Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber

I hope you guys have a taste for parody and a tongue-in-cheek look at events of the week!

Another episode or 3 in a new serial called Dumb and Dumberer – the SARU Story, is playing out right in front of our eyes this week again.

In Episode 1, one of the lead actors, let’s call him “Hoss”… short for Hoskins… opens his mouth, sticks both feet firmly in… and then continues to look stupid.

In Episode 2, “Kallie Karnallie”… short for Kallie Kriel… puts Hoss in his place, treats him like a school child, leaving Hoss in the fetal position and sucking his thumb in the corner.

In Episode 3, the knight on a white horse arrives… errrr sorry the script was changed to a “Brommer op ‘n Drol”… He tries to rip both of Hoss’ feet out of his mouth and declares that the feet did not belong there in the first place, yet acknowledging that foot in mouth disease, has flash-back effects much like Malaria does.

Like all soapies, this is a lot of tripe, to be followed by the brainless masses…

Well, if you can’t beat them, join them I say! If they can all talk the biggest load of bollocks, then surely I can paint them into a corner and twist the knife for good effect, can’t I?

(PS! Folks, take this with a pinch of salt, no a heap of salt, this is just an attempt to bring mirth to a subject which normally peeves off the average Joe in South Africa!)


Episode 1 & 2 – Hoskins & AfriForum:

Oregan Hoskins

Oregan Hoskins

A legal team is preparing to submit an official complaint to the IRB against SARU’s proposed quota system, civil rights organisation AfriForum said on Monday.

AfriForum chief executive Kallie Kriel said IRB rules prohibited racial discrimination and political interference in rugby.

“SARU’s instruction to the Springbok coach is a crude form of racial discrimination and an indication that SARU has surrendered to the quota threats of the Minister of Sport, Fikile Mbalula,” Kriel said in a statement.

AfriForum’s legal team would look into the possibility of opening a case with the International Court for Arbitration in Sport.

It was reported on Monday that SARU president Oregan Hoskins had sent a message to Springbok coach Heyneke Meyer about having a greater representation of blacks in the national team.

Hoskins said he personally delivered the message to Meyer.

“We need to give black players, specifically ‘African blacks’, more chances in the team,” he said.

“I spoke to the coach and he agreed, the time is right for this. I believe we will already see a change or two against Scotland this coming weekend.”

Kriel said it was not in the interest of South African rugby, players or the supporters of the sport for Saru to “blatantly contravene” the IRB’s rules.

AfriForum supported rugby development, and wanted everyone to have the opportunity to participate in the sport, he said.

“A racial quota system disadvantages all talented players of all races,” Kriel said.

“White players are disadvantaged because they are excluded from participation based on their race and the validity of the inclusion of black players in teams is by default suspect.”

AfriForum’s complaint was based on by-law 3 of the IRB rules and regulations. It compels the IRB to prevent any form of racial discrimination in rugby.

Regulation 20 determines that any action in rugby which entails racial discrimination amounts to “misconduct”.

The IRB may institute disciplinary steps against any rugby body that violates these rules.

“SARU and government should address their own failure to develop young talent at school level with development programmes rather than playing the numbers game in a top-down manipulation of the sport,” Kriel said.


Episode 3 – Roux to the rescue:

Jurie Roux

Jurie Roux

The pressure may be on Heyneke Meyer to select more ‘black African’ players, but transformation is not the Springbok coach’s responsibility.

The dreaded ‘T-word’ – which has been voiced unstintingly by politicians in recent months – received more airtime on Monday when South African Rugby Union President Regan Hoskins made it clear he wants to see more non-white faces in the national team.

Hoskins said he personally spoke to the Bok coach, Meyer, and said players like Teboho Mohoje, Sibusiso Sithole, Lwazi Mvovo, Siya Kolisi and Trevor Nyakane must get opportunities sooner rather than later.

The SARU boss said he was referring specifically to ‘black Africans’, when he suggested some changes could be made ahead of SA’s one-off Test against Scotland in Port Elizabeth this coming Saturday.

SARU Chief Executive Jurie Roux confirmed that Hoskins had spoken to the Bok coach about the vexed issue of more black players in the national team, but added that it is not up to the Bok coach to bring these players through the ranks.

He suggested transformation is a much bigger issue than just how many non-white (or black Africans) play for the Boks.

“It is wider rugby’s job – from age group level, Cup, Currie Cup and Super Rugby level upwards to provide the volume of talented players – black African, coloured and white – from which our national coaches can pick what we hope will be world-beating teams,” Roux said.

Roux added that all SARU’s national coaches are aware of the need to be sensitive to transformation, as they sit most in the public eye.

“There has not been a SARU president who has not discussed the issue of transformation with the national coach,” the CEO said.

“The topic is at the top of our agenda and we do not shy away from that.”

“But what became evident from the work of the Eminent Persons’ Group is that although significant progress has been made in terms of transformation, the development of black African sports stars in sports such as ours – as well as others – had lagged.”

Hoskins’ discussion with Meyer came in the wake of the revelation that the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee came out and praised SARU for its effort in transformation, contrary to the popular perception that the union has no transformation plans.

SASCOC CEO Tubby Reddy last week said he was pleased with the steps taken by SARU thus far.

Hoskins admitted that there is “pressure from above” to give black players more opportunities at national level.


Episode 4 onwards – The Circus continues:

As we have become accostomed to, the circus is in town and will continue to perform, to ever dwindling numbers around the ring.

Expect fireworks from the baddies in the story, “Tony Polony”… short for Tony Ehrenreich… and “Sas de Kock”… short for SASCOC… who will pull a couple of bazookas out of nowhere, threaten to blast everybody to smithereens and then again disappear like ghosts in the night, till next time!

