It’s PUB NIGHT again… I have finally shaken off my lazy bones… for tonight!
The heading suggests we talk about Match Officials, Guide Dogs for the blind… and how inept decisions are ruining our beautiful game, but keep it tidy boys or yerrrr might be “Fetching” some Yellow Cards… from this TMO… hahahaha!
Yesterday, during Round 5 of the Varsity Cup, I was absolutely flabbergasted and quite frankly livid about the inept handling of the 1st game between Maties and UJ. Clearly TMO Shaun Veldsman’s recent unfortunate incident where he was attacked and knived somewhere on the N2 (under some strange circumstances, it would appear) has not cleared up his bad eyesight and in fact it might have worsened his case of “selective viewing syndrome”, because he awarded a try to Maties after the scrorer… wait I HAVE TO put that in inverted commas… “SCORER” had fallen short, stretched out, planted the ball way short of the tryline and then proceeded to roll the ball at least half a full revolution forward to get to the line! How THAT could have been construed as a try, is beyond me!
Not even an all-seeing Guide Dog for the blind will save old Veldtie from his fate…
It’s also not as if Maties needed the Match official intervention and they were bound to score a try anyway, with the rugby they were dishing up at the time!
The things is, although this was only Varsity Cup rugby, it was being officiated by seasoned referees and match officials, not you local brand of “Affie-plaas 1-eyed, brandy-guzzling biased numbnuts”.
Officiating like this gets my goat, it mars the game we love and it turns a fair contest into a circus!
It is time to play fair in the PUB tonight, the FIRST PUB NIGHT of March 2015.
Let’s focus on the PUB tonight…. the idea with PUB NIGHT is to lighten up our dull Tuesday evenings with music, comedy and fun.
Rugby takes a backseat tonight as the clan and fellow rugby nutters gather and wheel in their old friends…
Read the rules below carefully, or you WILL get burnt!
Just for clarity sake, when someone does not adhere to the Rules of the PUB, EVERYBODY jumps on them and pummels them, right… understood?
Here’s how it works:
- Before you are allowed to greet, comment or take part in general discussion about anything else, you enter the PUB with a lekker Music Video found on Youtube.
- You copy the URL (web address) of the clip… and you make sure it is NOT the Mobile version of the URL (the Mobile version has a solitary “m” in the beginnig of the URL… just replace the “m” with “www” if there is a solitary “m” somewhere).
- Sometimes you have to replace the “http” part with “https” too… but we do not take excuses, we will pummel you anyway!
- You Paste the URL into the Comment Form Box of this Article and you SUBMIT your comment.
- Your video will appear in the Comments section.
- If you fail with your attempt and it does not appear, we WILL kak you out, we will pummel you with insults… and LAUGH at you, you silly muppit!
- Once you have a successful Video loaded, you can take part in the discussion and add more music, but beware, every broken link will cop you an “Uitkak” and a laugh at your expense.
- Failure to abide by the rules, will be punished by requiring you to say a seriously denigrating thing about the Provincial / Club side you support and asking all of us, by name, for forgiveness and acknowledging our clear superiority.
- Most important rule: Nobody is allowed to get angry… this is all in good fun!
Fire away!
Today, our FIRST VIDEO will be this one, here it is!
Come on, show me up, do better than me!
28 @ Angostura:
Yeah, some people play strange stuff… spoons, saws, all sorts!
I just saw and then spoon… hahaha
28 @ Angostura:
Did you see the message I left for you on the Pukke / UCT game thread… re the nature of Varsity Cup?
a wee bit of nostalgia for some of us older rockers….. 😆
re 28
The saw-playing teacher, Mnr Cronjé, my Afrikaans teacher, although a good musician, was of particularly narrow-minded persuasion, & in front of the whole class (boys & girls) called me a pervert for reading André P. Brink’s (R.I.P.) works.
I really didn’t mind mind because the other boys, although laughing, looked at me with respect … & the girls with kindled interest. 😆
Dankie, Mnr Cronjé
@ Tassies: afraid I pulled a ghost. Before Casper alighted, Iron Butterfly was on stage giving us their original of their very own “In a gada na vida”. Some might recall this from the late 60’s. Seriously original underground stuff to which some of my mates might have enjoyed the odd joint.
Playing for Change… cool stuff, there are many videos like this one
And for something completely different
grootblousmile wrote:
Yes I did – thx for that, GBS
Ciao all – no drinking & driving, OK? 🙂
@ IAAS: thanks for that boet. Had forgotten how seriously good that was.
@ Tassies:
hahaha at “some of my mates”
38 @ Angostura:
So, I guess suip and crawl is OK then… hehehe
37 @ IAAS:
Fark, I had a good laugh now… spilt half my coke on the ground in the process!
Thanks for that one!
@ IAAS: lessons in speech therapy
I guess its evening like this which bring out the true colours in us folk. Enjoy my friend Janis.
and this local boy could bring you to your knees. Drum roll……..
Mr Patlanski
fluck, what wrong with this sh1t tonight.
Think I’d better drum roll right into my pit and grab some more reliable papyrus instead.
46 & 47 @ Tassies:
Fixed it for ya!
@ Tassies:
Here’s another that went too young.
@ grootblousmile: fanks GB. Yip. You’re starting to understand my taste. Play ‘Riders’ regular as clockwork on the ‘old stereo’ down here. Give the old Bose twins a right workout when the handbrake is outta town. In fact I think I blew the amp(again) the other day. One channel is sadly AWOL.
here’s that Iron Butterfly I was attempting to fly earlier. Its a classic.
I do realise that I put this one up before but not by these chicks. Even the old boys seemed impressed.
The man who has a guitar in his mouth…
was that there a wee emo tear in Robbie’s eye then?
@ grootblousmile:
bloody amazing. Truly.
my final submission for the pub evening. Is there a Liverpudlian accent in there somewhere?
gunnite gents.
59 @ Tassies:
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