StormersBullsStormers (16) 16 / 0 (0) Bulls (Final Score)

The DHL Stormers and Vodacom Bulls did battle in Super Rugby at

Newlands, Cape Town at 17:05 SA Time (15:05 GMT).

This was the live match discussion Article.

The match was broadcast LIVE on SuperSport 1, SHD & M-Net on TV in SA.




  • Penalties – Kurt Coleman (3)
  • Drop Goals – 0
  • Tries – Jaco Taute (1)
  • Conversions – Kurt Coleman (1)


  • Penalties – 0
  • Drop Goals – 0
  • Tries – 0
  • Conversions – 0


DHL Stormers

Vodacom Bulls

05 July at 17:05
  • Team: 15. Jaco Taute, 14. Gio Aplon, 13. Sailosi Tagicakibau, 12. Juan de Jongh, 11. Cheslin Kolbe, 10. Kurt Coleman, 9. Nick Groom, 8. Duane Vermeulen (Captain), 7. Schalk Burger (Captain), 6. Nizaam Carr, 5. Ruan Botha, 4. Michael Rhodes, 3. Pat Cilliers, 2. Deon Fourie, 1. Alistair Vermaak
  • Replacements: 16. Tiaan Liebenberg, 17. Sithembiso Sithole, 18. Martin Dreyer, 19. Manuel Carizza, 20. Siya Kolisi, 21. Louis Schreuder, 22. Peter Grant, 23. Seabelo Senatla
  • Team: 15. Ulrich Beyers, 14. Akona Ndungane, 13. JJ Engelbrecht, 12. Jan Serfontein, 11. Bjorn Basson, 10. Handre Pollard, 9. Francois Hougaard, 8. Grant Hattingh, 7. Jacques Engelbrecht, 6. Jono Ross, 5. Victor Matfield (Captain), 4. Paul Willemse, 3. Werner Kruger, 2. Callie Visagie, 1. Dean Greyling
  • Replacements: 16. Mbongeni Mbonambi, 17. Marcel Van Der Merwe, 18. Marvin Orie, 19. Roelof Smit, 20. Piet van Zyl, 21. Jacques-Louis Potgieter, 22. William Small-Smith, 23. Morné Mellett

Referee: Craig Joubert (South Africa)
Assistant Referees: Marius Jonker (South Africa), Quinton Immelman (South Africa)
TMO: Shaun Veldsman (South Africa)

367 Responses to Super Rugby: DHL Stormers vs Vodacom Bulls – Live Game Article

  • 331

    Fern wrote:

    @ Gumboots:
    wow but you are 1 emo biatch!

    Hehehe – hello Brutus

  • 332

    Pietman wrote:

    @ superBul:
    You know me…always the promoter of peace In Love

    O flok…delete laaste deel asb!

  • 333

    324 @ superBul:
    True, but that’s an old problem with the Stormers, build a quick lead and then allow the other side to come back.
    Today was the same in the second half, only the Bulls failed to capitalize and get points.
    Sorry, didn’t see the earlier post…hello 😀

  • 334

    @ Fern:
    Where have you been? emoworld?

  • 335

    So, if the Stormers start their season well, they finish crap. It seems that when they start badly they seem to finish well. Hell, if we could just cut out the middle bit.

    I disagree that the Stormers went to sleep tonight. Both sides showed that it was impossible to play the ball in that second half rain. They D defended as well as the Bulls in the first half, not a side asleep.

  • 336

    Cheetahs by 9….

    Gooooo Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeetahhhhhhhhsssss

  • 337

    @ Gumboots:
    I wish Bud,snowed under work big time.

  • 338

    Gumboots wrote:

    @ Fern:
    Where have you been? emoworld?

    That joint must be roooock……Ing big time tonight.

    Imagine if the Cheetahs should win, goodness, end of the world stuff

  • 339

    Let’s all migrate to the Cheetahs / Sharks thread.

  • 340

    nortierd wrote:

    Gumboots wrote:

    @ Fern:
    Where have you been? emoworld?

