Hi fellow Rugby-Talkers, readers and rugby nutters,
Yesterday we went well over the 12 Million Page Impressions mark here on Rugby-Talk.com, since we started counting on 31 October 2009 (exactly 5 years ago today).
To some it may be irrelevant, but it is a real world indication of how we have grown and how we are capturing the rugby audience all over the globe. It is an indication that we are successful in what we are doing on this wonderful rugby portal and it certainly is indicative that we keep growing… and growing on a serious exponential curve.
The sport we so gladly serve, makes it easier to reach these figures, but as we have seen from recent rivals who have fallen by the wayside, it still indicates that you have to do things right and not just sit back and expect people to access your site because you think that you are somebody or that the rugby world owes you something.
At the end of the 2014 calendar year we should reach a figure of 4.75 Million Page Impressions for the year… or more, a massive increase on the 2013 calendar year.
Rugby-Talk.com strives to bring new innovation to the readers and subscribers and to make every visit an experience.
It’s about passion, it’s about dedication and it’s about keeping YOU, the readers informed about what is happening in the rugby world.
As wth all discussion websites, we have our regular followers and commentors, but that is the tip of the ice berg in comparison to the overall readership of the website.
Herewith an invitation to all out there, who read and do not comment, come join our ranks and take part in our discussions, you won’t be sorry that you did!
To those who make Rugby-Talk.com what it is… commentors, authors and readers, hearty thanks goes out to all of you. With your support it makes it easy for me as webmonster to keep serving rugby, the sport I am totally nuts about!
Tell us what you find special on Rugby-Talk.com and talk to us about new innovations and features you would like to see on Rugby-Talk.com!
Tomorrow morning, SA Time, the November Internationals of End Of Year Tours kick off and 3 important games take place, namely Japan vs Maori All Blacks, Barbarians vs Australian Wallabies and the USA Eagles vs New Zealand All Blacks. Our Rugby-Talk EOYT 2014 SuperBru Pool has grown nicely and if you have not yet joined, jump in and enjoy the fun, the Pool code is: mopetoad.
Have a wonderful day and a good rugby weekend, everybody!
Well done Rudi, much deserved. Thanks to all who contribute, both in articles and coments and, occasionally, wisdom.
Congratulations GB… on the 12-Bar Blues…!!!
Yeah… definitely well deserved…
and with nod in the direction of all the contributors and posters who keep it interesting and entertaining and bringing us back for more…
Congrats and well done GBS !!
As I have said a while ago some of the other sporting sites’ comments sections are really poor and personal attacks are the norm.
Obviously there is some banter on RT but mostly not to the detriment of the conversations and topics under discussion.
Keep up the good work !!
“Hitting new highs”
Wat rook jy daar GBS?
Raak jy nou soos die ouens hier wat die rondkyktwak so kwaai laaik?
Baie geluk man, jy’t hard gewerk om dit SA se beste rugbysite te maak
Good stuff, well done GBS and thanks for hosting the site and giving us an opportunity to contribute here
geluk groot groen webmonster
Well done GBS.
Great effort.
If only you were a Province man then you would be the perfect host.
Jeraldjay wrote:
Klippies beats Oom Tas any day 🙂
4 @ Victoriabok:
Dis Vitamin Green, nie rondkyktwak nie!!
Fellas, it’s great to see you are enjoying the site!!
Oh and by the way Vicky Victoria… it’s not the best Rugby website in South Africa… it is the best website in the UNIVERSE!!
grootblousmile wrote:
Jy klink soos die lot hier op die Left Coast
Dit is mos die cure-all vir alles
Rook net ‘n zol chronic vir jou glaucoma, al het jy 20/20 visie 🙁
As jy regtig van dit hou moet jy hiernatoe kom, BC Bud is beroemd. Hulle kweek verbeterde kultivars in kweekhuise met baie THC’s, dit is baie sterker as die goed wat Phelemon skelm plant 😆
Hulle het ‘n Seed Exchange hier waar jy saad kan koop om jou eie te kweek 😮
grootblousmile wrote:
Goed so Groot Blou Superman, ek weet nou waarvoor die “S” in GBS staan
Ek dog dis vir Slang 😀
Happy Skalloween! Aiming to go to a small gig to see these guys tonight, hope will be good:
11 @ Victoriabok:
Kyk, ek het destyds in my jare as “Smokkelprokurower” baaaaie smokkelaars verdedig en die Cullerts van George het my die bynaam “Smokkelprokureur” gegee omdat ek so goed was om die smokkelaars los te kry daar in die Suid-Kaap.
Ek het SANAB se ouens self na drank en slegte vrouens laat gryp, want ek het hulle grys hare gegee!
So, ek het al 80 streepsake vol dagga en 5 000 Mandrax tablette bymekaar op een hoop gesien (was daai tyd die Suid-Kaap se grootste drugbust ooit)… en al 5 beskuldigdes wat daarvoor aangekla en red-handed met hulle lorrie op pad van die Transkei af gevang is, losgekry… skotvry.
Ek het al my hande menigmaal deur klomp van die goed gevroetel… en ek weet moooooooi wat is goeie gehalte aaptwak, sommer so met ‘n kyk of 2…
Ek het al daggaboere wat ernstige hydroponics gebruik en ligte en alles gebruik, verdedig… en losgekry…
Ek weet ook mooi hoe kweek die ouens om die goed se THC vlakke hemelhoog te drywe.
Maar ek was nog al my jare heeltemal anti die gebruik van enige drugs… behalwe as jy kameeltjies en kondensmelk drugs kan noem!
