Cosatu has called on ministers and sport administrators to intervene and bring more black players into South African rugby.
The trade union federation released a media statement in which it criticises the white “old boys club” which it believes still rules rugby in South Africa.
It follows the Springboks’ 55-6 win over Scotland in Port Elizabeth at the weekend – a match which was preceded by SARU president Oregan Hoskins urging Bok coach Heyneke Meyer to pick more black players.
Meyer did include a few more black players in his squad for the game in Port Elizabeth, but Cosatu was not impressed.
“The old boys club in rugby still control things in the same way they always have and they manage their public relations to reinforce this,” Cosatu said via the media statement.
“The coach is always presented as now fixing the problems that Peter de Villiers (former Bok coach) caused, to undermine the latter, yet we are bringing back old players when there are existing new ones around. The team on the field is still over-represented by white players, even though there are many great black players in the squad.”
“Looking at the match on Saturday, again black players are brought on to the field in the last five minutes, even though the Springboks are comfortably ahead. This is because the coach is scared that the black players will outshine the white players, if they get lots of game time. Even when players go off for injury, they are rushed back on because the black replacements may shine.”
Cosatu went one step further and even took a dig at the camouflage scrum cap which Bok captain Victor Matfield wore, believing it resembles the old Apartheid era.
“The arrogance of the white boys club continues to be displayed very publicly, an example being how Matfield wears an old South African riot squad skull cap, completely disregarding how this may impact on the sentiments of black South Africans. He should be told to wear a cap with new national symbols.”
When asked for comment, SARU said it would not get involved in political mudslinging.
Fok weet, wens mens kon daai fokkers wegwens of die see in jaag… en dan is ek nie daarmee rasisties nie… hulle kan elke wit, swart, indiër en kleurling Cosatu lid saam die see in jaag!
Wat de fok het ‘n scrum cap met die Apartheidsera te doen… sweet fanny buggerall!!
@ grootblousmile:
Hierdie lot word betaal om kuk te praat terwyl ons ander ons ander lotjie onse gatte afwerk om die land se ekonomie te bou met belasting en ander hard verworwe kundigheid…so, fok hulle almal met my komplimente, wit, swart, bruin(wat dit ookal mag beteken), Sjinees, makatees, die hele hopelose, misrabele kaboedel.
Een van die dae sal ons seker hoor ons swart tennisspelers is so min want hulle weier om wit klere te dra….
klomp ape probeer gesig koop nadat amcu hulle gatte geskop het in die platinum bedryf
@ smallies:
klomp ape probeer gesig koop
Los tog daai soort uitsprake.
@ smallies:
So, sover dit ons twee aangaan, laat ons maar nie verder met mekaar gesels nie. As jy mense as “ape” sien omdat hulle anders as jy redeneer, …
I believe the scrum cap issue is out of order on Matfield’s behalf.
He is representing the Springboks yet he is allowed to wear equipment which clearly “links” him to his provincial team’s sponsors, and the Springbok coaching team endorses this?
Ridiculous- what’s next? The socks?
4 @ Nama:
@ BrumbiesBoy:
Care to comment about the treatment that the Aboriginal people endured?
Tell us again why you support the brumbies and the political stance behind this please.
@ Nama:
Nama ek stem saam met jou die ou is duidelik n rasis.
Hy gaan seker nog aan oor Bloedrivier maar vergeet heel gemaklik dat meer as 100 Zulu’s saam met die Voortrekker geveg het daar.
GBS ek voel dat Smallies sy opmerking moet terug trek en omverskoning tevra,ek is seker jy duld nie rasistiese spraak op jou webwerf nie.
@ Fern:
More Varing, hoessit,
Ek verstaan nie lekker nie, hoe is ”ape” rassisties? Ek het al dikwels virf my laaitie gese, “man, moenie n bleddie aap wees nie, gaan dink weer…”en so aan, wanneer hy iets onnosels aanvang.
Faark, julle ouens kan partkeer so polities sensitief wees oor nokkol
Ek dink Fransman en Tony Ehrenrich is twee swape, en as iemand van my daaroor verskil en nie met my wil praat nie, ”so fukkin be it, be my guest bru”.
Lees weer die berig hierbo en verduidelik wat dit met Bloedrivier (of rugby) uit te waai het…of is ek nou n aap omdat ek dit nie kan kleinkry nie
@ Fern:
465 voortrekkers +100 zulus =565 teen +- 21 000 ipi is nog steeds n snotklap of note. moenie die. geskiedenis hierby betrek nie. en as jy nie met my wil praat nie dude….. jy hoef nie.
@ Nama:
fine by me
smallies wrote:
ok ok ok ek trek my woorde terug…… ek is vreeeeeeeeeeeeeeslik jammer dat ek die klomp mamparras ape genoem het…. sorry jammer
@ smallies:
Woon jy die afgelope 20 jaar in n slang se hol?
@ Pietman:
Die afrikaanse term vir n “bunnychow” is “katkop”.
@ smallies:
Nee jong, trek terug, of ek praat nie weer met jou nie..los tog maar die mammas uit die gesprek, asseblieftog.
@ Fern:
Sies man, trek terug…of ek praat nie weer met jou nie!
Joh joh, as hulle doel was om onmin te saai in rugby lyk dit of hulle dit regkry as die rugby liefhebbers al klaar so aanmekaar raak.
