SpringboksThe understanding reached between SARU and the participating franchises in Vodacom Super Rugby are as follows:

At a pre-season meeting between SARU’s CEO, the Springbok Coach and Rugby Department staff, with union CEOs and coaching representatives the desirability of managing the playing time of an identified group of Springbok players was agreed.

Two principles were identified as being ideal:

  1. That players should not play more than 5 consecutive weeks.
  2. That certain Springbok players should have a number of weeks of rest during the tournament (2 to 4 weeks depending on each player’s personal needs and position and the franchise’s playing resources).

Note: BYE weeks are not considered as a rest week (although they do trigger a restart of the count of consecutive weeks) while injury weeks are ‘invisible’ (i.e. a player injured for 2 weeks during the 1st 7 weeks of the tournament would be regarded as having played 5 consecutive weeks at the end of week 7).

The understanding is not legally binding.

Jurie Roux, CEO of SARU, said: “The players are primarily the assets of the Unions and they will have their different dynamics and needs at different stages of the season.

“We worked towards the understanding to prioritise Springbok readiness for the international season and the Rugby World Cup but we realise it is a balancing act for coaches in terms of juggling their union’s needs and the national interest.

“The important thing for SARU was to take the initiative to try and find a solution to questions relating to player workload. If we get 90% compliance during the season it will be a 100% improvement on where we were a year ago when no player could expect any break.

“If franchises feel they are unable to stick to the letter of the understanding that is less than ideal but we would expect them to stick as close to it as possible in the interests of the Springboks.”

66 Responses to Super Rugby: SARU – Springbok player management explained

  • 61

    robzim wrote:

    Sharks Forever kon nogal histeries raak. Grant 10 het hom eenkeer vir ‘n vrou aangesien en toe noem hy hom “young lady”. Ou Sharks Forever het Amper sy goue stopsels ingesluk van verontwaardiging.

    Gwantie kon self sy poppe uit die pram gooi

  • 62

    I’m on Disqus and HG’s on it as well

    Here’s a few of his comments on Rugby 365:

    Cheetahs beating the Guppies

    “Jeeezus how bad was the refs scrum time officiating. He knew absolutely fokkkall about the scrum. cheetahs were able to basically flop down into each scrum. Bend over… Collapse… Absolutely ridiculous. Nevertheless Sharks should have been good enough to win.. Despite playing awfully they nearly did… Definitely enough chances but couldn’t finish them off. Ag not too worried. Not many refs will be this bad at scrum time and not.too many teams will play as filthy… Also.Sharks will take their chances after this.kick in the pants…”

    Sharks beating the Cheetahs:

    “And so… A ref with a tiny bit of scrumming nous and cheetahs back in their box. A sad indictment on SA refs – other than Joubert the rest are rubbish at best and dishonest at worst… Certainly not unbiased when Reffing SA teams. Sharks will do okay on the overseas tour and with foreign refs… Especially those that actually know what’s cutting at scrum time. Despite not even close to hitting their straps the black and white sitting pretty in the top half of the table. Not too far off the “great awesome” Stormers who I fear may have peaked already… Schweet like a lemon”

    “A bloubul fan commenting about a snoozefest… Lol. That’s like a fatty saying koeksisters are bad for you…”

  • 63

    @ Victoriabok:
    Die enigste ding wat HG se liefde vir die Guppies oorskry is sy haat vir die WP/Stormers.

    Ek is verbaas hy het nie sy polse afgekou na ons hulle op hulle moer gegee het nie

  • 64

    nortie wrote:

    @ Victoriabok:
    Die enigste ding wat HG se liefde vir die Guppies oorskry is sy haat vir die WP/Stormers.

    Ek is verbaas hy het nie sy polse afgekou na ons hulle op hulle moer gegee het nie

    Hy het geen kommentaar gehad na julle hulle pakgegee het nie

    Na julle ons gewen het:

    “Looks like the amazing Stormer will win Super rugby this year already from the sounds of things here… With only 4 boks nogal… Wow”

    en na die naweek teen die Chiefs:

    “And so… The Stormers have peaked already? While Sharks and Bulls sitting pretty in the top half of the table while not even close to hitting their straps… Eina!”

  • 65

    robzim wrote:

    Sharks Forever kon nogal histeries raak.

    Die Sharks ondersteuners raak hormonal as hulle verloor en blameer die anders span, die ref en die maan in daardie volgorde

    Dis makliker om die Bulls te ondersteun, ons blameer Frans, Spies , Barend, Frans, Visser, Frans, Spies in daardie volgorde

  • 66

    Have a look at this…. 😆

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