Jonathan Kaplan

Jonathan Kaplan

This weekend saw the finale of The Rugby Championship and we saw two very contrasting games. The All Blacks won the trophy… again. Deservedly.

The Pumas won their first ever fixture in this tournament, a historical moment and one they will never forget… I certainly won’t, but the highlight had to be the bromance in the coaches box after the game where their Latin exuberance, warmth and hot blooded nature got the better of some of them… Put it this way, there was lots of lovin!!

Rate the Ref

The Springboks finally beat the All Blacks after coming quite close over the past couple of years.

From a parochial SA viewpoint it was a great win. Even, I suspect from a neutrals point of view, it was good to see a team challenge the best team, and beat them. There wasn’t much to choose between the teams, and the respect between the players and coaching staff is evident for all to see.

It is a beautiful thing of the sport of rugby union and one which we should cherish, as it doesn’t permeate through all sporting codes!

The Boks dominated the first half, the All Blacks the second. In the end, the game came down to a decision by the TV producer to highlight a misdemeanor by Liam Messam on Schalk Burger, which all the officials missed in real time. After finding the clip, and then replaying it over and over, eventually the Television Match Officials decided it was worthy of review, and correctly awarded a penalty to the Boks, which Pat Lambie (who has oodles of BMT) converted to win the game.

The TMO himself seemed a bit confused by referring to the fact that he thought perhaps arms were used in the tackle which was hardly the point. It was a swinging arm and a dangerous tackle.

If you are a Bok supporter, you will be saying we deserved it, and how many times it happened against us.

The protocol and process will mean nothing. But there is an important point to make here. I doubt (very much) whether that clip would have been brought up on the screen by producers in Australia or New Zealand and replayed over and over.

Is it right that someone outside of the domain of the match officials can affect the outcome of a major test match? And how neutral is he? In the end, it was his alertness that drew the attention of the crowd to the high tackle, they got into it, the officials then decided to take a look, and the resultant penalty determined the outcome.

I thought Wayne Barnes had a decent match. He walks a lot. He talks a lot.

And I wasn’t that impressed when he penalized Jan Serfontein for not rolling away when he could not (unplayable was the right call) or Jannie du Plessis for side entry on the All Black line when his action had no influence on the play at all (he attempted a clean and missed his target) or the resets of scrums when Franks’ feet are so far back on the touch, that he is almost certainly hanging over the cliff (not supporting his own body weight) and the last penalty… A brave call! BUT, he let the game flow with the right amount of empathy and game management. He was even handed in his approach.

He is a superior communicator. And he is smart!

He showed his experience in this toughest of environments when the reffing in this tournament has been quite ordinary, and deserves credit for that (and he was excellent at my braai on Tuesday with his singing of “Bye bye miss American pie”. So much for those people who regularly say the Northern referees are not up to it!


Argentina vs Australia:

Argentina beat Australia 21 – 17 after being down 0 – 14. They worked hard for this win, and worked hard for each other in the fixture. Their carry was excellent and they seemed to get rewards when they were in the Australian half.

Their tries were well constructed and I am really happy for them that they have finally won a game. Hopefully they will become even more competitive in the years to come and win an away game or two.

Australia will bemoan the fact that they let slip a biggish lead, but the real story will perhaps be the 3 Yellow Cards that the Wallabies received on match day.

Last week I was singing Nigel Owens’ praises after the match at Newlands. He has really shot to the fore after the 2011 Rugby World Cup in New Zealand but I thought he was poor on Saturday.

He was strangely hesitant in his decision making, once even asking the Assistant Referee whether there were hands in, after he penalized Australia and had pulled his Cards out already. He then put the cards back in his pocket. What was the point?

Not so lucky was the Australian No 9, Nick Phipps, who received a Yellow Card for a brilliant piece of play where he was the tackler and didn’t infringe at all.

What should have been a turnover to Australia, resulted in a Yellow Card which was a disaster for the Wallabies who then conceded a penalty and a try in his absence. Not great!! They would have been spitting mad as that decision had huge consequences for this test match.

Towards the end of the fixture, with the game still in the balance, the referee stopped the game when Hooper attempted a charge down, was airborne and in the process fell on top of Sanchez, the kicker.

