Francois Steyn

Frans Steyn wil nie n “GELDJAGTER” genoem word nie.

​”Ek is nie ’n kind nie.”

Só het Frans Steyn glo op die laaste krisisvergadering tussen hom en die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugbyunie (SARU) gesê voordat hy opgestaan, uitgeloop en die Springbok-groep vaarwel geroep het.

Dit was nadat meer as een vergadering tussen hom en SARU oor sy terugkeer uit Frankryk skipbreuk gely het.

SARU het aanvanklik in 2012 skriftelik ingestem om Steyn se kontrak met ’n Franse bemarkingsmaatskappy uit te koop sodat hy weer heeltyds vir Suid-Afrika beskikbaar kon wees. SARU het die paaiemente daarvoor stiptelik betaal – tot in Januarie 2013 toe betalings skielik eensydig gestaak is.



Steyn het op 10 Junie vanjaar – in die week van die Bokke se eerste toets van die jaar in Durban teen Wallis – besluit om aan die span te onttrek. ’n Vergadering vroeër daardie week tussen hom en sy agent, ­Gerrie Swart, en SARU se regsverteenwoordiger, Frikkie Erasmus, het skeef geloop nadat ’n soortgelyke vergadering in Mei ook skipbreuk gely het.


Ingeligde bronne, wat oor eerstehandse inligting beskik, sê:

  • SARU het in Januarie 2013 eensydig opgehou om die ooreenge­kome paaiemente aan die Franse bemarkingsmaatskappy te betaal. Die Franse het Steyn daarna met regsaksie gedreig;
  • SARU het ná ’n voortslepende twis met Steyn besluit om ’n enkele groot bedrag in sy rekening te deponeer sodat hy dit regstreeks aan die Franse kon betaal;
  • Steyn is nie geken in dié besluit nie en was weens belastingimplikasies ontevrede daaroor; en
  • Steyn het ’n Springbok-kontrak tot en met aanstaande jaar se Wêreldbeker-rugbytoernooi van die hand gewys omdat dit onder meer geen verwysing na die terugbetalings aan die bemarkingsmaatskappy bevat het nie.


Andy Colquhoun, SARU se hoof van korporatiewe dienste, wou geen vrae oor hul twis met Steyn en die bewerings oor terugbetalingsreëlings beantwoord nie. Volgens hom is daar geen uitstaande kwessies tussen SARU en Steyn nie en was die vroeëre onenigheid “ ’n dispuut oor meganismes”.

“SARU is nie in die gewoonte om besonderhede van werknemers se dienskontrakte in die openbaar te ontleed nie.” Hy wou ook nie sê of SARU sedert Junie in verbinding met Steyn was nie.

Steyn is sedert die Haaie se nederlaag in die halfeindstryd van die Super Rugby-kompetisie onbereikbaar. Daar word verneem hy het tyd op sy ouerplaas in die Oos-Vrystaat deurgebring. Hy is ook besig om sy visum vir Japan, waar hy voortaan vir die span van Toshiba Brave ­Lupus gaan speel, te reël.

Volgens bronne na aan dié senter het dit vir hom nooit oor geld gegaan nie, maar oor die beginsel dat ooreenkomste eerbiedig moet word.

Hy is ook lugtig om as ’n geldjagter bestempel te word en is steeds gretig om vir sy land uit te draf.

Hy is egter glo weens dié gemors jammer hy het ingestem om na Suid-Afrika terug te keer.

53 Responses to SA Rugby: Só boor Saru vir Frans Steyn

  • 31

    nortierd wrote:

    22 @ Charo:
    We all know he really only rates Jake and is 100% loyal to him only.

    Proof? 😀

  • 32

    @ MacroBok:

    Just because he is in dispute doesn’t mean he can walk out on his employer.

    When people strike they don’t get paid.

  • 33

    Can’t you fukkers ever do anything right?

