Rebels (14) 21 / 20 (17) Bulls (Final Score)
The Melbourne Rebels and Vodacom Bulls did battle in Super Rugby at
AAMI Park, Melbourne at 07:30 SA Time (15:30 AEST, 05:30 GMT).
This was the live match discussion Article.
The match was broadcast LIVE on SuperSport 1 & M-Net on TV in SA.
- Penalties – 0
- Drop Goals – 0
- Tries – Sean McMahon (1), Jack Debreczeni (1), Lopeti Timani (1)
- Conversions – Mike Harris (3)
- Penalties – Jacques-Louis Potgieter (2)
- Drop Goals – 0
- Tries – Dean Greyling (1), Lappies Labuschagne (1)
- Conversions – Jacques-Louis Potgieter (2)
Melbourne Rebels |
Vodacom Bulls |
6 June at 07:30 SA Time | |
Referee: Nick Briant
Assistant Referees: James Leckie, Michael Hogan
TMO: Ian Smith
@ grootblousmile: I’m going to try my best. That Bokkie game is going to be good to watch. Samoans ran Oz close so can’t expect to just roll them over.
210 @ nortie:
Ag jong, my span issie goed die jaar gewees nie, ookie verlede seisoen of die ene voor dit nie…
Maar om mens te verlustig in die Top 6, sonder enige Titels in jou verlede, is maar ‘n hol en embarrassing brag, nê!
nortie wrote:
Wat, al NZ span wat julle kon wen was die Blues… op nuweland.
Selfs die Bulle sou dit kon doen 😆
@ grootblousmile:
Eintlik was dit nie n brag nie, dis n inside joke tussen my en Ben…jy was die een wat dit nou letterlik opgeneem het en meer maak van dit as wat dit was.
214 @ nortie:
Jy verbind jou maar aan die dinge wat jy skryf…
@ nortie:
Net oor dit gaan ek vandag die Leeus ondersteun!
nortie wrote:
En jy moet dit nie vergeet nie.
217 @ MacroPolo:
Hulle kan dit nie vergeet nie, nie dit nie… want hulle het niks van hul eie om te onthou nie.
@ Pietman:
Dis reg so, ek glo al die Bulls, Sharks, Cheetahs en even die Kings sal die Leeus ondersteun.
Stormers het hulle eie supporters 😆
MacroPolo wrote:
Hoe kan ons….julle herinner ons mos gereeld daaraan, elke keer as julle so kak soos nou is, dan hoor ons mos van die glorie jare 😆
Living in the past 😉
220 @ nortie:
At least there is a PAST to remember… 3 times.
nortie wrote:
haha living in GLORY.
Maar jy herriner ons ook heeltyd dat Ludeke afrigter was in 2009 en 2010… dis ook nie reg nie
@w MacroPolo:
Wag maar…ons praat op Nuweland weer….
Go Lions!
nortie wrote:
Ja, julle het…twee in my huis ook…uiters onaangename geselskap as Stommes speel…dis hoekom ek 2 TVs aanhou Saterdae…
224 @ Pietman:
@ nortie:
@219 Herinner hulle om tanne in te sit, pense in te trek en wynkanne weg te steek, hulle is soms op tv…
Pietman wrote:
He he, hello pot, this is kettle, you’re black 😆
@ nortie:
Hey, jy mag nie sulke attachments opsit tydens lewendige wedstryde nie!
GBS, ban hom asseblief, hy flok die site op!
Pietman wrote:
by the way, this must have been the earliest game in Australia in recent memory for a Saturday.nortie wrote:
Fokkit daai is n mooi score.
227 @ nortie:
Dit was seker daai semi-final teen die crusaders, wat ons darem tuis kon wen.
231 @ BrumbiesBoy:
Looks a lot like you… when did you have a Bulls jersey??
BrumbiesBoy wrote:
Hy dink hy is flokken snaaks bru…
But wait for this afternoon….GOOO LIONS!!!!!
Moer Nortie se span!!!
@ grootblousmile:
I borrowed yours that day, but you didn’t even notice…
Four Whitelock brothers all played 50 matches of Super Rugby for the Saders! This must be a record of sorts, surely.
Pietman wrote:
Hulle grocery bill moes seker astronomies gewees het met al daai laaities in die huis
Oh no not a good result. Oh well, well done Rebels.
I find it disturbing how a guy like jono ross can play in the “all stars” league and still find his team in the finals. While last year he pretty much had so the blame from bulls supporters for everything that is useless in the bulls team.
There is SERIOUS issues with the bulls management of players as well as the supporters perception of players.
239 @ MacroPolo:
Hi Macro, have seen very little of him play but he can’t be so bad if he managed to get a contract in France anyway at quite a big club. It is true what you say about perceptions, once they are established it takes an awful lot to shift them. Have not followed them closely so don’t really know how much influence Jono Ross has had on Stade’s progress, but with players like Parisse there I think he would not have had many starts when Parisse was available. Ross was on the bench for the semi-final and came on in the 45th minute for try scorer Lakafia who believe it or not was at 7…. remembering that up north (and I think almost everywhere else in the world) their no 7 is SA’s no 6 (opensider), so much for all the stick Frans Ludeke got for playing him in the ‘fetcher’ role. Got to get going here, long list to get through.
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