen suffered an intense spasm in his neck after last Friday’s captain’s run, with an MRI showing a bulging disc at a C5 level.
However, the DHL Stormers and Springbok star consulted a neurosurgeon on Monday and the prognosis was positive ahead of the upcoming Vodacom Super Rugby play-offs, with the DHL Stormers set to host either a quarter- or semifinal in the coming weeks.
DHL Stormers team doctor, Dr Jason Suter, explained on the website: “Duane Vermeulen saw a neurosurgeon today (Monday) and the neurosurgeon has given us the positive feedback that he continues to improve and that he still shows no signs of specific nerve root irritation.
“After reviewing the MRI with his radiology colleagues, the neurosurgeon is confident that the disc bulge is old and has not changed from previous scans, and is not the cause of the severe spasm. He has recommended no surgical management and Duane will undergo extensive physiotherapy over the next ten days.
“The neurosurgeon has also indicated that there is no risk of exacerbating the injury and feels that Duane will be able to play in the Super Rugby play-offs.
“The DHL Stormers medical team will continue to manage him, and he will obtain a second neurosurgical opinion tomorrow (Tuesday) to ensure he is given all possible input to his injury and its management.”
MacroPolo wrote:
Die Lions speel al vir die laaste paar jaar saam as ‘n span, ek stry nie daaroor nie
Hulle het nie baie Springbokke nie en dit dra by dat jou span bykans dieselfde bly vir die Curriebeker
Dis hoe die Blou Bulle drie Curriebekers in ‘n ry gewen het, deur CC te speel met wat basies hulle Super 12 span was.
Onthou jy hoe swak die Bulls se S12 was?
Die Lions het laasjaar gesukkel in Super Rugby maar kyk hoe goed is hulle hierdie jaar?
Dit maak my net nog meer die moer in dat ons so swak presteer met al ons spelers en hulpbronne, dis nou geld en fasiliteite
Die Bulls breintrust is nie ‘n bate of ‘n hulpbron nie, eerder ‘n handicap soos om drie bene of ‘n derde bal the hê 🙁
@ nortie:
Schalk had something similar and they fixed him
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