  • 34

    MacroBok wrote:

    nortierd wrote:

    22 @ Charo:
    We all know he really only rates Jake and is 100% loyal to him only.


    It’s in the pudding….you know, the ones he kept scoffing before Jake took over 😀

  • 35

    gunther wrote:

    @ Stormersboy:

    My I suggest a Comission into these shenanigans ?

    Seeing as the Arms Deal Enquiry has been so successful?

    Yes ideed. I will volunteer to chair said committee, which will naturally require frequent and lavish trips to the scene of the origin of the dispute.

    On a serious note, I doubt that either party has too much moral rights here. Just because “everyone does it” doesn’t mean Frans can claim riteous indignation if it falls flat and similarly i would be surprised if SARU didn’t know that it was a scheme.

    I will save my sympathies for those a bit more deserving…

  • 36

    @ Stormersboy:
    What next, Jurie running Ponzi schemes, Frans claiming his stokvel money then bailing before it’s his turn to make payment?

  • 37

    I also think that Frans is possibly blowing it for some of his colleagues that also have dual employers, one of which is SARU (think Morne, Bryan, Bakkies etc.)

    He is shining the spotlight on all the foreign based players indirectly.

    He may find himself being removed from a few Christmas card lists…

  • 38

    @ Stormersboy:


    And when all else fails we will blame the police.


  • 39

    @ nortierd:

    I’ts chaos out there!!

    😀 😀

  • 40

    Stormersboy wrote:

    @ nortierd:

    I’ts chaos out there!!

    Chaos I tell you, they must pull themselves together.

  • 41

    @ GoBokkeAndIreland:
    The simple approach is the better one imo:
    Due payments to FS dried up for whatever reason, it would be a mistake trying to get into that convoluted world of payments to pro football and rugby players

    Stormersboy wrote:

    Frans received the money either way, but the tax treatment would have been different. Also the second method of payment would have the money paid in SA as apposed to France (not Frans lol) and so there is also an exchange control implication.

    This is merely a supposition, I tend to believe in the bottom line that funds to FS from SARU went AWOL, the total amount involved is relatively peanuts compared to what Pro soccer players earn in Europe, not worth getting incriminated /

  • 42

    @ nortierd:
    Calling fraud a ‘chaos’ is the easy way out
    It’s like HM saying the rain impaired the Boks’ game on Sat, implying that the opposition team wasn’t affected?
    Bottom line, payments are missing, not first time this week? 😆

  • 43

    @ MacroBok:
    The 18 months of inaction by SARU speaks volumes imo.

  • 44

    @ Hondo:

    Well your assumption is likely wrong.

    It’s not peanuts to Frankie Steyn.

  • 45

    @ Stormersboy:28
    I wasn’t sure about my translation.
    Had forgotten about the image rights – was thinking it was something to do with his french playing contract.

  • 46

    Look his timing was pisspoor after he became gatvol…
    Actually he looks gatvol most of the time.
    But clearly saru cocked up, their communication seemed amateurish at best.

  • 47

    In the words of the great Det. Insp Derek Grim: ” your cockup……my ass!”


    You need to read it fast to get the full effect..

  • 48

    oh, a blog full of financial wizzes I see.
    Maybe Fransie should apply for a few unsecured loans to pay his unscheduled tax.
    Easipeesy apparently.
    Its called roundtripping.
    Loan repayments back to The Receiver via the other AB.
    Don’t tell him about the interest rate though. :mrgreen:

  • 49

    and on that note of extraordinary wisdom I need to head home to handbreekie.

  • 50

    @ Tassies:
    Is African Bank still handing out loans?
    Do they have branches in Japan though…..

  • 51

    @ nortierd: Leon’s probably setting up shop as we speak.
    Praat later.

  • 52

    @ Tassies:
    Cheers 😀

  • 53

    The contents of this article has not made me feel any better about or towards Vet Fransie… hy moet maar vir hom kry en boggeroffski!

    I hope he never wears the Green and Gold again.

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