I attended a funeral today, my late dad’s wife… my Stepmom… but she was way more than that!
My dad used to say, “They are cutting from my forest now”, meaning that his generation was in the firing line and the ones going one by one… well today a slender old tree with a very kind shadow was layed to rest… may she rest in peace.
I think it would be apt to dedicate PUB NIGHT tonight to memories, so that is exactly what we will do!
The End Of Year Tours are a thing of the past and not the brightest end to the season for the Springboks, not a good End Of Year Tour in fact. What was clear though, is that the Southern Hemisphere players are all tired and quite spent after a long season and that the top Northern Hemisphere countries have crept closer to the biggies of the Southern Hemisphere.
What remains for 2014? Only a month left of the year and only 2 HSBC Sevens World Series tournaments to go, the one in Dubai and the one at Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium. Then it is that aweful lull in the Southern Hemisphere season, where we have to make do with only some Northern Hemisphere rugby, some cricket and a heap of news in preparation for Super Rugby 2015.
OK, let’s focus on the PUB tonight…. the idea with PUB NIGHT is to lighten up our dull Tuesday evenings with music, comedy and fun.
Rugby takes a backseat tonight as the clan and fellow rugby nutters gather and wheel in their old timer friends…
Read the rules below carefully, or you WILL get burnt!
Just for clarity sake, when someone does not adhere to the Rules of the PUB, EVERYBODY jumps on them and pummels them, right… understood?
Here’s how it works:
- Before you are allowed to greet, comment or take part in general discussion about anything else, you enter the PUB with a lekker Music Video found on Youtube.
- You copy the URL (web address) of the clip… and you make sure it is NOT the Mobile version of the URL (the Mobile version has a solitary “m” in the beginnig of the URL… just replace the “m” with “www” if there is a solitary “m” somewhere).
- Sometimes you have to replace the “http” part with “https” too… but we do not take excuses, we will pummel you anyway!
- You Paste the URL into the Comment Form Box of this Article and you SUBMIT your comment.
- Your video will appear in the Comments section.
- If you fail with your attempt and it does not appear, we WILL kak you out, we will pummel you with insults… and LAUGH at you, you silly muppit!
- Once you have a successful Video loaded, you can take part in the discussion and add more music, but beware, every broken link will cop you an “Uitkak” and a laugh at your expense.
- Failure to abide by the rules, will be punished by requiring you to say a seriously denigrating thing about the Provincial / Club side you support and asking all of us, by name, for forgiveness and acknowledging our clear superiority.
- Most important rule: Nobody is allowed to get angry… this is all in good fun!
Fire away!
Memories… so what will it be…
OK, here’s one!
Or one for the younger generation…
Come on, show me up, do better than me!
My eerste ou enetjie gaan uit ter nagedagtenis van ‘n wonderlike mens, Tannie Nora… die klein ou groot gees…. wat nou rus!
Kap hom flou, Noortjie!
Ons sal braai en dink, ons sal die Bulle ondersteun en ook aan jou dink… jy was lief vir Loftus saam met my Pa.
Daar’s ‘n stoel leeg, maar daar is baie harte vol…
OK, up the beat a bit!!!
Dean Martin… phweeew… older than me…
GBS said:
But damn, is it just me or do you guys also think that funerals are becoming so hollow & empty these days… as if we almost don’t even cherish and revere those who go.
Promise me, when I go one day, aged 145 or more hopefully… that you guys will all wear your rugby shirts and caps, watch rugby and have a blast on me that day… and have a few toots dedicated to me!!
I will chase you ALL in your dreams if you don’t!”
4sure, we’ll sing ‘Oh, Rudi Boy’ at your funeral & drink copious amounts (not just a few toots) of Guinness &Tullamore Dew in yer memory …
Too old for this copy and paste kuk.
Would someone please play
1.The Streisand version of “Send in the clowns”
You know the one.”Losing my timing so late in my career”
2.A song dedicated to me in the mists of time by Angostura.Joe Bonnamasso(sp)
\+Blondie + Beth somebody.”Forever young/
@ ryecatcher:
here you are, Rye:
Great song, great version –
Jeez, this gives me goose bumps… since I saw it the first time!!
@ Angostura:
Thanks pal.
@ ryecatcher:
Send in the Clowns – one my favourite songs, by my wife’s favourite singer:
11 @ Angostura:
Ah… Mrs Loooong Nose… but she sings so well!
And at this funeral we’ll have to drink Bourbon in Bourbon Street:
@ Angostura:
Thanks again.Strikes me that you and your wife are sentimental
As a foot note,the lyrics are brilliant.A lost art it seems
overtaken by the “yummy yummy yummy I,ve
got love in my tummy” genre.
Ek en my Ma se song, ons sing dit nou nog saam as ek in SA is en sy agter die klavier inskuif…
The Bucaneer was the one i meant to post, this is not working for me. 😳
15 @ Pietman:
Jeez ouboet… nou verlang ek om weer te sing soos ons in Goose Bay saam gesing het na daai klompie Jeagie Bombs….
Hierdie Sondag wat verby is, het Handbriekie-hulle mos ‘n event gehou, met 3 sangeresse… anyway.. laaank na almal weg is, is ons toe seker so 7 of 8 wat oorbly… en die musieke en die mic’s staat toe nog daar… en Harry beginne sing… saam met songs van Theuns Jordaan, Dozie, Jan Blom ensovoorts….
Nouja, ek is toe selwers goed geneuk deur die son en het ‘n paar brawe sletsappies in…. nouja, toe gryp ek ook maar die mic so nou en dan…
Nouja, daar’s nie meer katte oor op die plaas nie, en al die koeie in die omgewing sal seker vir 7 weke suur melk lewer… maar dit was moer lekker…
Kuier ons toe maar sommer tot so middernag… hehehe
@ grootblousmile:
Jy moet kom, ek en Sersant wag vir jou, kitare is gestel en ge-Vim
Something entirely different: The 2 JOEs & other virtuosi:
13 @ Angostura:
My late Dad, GBS Maksimus, was mad about old Sachmo… Louis Armstrong!
My dad also liked big brass bands, like the Glen Miller band… ect!
21 @ Pietman:
Ek sal net moet lewerpilletjies drink voor ek kom… jy en sersant sal my in die verderf in lei met drank… en dan slaat ek mos terug met Jeagie Bomme en Tequilas en die goed…
Kyk, maar dan gaan ons kuier jong!
Speisiaal vir GBSMaximus en sy aster van 28 jaar….met wie hy vanaand weer dans!
@ grootblousmile:
Yes, & my father-in-law used to fancy himself as a white Satchmo 🙂
26 @ Pietman:
Sien ek mos vandag ‘n tannie, wat my ken van geboorte af, en wie ek seker 25 jaar of meer gelede laas gesien het…
Pik die tannie toe sommer twee keer ‘n traantjie oor sy so bly is om my te sien…
Kyk, of sy bly was oor hoe ek uitgedraai het, en of sy bly is haar kinders hettie so uitgedraai nie, sal ek seker nooit weet nie… hehehe
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