    That joint must be roooock……Ing big time tonight.

    Imagine if the Cheetahs should win, goodness, end of the world stuff

    It gonna happen mate….

  • 341

    Gumboots wrote:

    nortierd wrote:

    Gumboots wrote:

    @ Fern:
    Where have you been? emoworld?

    That joint must be roooock……Ing big time tonight.

    Imagine if the Cheetahs should win, goodness, end of the world stuff

    It gonna happen mate….

    Nah, can’t see it happening, Sharks to lose next week, but not tonight.
    Cheetahs without Boom and Brussouw

  • 342

    Tien opmerkings oor die Bulle vandag:

    1.) Ross en Kallie is useless, hulle moet weg.

    2.) Jy kan nie sonder ‘n fetcher speel nie, ek is seker Akona het die meeste turnovers gehad net soos in die laaste wedstryd

    3.) Jy het ‘n harde man of twee in jou pak nodig, die sagte laaities word geintimideer

    4.) Ludeke moet ‘n prestasie klousule in sy kontrak kry met ‘n hoë wenpersentasie teen SA spanne ‘n moet, want anders sal Ou @@#$ Barend nooit van die sleg bliksem ontslae raak nie

    5.) Hougaard is ‘n goeie speler maar hy’s nie goed genoeg op skrumskakel op hierdie vlak nie

    6.) Beyers het goed gespeel in ‘n verloorspan en is beter as maergat

    7.) As jy nie die bal beskerm en skoonmaak in die losskrums nie gaan jy nie balbesit hê nie

    8.) Dean is nie meer goed genoeg nie, hy speel in die los maar kan nie skrum nie en staan strafskoppe af

    9.) As jou haker nie kan ingooi in die lynstane nie, help dit nie eers om Victor in die span te hê nie

    10.) Ons het nie spoed in ons lostrio nie, dit saam met die feit dat ons nie ‘n fetcher het nie is fataal

  • 343

    @ Victoriabok:
    Niks oor Pollard en Janneman nie? Wink

  • 344

    Nama on 5 July 2014 at 15:28 SAST
    Ruan Botha vs Matfield
    Coleman vs Pollard
    De Jongh vs Janneman
    Tagicakibau vs JJ Engelbrecht

    Ek sal nou nie se dat die ouens die rede was waarom Stormers gewen het nie (Carr, Vermeulen, Schalk en Deon Fourie was die eintlike manne met Vermaak (no. 1) ‘n kortkop agter), maar die rede vir my vraag vroeer vandag was omdat die manne Bokke is en die ander (behalwe Vatikakibau) nie eintlik raakgesien word nie.

    Wat het die twee messiahse (Pollard en Janneman) nou eintlik vandag gedoen? Word hulle nog steeds as “world class” gereken na vandag se vertyoning?

  • 345

    @ nortierd:
    You still feel that we’ve lost out on Swiel?

  • 346

    Nama wrote:

    @ nortierd:
    You still feel that we’ve lost out on Swiel?

    Yes, Coleman had a great game, so don’t want to sell him short at all, but Swiel made an error thinking he was going away from a boring and staid gameplan and team, when in fact, that’s what the Sharks currently are, while the Stormers have recently abandoned that mindset.

    Swiel next to that Fattie is no good, put him next to JdJ, guys who can match him and keep up with him and allow him to go for broke.

  • 347

    @ nortierd:
    Probleem met ouens soos Swiel (Pollard ens) is dat hulle al van skoolvlak af vertel is hoe “goed” hulle is en dat hulle toekomstige “Bok legendes” sal wees. Dan voel hulle om sommer binne in ‘n WP/Stormers span in te stap na skool en as WP hulle ‘n junior kontrak aanbied om hulle eers deur die sisteme te wil kry, sien hulle nie kans nie. Darenteen “belowe” die Bulle/Sharks die laaities “game time” in senior wedstryde en gevolglik waai hulle. Ek verkies eerder dat ‘n laaitie vokkof as hy nie sy “apprenticeship” wil voltooi en sy kans afwag nie.

