Hello Rugby-Talkers,

No time to make videos today, just relaxing and taking it easy.

I spent the day and evening with my closest family and on old year’s eve we had a family fondu dinner and a general relax.

Tomorrow, 1 January 2015, we head to Mpumalanga for the day and night for a big New Year’s bash with friends and a heap of people, so do not expect ANY rugby news on 1 January 2015.

All the preparations on the site has been done for a flawless transfer into the New Year… so enjoy it and the last few Hooker Articles I did on the SA Super Rugby franchises… 10 Articles now gone and only 30 to go for the Super Rugby Contenders for positions in the SA franchises.

Here’s hoping you are all resting well and spending quality time with your loved-ones and the people closest to you in the world.

It is with great thanks that we look back on a very good 2014 for Rugby-Talk.com and it is with a heap of positivity and expectation that we look forward to what the New Year, 2015, will bring us.

To the Contributors and Authors here on Rugby-Talk.com, I hope you enjoyed the ride with us and we certainly hope to see you all and everybody you know, right here on Rugby-Talk.com.

Hopefully we can look forward to a bumper year of rugby, from SIX Nations, to Super Rugby, to Varsity Cup and Vodacom Cup, to The World Cup Warm-up Internationals, to the ABSA Currie Cup, to the shortened Rugby Championship and then of course to the big one everyone is waiting for,  Rugby World Cup 2015 in England!

I hope your teams do better than you expect and meets all your expectations, specially if they wear Blue and sport horns in Super Rugby and if they wear Green and Gold and sport a Springbok emblem.

Have a good one, my friends, see you NEXT YEAR (2015)!



Rudi Geldenhuys

(Webmaster grootblousmile)

51 Responses to Happy New Year 2015:

  • 31

    @ Pietman:
    Hoesit Piet.
    Dis reg, Capo aka al die ander name…..meer name gehad as wat Zuma vrouens gehad het

  • 32

    30 @ Pietman:
    Jinne, ek en jy was onstuitbaar daai tyd!

    Ons kan nou giggel oor daai tyd maar mens het soms warm onder die kraag geraak vir klomp van daai sponsparras wat mens doelbewus gegarra-garra het…

  • 33

    nortie wrote:

    @ Pietman:
    Hoesit Piet.
    Dis reg, Capo aka al die ander name…..meer name gehad as wat Zuma vrouens gehad het

    Delighted Hy was Valkery ook…daai klas polisieman moes man in Epping oppie beat gesit het met n fiets, en vir Clifford, Skattie, RooiSpies en Buks Matthee laat weet het, daar sal die volgende oggend van hom net bloedsnot oor gewees het!

  • 34

    33 @ Pietman:
    Praat jy….dis die tyd wat ek beat gedoen het in Epping, ook maar goed hy was nie daar nie, ek sou hom nog voor hulle wou uithaal

  • 36

    @ nortie:
    @ Pietman:
    Dankie Nortie en Pietman – dis hy daai!! Dit was moeilik om nie na sy vlak te daal nie: hy het mens so getart. Gelukkig is ons ontslae van hom!!

  • 37

    @ grootblousmile:
    Dankie, ek het nog nie kans gehad om te reageer nie.
    Iemand het dit reeds genoem maar ek is ook bang dat Adriaan Strauss in die grond gespeel gaan word. Ludeke sal eenvoudig die ander ouens ook moet laat speel – ek weet Callie is nou nie jou gunsteling nr 2 nie 😆
    Die Sharks lyk redelik goed – ek hoop Bissie herwin weer sy selfvertroue. Cooper en Hadebe is redelike “back up”

    Ek wonder wanneer Coetzee van die Lions gaan reg wees na sy operasie. Hy skrum baie sterk. Die “angry warthog” is goed in die los maar sal sy “basics” moet verbeter. Ek glo Johan Ackermann sal daaraan aandag gee. Akker vdM sal sekerlik ook besef dat hy hard daaraan moet werk maar weet ook dat hy reeds naam gemaak het en ek glo hy sal baie gemotiveerd wees.

