Waratahs (13) 18 / 16 (3) Rebels (Final Score)
The Waratahs and Melbourne Rebels did battle in Super Rugby at
ANZ Stadium, Sydney at 11:55 SA Time (19:55 AEST, 09:55 GMT).
This was the live match discussion Article.
The match was broadcast LIVE on SuperSport 1 & CSN on TV in SA.
- Penalties – Bernard Foley (1)
- Drop Goals – 0
- Tries – Michael Hooper (1), Adam Ashley-Cooper (1), Rob Horne (1)
- Conversions – 0
- Penalties – Jack Debreczeni (3)
- Drop Goals – 0
- Tries – Bryce Hegarty (1)
- Conversions – Jack Debreczeni (1)
Waratahs |
Melbourne Rebels |
25 April at 11:55 SA Time | |
Referee: Rohan Hoffman
Assistant Referees: James Leckie, Ed Martin
TMO: George Ayoub
No Captain, no Kaptein!
I picked the Waratahs by 13 for this one
Cheers all. Outta here.
Got the Tahs by 17
@ Scrumdown:
33 @ Scrumdown:
Tjorts, enjoy!
Try Michael Hooper, Tahs!
Flok, my HELE kopvel (hoof se vel, voordat julle gedagtes kry) sweet nou!
Waratahs 5 / 0 Rebels
Tahs scrum penalty again, on their own 22
Hooper and Pocock, modern versions of JP Reeves and Fergus Slattery, also our own Francois Pienaar, mind you…
grootblousmile wrote:
Net nie dat sous op jiu voorvel drup nie
41 @ Pietman:
Ja, jy is reg… behalwe dat ek nie juis so baie van Francois Pienaar dink nie.
Francois Pienaar was ‘n beter kaptein as wat hy ‘n oopkant flank was.
Foley slots a Tahs penalty, was a sitter anyway.
Waratahs 8 / 0 Rebels
Try Adam Ashley-Cooper, Tahs
TMO asked to look for possible obstruction
grootblousmile wrote:
Francois was goed jong, flippen vinnig, soos Hooper.
Maar jy is mos eintlik n Wahl Bartman aanbidder, hy het ook so laag op die grond gehardloop, moeilik om te tekkel…net jammer hy het nie altyd gekyk waar hy hol nie, loop hy sy eie manne plat!
Tahs by 19
Cheers all, off to Ellis later.
Try stands…. and I agree
Waratahs 13 / 0 Rebels
48 @ BrumbiesBoy:
Tjorts perdjie, don’t jinx any of the 2 sides at Emirates Airline Park, you hear!
@ grootblousmile:
Kan nou nog nie glo Markies het vir Francois ge-drop en daai Griekwa #6 Oosthuizen in sy plek gekies nie, hy en Pierre Uys van Pumas. Markies het Francois fokkol gelaaik, dis seker.
@ BrumbiesBoy:
Cheers bruvva.
51 @ grootblousmile:
Hehehe…there’s a reason why I bought my ticket in the highest row possible…at least when they “frow me wif a naartjie” I’ll at least be able to see it coming…!
52 @ Pietman:
Markgraaff was maar ‘n snaakse vent, wat het van die klong geword?
Check die stukke chilli op my footlong…
Tahs penalty, easy one, between the 10m line and the 22, right in front
Missed the sitter!!
Jackpot runs out.
Jeez, he’s a doff player….
@ grootblousmile:
@55 Boer by Kuruman, hy het die motel ook daar, The Ranch (of gehad). Ander besighede ook, transport, jagplaas en lodge buite Kimberley. Ons het aand daar by die lodge geslaap, ek en GT.
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