Ek sien nie eers hoekom dit n koerant moes haal of as nuuswaardig beskou moes word nie, so ek neem aan die media geniet die tipe stories want dit ontlok reaksies, en dit verkoop koerante of gee vir hulle baie hits op die web.
Ek is nie seker of die “old white boys club” verwys na Victor en sy ouderdom nie, of die laaste 100 jaar van Bok rugby nie. As dit die laasgenoemde is, dan is hulle seker reg, want ek neem aan dat 95% van alle “oud” Bokke, lewendig of dood, was wit.
Wat dit met vandag se rugby uit te waai het, is n vraag wat hulle maar kan antwoord en debateer.
Die sogenaamde 5 minute caps is wel iets wat my pla, maar niks met velkleur uit te waai nie, ek hou net nie daarvan dat enige afrigter n speler n 5-10 minute cap gee en dan speel die ou dalk nooit weer vir die Bokke nie, maar hy kan ook nie kwalifiseer vir n ander land nie.
Ek moes iets gemis het waar Heyneke kwansuis Divvie se gemors moes regmaak, Divvie het die AB’s tuis en weg geklop, sowel as die Leeu toer gewen, so hy het glad nie so sleg gedoen nie.
@ Pietman:
skuus my baas ek trek terug…. ek is jammer ek het die fuckbond vastrap bende ape en mamparras genoem….. en ek hoop ek se dit nou in die regte kont teks en dat dit nie uit die slang se hol kom nie…..
n Mens kan enigiets lees en afleidings maak as jy subjektief na iets kyk, soos wat ek hierbo met “konteks, swape, mamparras” probeer aantoon het ; dit verg geen intelligensie of enige morele oorwegings nie, jy moet net bevoordeeld genoeg wees en dan kry jy n idee (of n “prentjie” in Cosatu se geval, want hulle het fokkol idee nie, slegs nihilistiese denke).
Dus, ek maar hou by rugby hier op RT, genoeg van daai kuk gesien op Voldy….dis hoekom hy in sy moer is.
@ Pietman:
sorry oom piet dat ek jou hierby betrek het, was nie my plan nie
@ Pietman:
When I saw this article elsewhere on the web, I just had a feeling in the water that it was a sh1t sirring attempt from COSATU, and that it would indeed cause the reation it has amongst Rugby “lovers”.
Sad indeed to read the string of comments and mud slinging above.
Shades of 2008 over there on “the dark side” all over again. Just the reason I stopped visiting Keo.
Enjoy the weekend of sport all.
Revel in any victory your team(s) may have.
I’ll leave it at that.
@ smallies:
Waarvan praat jy, sorry vir wat?
Ek laat my nie betrek nie, by niks nie, ek betrek my sommer self bru!
Fern wrote:
You’re the one who brought up the politics but have you ever heard me condoning any hardships about how the Aborigines have/may have been treated? TWO WRONGS DON’T MAKE A RIGHT.
And to refresh your memory; my “political stance” on the non-support of South African teams is quite simple…I do not support the quota system…never have & never will. Teams should be selected on merit & merit alone.
My stance is not-negotiable and will remain that way…for as long as the South African government continues to meddle & interfere in sport so I will not support South African teams of any sort…it is my “peaceful” way of demonstrating against an unjust & “inhumane” system, much the same as the dreaded Apartheid system was.
Thank you.
@ Pietman:
Cheers, ons hoef nie eers sulke drade begin hier nie, COSATU kan fokol doen met rugby, al wat hulle kan doen is om rugby ondersteuners teen mekaar te draai, en ons kon sien hoe maklik dit is…
Smallies se gedrag was pateties hier, dis beter om te erken as jy verkeerd is as om n kinderagtige show op te sit, en ek is teleurgesteld Rudi bly stil daaroor.
But leave sleeping dogs… Moenie politiek in bring by die site nie. VERAL stellings deur n liggaam wat niks betrokke is met rugby nie en wie se lede nie eers n feer voel vir hierdie stellings nie.
@ MacroBull:
so wat jy se is dat ek moet stil bly as iemand my n rasis noem? sorry ou pel maar daai karretjie gaan nie in my straatjie ry nie. dis van te bang wees om ons monde oop te maak dat ons sit waar ons sit. sorry maat maar ek is NIE POLIETIES korrek nie en het geen behoefte om te wees nie. ek sal nie my standpunt verander nie…..
Listen chaps, this Article was a bit “Political” in nature, but I thought that it pertained to rugby, which we are passionate about… and it was “Rugby News” in broader terms.
That does not mean we have to fight each other or degenerate into chaos about the issue!’s TERMS & CONDITIONS and RULES & BLOGGING POLICY is clear.. and you have to avail yourselves of the contents thereof, understand it and accept it. It is recorded under ABOUT (under the Main Menues).
In simple terms, we do not discuss Politics or Religion or allow Racist Content or Hate Speech on!
We are a peaceful and homogenous society of like-minded rugby supporters at our core, who strive to get along with one another, who show mutual respect and we strive to make South Africa and the world in general a better place, for us all… no matter your creed, colour, beliefs, sex or rugby supporter orientation.
At least I am proud to say that the responses above have been far better than the responses on other forums running the same news… and that in itself says a lot about us, as a community.
Let’s continue to live out our core credo here…
It is not a request, it is a friendly yet stern instruction.
24 @ MacroBull:
As you can see, I am not silent about the issue, in fact I was away for most of the day in Ermelo, Mpumalanga and thereafter busy with various business matters… and the above in this comment is my response on the issue.
Hey Fern…
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