He was also carded (incorrectly, as there was little he could do once he was airborne). Argentina converted the penalty and wound the clock down to record a historical moment for them and the tournament.

My opinion of Nigel hasn’t changed.

To say he was poor would be an understatement, but I know from personal experience that we all have these days (I had my fair share), and he will bounce back. I do feel for the Wallabies though and I thought they deserved better.


The Currie Cup:

On the Currie Cup front, the Blue Bulls dominated the Pumas in Nelspruit, where Peyps (Jaco Peyper) had an excellent game.

They are back in the mix! The Free State Cheetahs were very stiff against WP, who somehow managed to hack through a loose ball and fall on it.

To be honest, they shouldn’t have had a prayer at that stage of the game. Sarel Pretorius had a brain fart by taking a quick throw when his team were in the ascendency, instead of slowing everything down and winding the clock down.

That was far too adventurous for that stage of the game and perhaps ended up costing them the game. I still think he is a champion though!

Griquas predictably smashed the EP Kings 45-25, as I thought they might. Quite simply, they are tougher and want it more.

It was a happy and sad night for Jacques Botes, the most capped player in the history of the Currie Cup.

It was perhaps his last home game and he was given a rousing send-off by the crowd and by his fellow team mates. He is a model professional and a genuinely good guy.

He made a huge contribution to the game and earned his respect from teammates and opponents alike. He will be remembered as a workhorse who had an uncanny knack of appearing at the right place at the right time, scoring an inordinate amount of tries for a loose forward!

I thought Pro Legoate had a tough time on the night.

He looked ill at ease and flustered and most of the calls appeared to go the way of the home team.

The decision to card Derick Minnie with about 14 minutes to go was completely inaccurate as he complied totally with law.

Pro could not have seen the incident clearly and the net result was that the Golden Lions were reduced to 14 players for the remainder of the game, barring the last 2 minutes. I feel for Pro as he is one of the genuinely good guys on the circuit, but that effort simply is not enough at this level.


The Rugby Championship referee wrap up:

I have had a good look at the Referees in The Rugby Championship and think they will concede that there is much room for growth, even the best of them had an off day, so I will say the alarm bells are ringing, but not sure if anyone is listening… Yet!

My top 3 performances were :

  • Nigel Owens – South Africa vs Australia at Newlands
  • Jerome Garces – New Zealand vs South Africa in Wellington
  • Craig Joubert – Argentina vs New Zealand in Buenos Aires
  • I thought Gauzere (New Zealand vs Argentina), Clancy (Australia vs South Africa) and Owens (Argentina vs Australia) had off days.

Is it not time for a revamp of the system to help these moments where referees are not having good days at the office?

402 Responses to Jonathan Kaplan – Wrap up of the weekend

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  • 121

    @ ufo:101

    We can all see that you are an accomplished journalist/editor..
    After all the gnashing about Hodors jibes, you settle it in one clear post.
    Well done UFO.

  • 122

    Kiwi Cheats, Read this time 😀

  • 123

    121 @ Charo:

    cheers charo… but i’m sure cane will not see it quite the same way…! 😉


  • 124

    @ ufo:
    Cane is an old time socialist – refused to watch the 1981 tour.
    But at least he has retained his sense of humour.
    That awful black panther was so arrogant about the all blacks and the superiority of the kiwi nation.

  • 125

    ufo wrote:

    102 @ MacroBlouBul:
    it’s good to see the right calls being made for a change…
    didn’t a similar thing happen recently in a currie cup game…? for the life of me i can’t remember which game or what the incident was…
    but remember the commentators saying the tmo was going a bit beyond his scope but he and the ref should be praised for getting the correct decision made…
    i don’t recall anyone complaining about the incident afterwards…

    In the sharks game vs the Pumas the ref ended the game by calling up the TMO to check for a forward pass, without a try even being scored.

  • 126

    Keo has an interesting take on Saturdays game.

    Says a Supersport TV producer and a miracle kick hides the fact that we could only play for 50 mins, took off both Pollard and Bissy and gave away a 24-13 lead.