Ek het EEN KEER, net een keer in my hele lewe, bietjie van die Vitamin Green uitprobeer… om te sien waaroor die ouens aangaan.. seker so 6 jaar gelede op ‘n Bachelorspartytjie… en die goed het my vet mooi nokkol gemaak! Niks was snaakser nie, niks was groter of vroliker nie… was nogal ‘n lekker geurige ondervindinkie.
Maar nou weet ek mos wat dit is, en sal nooi weer probeer nie, ek is net nie daai soort persoon nie.
Many congratulations
Here’s to your next 12 million
grootblousmile wrote:
Ek het saam met ‘n ex Sanab ou gewerk, hy’t vertel hoe hulle daggaplantasies gaan vernietig het in die berge in Natal, so afgeleë dat hulle ingevlieg is met ‘n Lugmaghelikopter.
Hulle het die plante uitgetrek, hope gemaak, petrol oorgegooi en aan die brand gesteek
Die hele dag lank terwyl die vlieënier in die helicopter gesit en wag het
Windaf in die rook 😯
Hy sê die vlug terug was die bangste wat hy nog ooit was 😛
OK, me maties… I need your help and I need it urgently!!
A venue that I am connected to, through my wife Handbriekie, is in the process of applying for rezoning.
It is just accross the border between Gauteng and Mpumalanga, on the Mpumalanga side, in an area called Rietkol, very near the Village of Sundra (which I suppose is about 20km from Delmas).
It is a pristine Rainbow Trout and Big Mouth Bass venue with beautiful lapas, wonderful fishing dams, clean ablution facilities and it is really cool and very classy.
There is a glitch in the re-zoning application though, because one asshole and his daughter (who are both close neighbours) have a history of family feuding with the venue owners… so much so that this asshole, his neighbour and the daughter’s people have shot at the venue people with paintball guns loaded with solid slugs and are awaiting trial in the Regional Court as a result… all because they think too much noise will be emminating from the pub & grill on the venue, where a valid liquor licence is held.
These assholes have now also lodged formal objections against rezoning on grounds of the noise emminating from the venue… which is ludicrous, laughable and downright malicious.
As a result we are busy with our own petitions and shows of solidarity regarding the venue.
Neighbours all around and much closer are ever so happy about the venue, becuse it naturally lifts the value of their own properties too, in the process.
The assholes however, have been victums of crime in the past, have lost a son and the daughter has been robbed at a stage… nothing whatsoever to do with the venue… needless to say they are now anti anything that smells like progress or would change the staus quo around them… they are now OVERSENSITIVE, VINDICTIVE and DOWNRIGHT NASTY.
I ask ALL OF YOU, who read this, to go to the Venue’s website (which I designed)… there is a SURVEY which needs a lot of entrants… who rate the place highly! The venue needs to retain it’s Liquor Licence, it needs to get permission for re-zoning, it absolutely needs the Pub & Grill… and I urge you to complete the SURVEY.
It would be a bit strange for overseas people and / or people from the Cape to rate the venue… hehehe… so I’d prefer the people to rather be from Johannesburg or Pretoria or Mpumalanga or the Vaal Triangle… for it to make sense…
Here’s the link… come on surprize me, all of you!
I know I can count on you lot, because I also know that you know that I don’t bullshit around… what I say is my word, my honour!!
Oh, for a short and POWERFUL visit to the venue, you can see it on the website… and rate it OR for a longer visit, it can also be visited personally… should you so wish or find it necessary!
Whatever you do… do the SURVEY!
@ Jeraldjay:
Jeraldjay wrote:
Someone had to say it! 😀
But seriously GBS – good job. 😎
@ grootblousmile:
Is that where we’re having our Xmas party?
Count me in. 😎
20 @ IAAS:
Hey, we could actually do a lekker Christmas party there!!
I’ve done a lot for them, so I guess they could do the venue for us… for a jolly great time!
20 @ IAAS:
Did you have look at that website?
You like it?
@ grootblousmile:
Just done the survey.
Great place for a DW. 😆
23 @ IAAS:
Thanks buddy…
It’s such a nice place, close to the city and all.
It has’nt got overnight accommodation yet… but it is in the planning very soon!
What’s nice about the place is that everything that is done there, is done well, properly, professionally.
Congrats GBS, the site is doing GREAT.
I finished 2 BIG gardens at Naledi Enkoveni and Naledi Bush camp. Worked my ass off, and stayed positive. The Elephants raided the one garden but we fixed it again. They forgot to switch on the electrified fence.
Rugby friends i am still around and read sometimes what is said here.
just keep it going , i will join in again.
IAAS wrote:
Now that’s a brilliant idea!
And heartiest to all those who have worked so hard, as well as those who have & continue to contribute towards making this site the success it is…
@ Victoriabok: NEVER. Tassies is best. Ask me? 😎
and congratulations GB for a job well done. Outstanding contribution to rugby and for your loyal ‘deciples’ specifically. Just since I’ve joined you guys, I’ve noticed a serious uptick in posts. The old Keo site, whilst revolutionary, was too often fraught with negativity, ugliness and sometime just plain vulgarity. You’ve created a wonderful new home for us all to enjoy. Thanks.
@ superBul: you a gardenboy SB? 🙂
my but the Aussies are taking a snotklap in Abu Dhabi. Think Darren L must have fed his team some of Vic’s plantjies before they left for the UAE tour. These guys are staring down a barrel for sure.
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