Wow, just saw… sometime this afternoon went past the magical 13 Million Page Impressions marker, since we started measuring on 31 October 2009 (the website started a few months earlier).

The year 2014 was a remarkable year though, was elevated to a massive degree by this remarkable year in which started reaching that critical tipping point or critical mass, if one wants to call it that.

The exponential growth reached that stage in 2014, where it is becoming a self-propelling force to be reconed with, with the sky now the next limit.

Rugby-Talk’s fingerprint runs worldwide but obviously a big amount of the readership favours the South African aspects of rugby, the sport we love so much!

I thought I would share this with you special people, the readers, subscribers, contributors and rugby-loving individuals, who make this place what it is!


Some facts and figures:

  • Rugby-Talk currently features 11 422 Articles PLUS 236 additional Pages.
  • At present there are 383 863 PUBLISHED comments on
  • In 2014 generated 4 706 969 (Four Million Seven Hundred and Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty Nine) Page Impressions, due to 657 712 (Six Hundred and Fifty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred and Twelve) visits, compared to 2 951 144 (Two Million Nine Hundred and Fifty One Thousand One Hundred and Forty Four) Page Impressions for the 2013 calendar year.
  • In 2014 generated 38 102 113 (Thirty Eight Million One Hundred and Two Thousand and One Hundred and Thirteen) Hits – a very false measure, it must be added, as one click generates a number of hits.
  • generated 699.61 Gb of Bandwidth in 2014.

I am speechless and absolutely stoked…




Rudi Geldenhuys


33 Responses to Rugby-Talk goes beyond 13 Million – Wow!

  • 31

    @ charlesm:
    gaan hom dophou

  • 32

    31 @ smallies:
    Ja, ek hoop ook Stephan kom deur vanjaar vir julle!

  • 33

    @ smallies:
    Dit sal nog ‘n seisoen of wat duur vir hom om deur te kom maar hy beskik oor baie goeie eienskappe. Ek dink die feit dat hulle vir Mike Willemse gekontrakteer het, het seker maar die boodskap gestuur dat hy (Stephan) nie “goed genoeg” is nie.
    Ek hoop regtig hy doen goed. Ek kyk ook soms bietjie wyer (in belang van die land se rugby as geheel). As hy dus kans by die Cheetahs kry, wat hy nie in die Kaap sou kry nie, hoop ek gryp hy die geleentheid aan.
    Terloops, hy is ook ‘n goeie leier – bietjie “useless info” 😆

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