  • 127

    @ Jeraldjay:
    To be fair the All Blacks coompletely dominated possetion, would be nice to thump them, but maybe the all blacks played for 25 mines after the first 50.

  • 128

    possession 👿

  • 129

    @ Jeraldjay:
    But I have to say, I agree that we took Bissie off too quickly, its like the exact opposite of what happened in Nz, this time AS couldnt find his lineout jumpers

  • 130

    early 👿

  • 131

    The million dollar question is, who was really affected by injuries/non availability going into Saturdays game.

    AB’s: Retalick, Nonu and Cruden

    Boks: Flo, Alberts and FDP,

  • 132

    @ Jeraldjay:
    I think Barret is a fantastic individual player, but Cruden is a match winner, Retalick was also missed a lot, Nono was missed in defense.

    On our side those three might not have added significantly more, I think. Oupa played well, Coetzee is in fantastic form, and Hougie had the game of his life.

  • 133

    How about some music?

  • 134

    @ MacroBlouBul:

    I agree.

    They really missed Retalick. His the link man.

  • 135

    What a nice thread.

    For those who noticed. Thanks for admin shooter commenting rights.

    its just another cyberverse. there is no opposite to welcome here.

    ufo. excellent.

  • 136

    I would say something else. 😎

    Cane @ 16, 19, 22, 27, 29, 34, 36, 41, 42.

    Ashley @ 63 65 65 .. Must be NZ censorship.

    @26. AND this is to further and the point about this being a precedent or not and a triumph for Director Controlled tv sport.

    We didn’t have 60 000 South Africans, we had 50 000 000 South Africans’ support.

    .And how did they all see it… And not the guys with the whistle whose eyes should have been on the fukken big guy with the ball.

    I gaurantee you more than 30 000 of those Bok supporters at the stadium saw the tackle live and the tv guy played it because he saw it at the same time live. and what ufo said.

  • 137

    So what happened to pub night?

  • 138

    gunther wrote:

    @ nortie:

    You are the prefect bumboy so in sure you are right.

    We should just declare the result void.

    Nice comment on what is a debatable issue.
    You are simply blinded by the euphoria that the call and result meant we won and the Kiwis lost.
    I think any calls where a TV producer can swing the result of a game is a bad thing.
    But being a bumboy means that I mustn’t raise my concern.
    So, as we have established, it’s correct and the way forward in every single rugby game, not just when we can beat the All Blacks

  • 139

    114. Sideways.

    Commentating at its worst.

  • 140

    Tv Producer donkey’s ass man.

  • 141

    @ Jeraldjay: didn’t expect anything less JJ. After all this is KP. I’m surprised you’re surprised boeta.

  • 143

    @ Jeraldjay: I would say that Keo is trying to manufacture that typical journo angle to create a story which isn’t there to be written. Past master at the controversial is our friend Keo.

  • 144

    that said, I wonder if he ever visits this site. Under the brow covered stetson naturally.

  • 145

    @ nortie: couldn’t logically fault Barnes’ call Nortie. Dangerous tackle is exactly what ti was. Its a penalisable offence, regardless of where it’s played and when it takes place. We were simply lucky it happened where and when it did. And the fact that we have Mr Cool to slot it to nail the Test.

  • 146

    Jis(to borrow a phrase from a well known local writer’s character). Did I fart in the room? Where has everyone disappeared to since I arrived? 😥

  • 147

    watched saturday’s Test again this morning. Was a very even game in typical yo yo fashion. Boks dominated first half. Kiwi’s second. Both had their moments in either. Which pretty much is reflected in the result. These teams are not miles apart. I’d put it at closer to an undernourished ball-hair and drawing closer every clash. Which is why we are loving the battles as much as we do. Who ultimately wins is not a given until the final whistle is blown. As it should be.

  • 148

    its 10.10 and everyone has drunk their Horlicks and hit the pit it seems. Talking to myself has never been my strong suite so I’ll bid myself goodnight and retire hurt. G’nite boet.

  • 149

    133 @ MacroBlouBul:
    Nice on Macro, gosh where does the time go, its Tuesday again, so here is an oldy one from me:

  • 150

    148 @ Tassies:
    Hi Tassies, you still about?

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