    Ek sien die Shark ondersteuners se hulle sal ons betaal om hom terug te vat na vandag se wedstryd. Overjoy

  • 348

    @ Nama:
    Ek het ook so gesien daar op 365
    Dink hulle is onregverdig om hom nou die scapegoat te wil maak, die Sharks agterlyn is al heel jaar kak vandat Lambie beseer is.
    Hulle voorspelers was opgedonder vandag, en dis waar hulle verloor het.
    Die Cheetah losvoorspelers, selfs sonder Boom en Brussouw het hulle gatte geskop.

  • 349

    @ nortierd:
    Ek stem saam

    Mohoje het my eerlikwaar beindruk. Ek het nog nie veel van hom gesien nie, maar ek was verbaas dat v/d Walt bo hom aangewys is as MoM.

    Rayno Benjamin het vir Vet Frans goed in toom gehou en hom eintlik ore aangesit. Daai mannetjie probeer nou net nie seer kry nie sodat hy nie sy Japanese geld verloor nie.

    Willie was baie bestendig. Goeie buitelyn skoppe en sy avontuurlustigheid bietjie beteuel. Altyd goed as ‘n speler teen sy natuurlike instinkte kan gaan ter wille van die span.

    Goosen was ook goed. Hoekom het hy ‘n geelkaart gekry?

    Strauss en Babyface was soos gewoonlik solied en so ook Nyakane.

  • 350

    No excuses for the Bulls, we all knew that their shred of a chance to make the P/Os had evaporated before the match, still,
    Matfield: On a steep down hill and rolling
    Hougaard: Harmful and destructive
    Pollard; He REALLY seemed to believe in all what has been written about him in the rugby media?
    He is no Naas, Joel nor Butch or Honibal, he isn’t even close to Derrick Hougaard
    Joubert is Da Man though 😀

  • 351

    @ Nama:
    Goosen het die bal weggeskop toe die Sharks n strafskop gekry het.
    Soos jy nog altyd gese het, Vettie is kak, en hy het vandag definitief nie gewys hoekom hy kwansuis meer geld verdien nie, daar is baie beter en meer professionele senters in SA wat vir die Bokke wil speel. Hy kan maar sionora se en voertsek, hoe gouer hoe beter.

    Willie en Goosen se skoppe was vrek goed.

    Die Sharks het net een ordentlike agterspeler, en dis Percy Mvovo, die enigste ou wat flair het en kan driee druk. Nou neuk hulle met SP, hoe kak is hy?
    Mvovo moes 15 gespeel het, hulle het hom uitverkoop op vleul, swak balle gegee en geen tyd of spasie vir hom gemaak nie

  • 352

    349 @ Hondo:
    Strange, but I also think Joubert was the man today, an excellent display of officiating, top notch in my book.
    Very impartial and fair today, was our Craigie

  • 353

    @ Hondo:
    You went on record yesterday saying that Joubert got his orders from SARU to let the Bulls win because they still had an outside chance of making the play offs. What happened?

  • 354

    Nama wrote:

    @ Hondo:
    You went on record yesterday saying that Joubert got his orders from SARU to let the Bulls win because they still had an outside chance of making the play offs. What happened?

    And do you think the ARU conspired against our conference leaders in Bloemfontein to keep the best team in the tournament down in 3rd place on the log?

  • 355

    And then another Garbage Time win for the Stormers
    Can’t say much other to point out that 95% of their victories since 2011 came under SARU referees

  • 356

    @ Hondo:
    About the same time that SANZAR did away with neutral refs to save cost, isn’t it?

    What’s the percentage wins of the Reds unders Aus refs or that of the Chiefs under NZ refs.? You have any idea? Wink

  • 357

    @ Nama:
    …since 2011, of course.

  • 358

    geluk met julle span. blixem ek voel al die kak babelas wat ek more gaan he

  • 359

  • 360

    @ MacroBull:
    Thanks Macro. Always a great feeling beating the Eternal Enemies. I’ll drink on that.

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