    Die Cheetahs kan dalk swaar trek. Ek kan nie almal se name onthou nie maar ek dink Stephan Coetzee van die WP is Griekwas toe. Hy het IMO baie potensiaal en het op die verkeerde tyd seer gekry in die CB. Hy kon toe nooit weer terugkom in die span nie. Dalk kan hy vir Ryno Barnes druk vir ‘n plek.

    Die Stormers se diepte kan ‘n probleem wees. Scarra en Bongi is albei bedrywige balspelers maar ek sou gehou het van ‘n groter haker.

    I guess time will tell !!

  • 38

    37 @ charlesm:
    Goeie opsomming, weerspieël my gevoel netso.

    Janee jong, ek het ook gewaarsku daarteen om vir Adriaan Strauss te oorspeel, Ludeke sal vir Maku en Callie Karnallie maar ook speelkans MOET gee.

    My gevoel oor die Stormers hakers, dat hulle kleiner maar besig is stem ooreen met joune. Hulle kon doen met nog 1 groter haker.

    Sharks lyk goed op haker en persoonlik dink ek die Lions het die beste diepte op haker vir 2015. Ek dink Robbie Coetzee sal reg wees en Akker van der Merwe het ‘n indrukwekkende 2014 gehad… Lions het nog 3 ander hakers ook.

    Cheetahs voorry spelers sal moet uithaal en wys in 2015, dit kan EEN van hulle groot swakpunte wees… die vaste vyf.

  • 39

    This thread reminds me of Keo days, as soon as something gets interesting, the talk goes ‘Afrikaans’!! Weary

  • 40

    Oh how remiss of me ‘Happy New Year’ all Rugby Talkers and Old Keoites who still look in but are reluctant to chat.

    Best Wishes from your only Pom Female Blogger xxx

    Rugby World Cup Year, 2015 hope to met some more of you over here this year. Bring it on !! Approve

  • 41

    40 @ Blue Bird:
    Thanks a lot Blue Bird Happy New Year to you and family too. Hoping the Boks win the World Cup Happy

  • 42

    @ Bullscot:

    I could think of worse results!! Oh congratulations on being brave enough to swim in the wintery Scottish sea. You have to be mad!!

    All the best to you and yours too !!

  • 43

    @ Blue Bird:
    Keep it up my girl.As the only female blogger your cooments are refreshing.
    Noticed you and UFO keeping each other company the other dayGood,
    Keep it up. He is a good oke.
    Have a great 2015.
    Regards.Rye .

  • 44

    @ ryecatcher:
    Have seen so many E mails featuring bare boobs and bottoms over the festive season..
    Now heres the thing.
    The one anatomical feature is designed to nourish babies..and the other for a friendly non salacious rub.
    Do I get tempted?
    I increasingly feel the need to
    re-don my hairshirt and scuttle furtively to the seminary to discourage the sins of the flesh..

  • 45

    @ ryecatcher:
    Just kidding.The spirit is still willing.
    At 75 will not speak of the infirmities of the flesh

    I still enjoy female conversation,and
    whilst it may have led somewhere
    I can verify that booze leads to the
    desire,but takes away from the

  • 46

    ryecatcher wrote:

    @ ryecatcher:
    Have seen so many E mails featuring bare boobs and bottoms over the festive season..

    Crikey, what sort of emails are you getting??? Most of my festive e mails had pictures of Snowmen, Santa and The Three Kings


  • 47

    @ ryecatcher:

    Happy New Year anyway!

  • 48

    Happy New Year to all the RT bloggers, and to the further success of this site.
    All the best for 2015

  • 49

    48 @ CoachPete:
    Happy New Year, Coachie,

    All of the best for you and yours in 2015.

  • 50

    I guess for some the day of reckoning comes tomorrow, back to work after a long rustige time off. I suppose that is one of the advantages of working through is you don’t get those back to work blues.

  • 51

    Blue Bird wrote:

    @ Bullscot:

    I could think of worse results!! Oh congratulations on being brave enough to swim in the wintery Scottish sea. You have to be mad!!

    All the best to you and yours too !!

    Thanks a lot Blue Bird. Yip it was a little cold but for a very good cause, the children that need to take care of their parents do an amazing job in difficult circumstances and need as much support as they can get.

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