118 Responses to Transformation sideshow: Hoskins puts both feet in his mouth, Roux tries to rip them free… damage control

  • 61

    The brickwall has cracked.

  • 62

    61 @ robzim:
    Which wall is that, Bobster?

  • 63

    @ grootblousmile:


    It’s the same old story rehashed at intervals and much like the test of this country we are preoccupied with window dressing rather than fundamentals.

    Fortunately I depart for a month in Provence tomorrow to contemplate this fuckshow from a distance.

  • 64

    @ grootblousmile:

    Italian wall at the football…they lost 0-1 in an ill tempered match full of controversy including alleged biting and headbutting etc..

  • 65

    @ robzim:
    Yep, glad for Uruguy, and let’s not forget to mention England fizzling out with a damp squib of a 0-0 draw

  • 66

    I’m totally apathetic regarding the quota fiasco, I’ve been in an industry where I’m so used to it, I’ve grown to ignore it.
    In my line, applying for a post is such a waste of time, and appointing the best person is not even on the agenda.
    At least these guys still get paid millions, whether they make Bok or not, with the option of earning even more overseas.
    This nonsense of only having a couple of years to secure a future is bollocks, the top guys earn more in one year than most citizens in a lifetime, and less not forget that small matters like cars are given to them, and they get paid to drive it as well.
    And contacts are made with businessmen that ensures that they probably never have to work again in any case, or they invest in companies where they still earn a good living.

    Sorry to hear about their so called plight, but as an average citizen who must also just earn a living, I’m all out of fucks to give because a 20 something year old is unhappy with earning a mere couple of million a year and would prefer to go do it somewhere else

  • 67

    @ robzim:64
    The reaction to the “bite” is hilarious.
    The guy dropped like a ton of bricks for a nibble on the shoulder.
    I also enjoy a bite of Italian every now and again, usually pizza or pasta, not those greaseballs, cholesterol will skyrocket

  • 68

    net on kommentaar te lewer op die hele transformasie sirkus,my laaiti gaan op aliwal-noord in die oos-kaap skool,hulle het al van graad een af gemiddeld sewe of so swart spelers in hulle spannetjie,die situasie was konstand en daai swart outjies het bleddie mooi ontwikkel tot o/13 vlak,toe hulle hoerskool toe gaan raak vyf net weg’ek vra my laaitie nou waar is die klomp nee se hy hulle speel nou almal sokker……..die drie wat oorgebly het is ysters en speel loskop vaskop en hakker en almal is soos klein vrieskaste gebou

  • 69

    Fark… seems Suarez did indeed bite the Italian… he just cannot control himself if things go wrong…… he is probably out of the tournament…

    So disappointing if arguably the best player in the world behaves like that.

  • 70

    @ nortierd:

    The Italian made a meal of it ( pun intended) but it seems Suarez took a nibble.. he even grabbed his mouth afterwards?… what on earth was he trying to do?

  • 71

    @ robzim:
    Yep, won’t be picking Uruguy further, without him they don’t stand a good chance.
    But jeez, talk about overreacting, both of them, pathetic the way they dropped.
    Would love to see the pair of them play for 5 minutes against Bakkies, Eben, Chabal and Jerry Collins Happy

  • 72

    @ nortierd:
    die strikers is gewoonlik maar pissies maar die defenders is ysters wat sommer jou bene met n tackle sal breek

  • 73

    @ nortierd:


    Pizza gives me heartburn if I have beer with it 🙂

  • 74

    smallies wrote:

    @ nortierd:
    die strikers is gewoonlik maar pissies maar die defenders is ysters wat sommer jou bene met n tackle sal breek

    Dit was juis die Italiaanse defender wat soos n sak patats geval het toe hy hom so liggies op die skouer genibble het.
    Ek dink Vinny Jones en sy Wimbeldon spanmaats van die 80’s was die laaste genuine “hard men” van sokker.
    Daai ouens het nie kak gevat nie

  • 75

    ” Would love to see the pair of them play for 5 minutes against Bakkies, Eben, Chabal and Jerry Collins .”

    They would probably drop faster than Habana! Wink

  • 76

    smallies wrote:

    @ nortierd:
    die strikers is gewoonlik maar pissies maar die defenders is ysters wat sommer jou bene met n tackle sal breek

    Ja.. daar is ysters in daardie game soos jy se. ..

    Ongelukkig is dit deel van strikers se game om te soek vir ‘n penalty… dis daarom dat hulle so spectacular kan duik al word hul net liggies geraak.

  • 77

    @ Pietman:
    En hulle sal nie tweet oor hoe jammer hulle is vir die dive nie

  • 78

    @ nortierd:
    het nogals aan vinny gedink toe ek daai post geskryf het

  • 79

    @ nortierd:
    By the way, a very well written piece in #66, YOU should have been the script writer, not that bloke in #1…

  • 80

    @ nortierd:
    ou kry maar pissies onder voorpelers ook ,andries bekker bv sal nooit vergeet hoe hy vir marty hoeta weg gehol het nie

  • 81

    @ Pietman:79
    Lol, GBS aka Great Big Scriptwriter gaan jou moer

  • 82

    nortierd wrote:

    @ Pietman:79
    Lol, GBS aka Great Big Scriptwriter gaan jou moer

    GreatBigSader, bedoel jy seker…

  • 83

    smallies wrote:

    @ nortierd:
    ou kry maar pissies onder voorpelers ook ,andries bekker bv sal nooit vergeet hoe hy vir marty hoeta weg gehol het nie

    Kyk, ek wil nou nie lelik wees nie, maar ek dink nie daai man is die brightest crayon in die boksie nie. Om stinkvingertjie op n parkiebank te gaan speel, terwyl jy nie die mees onopsigtelikste persoon in die Wes Kaap is nie, is regtig nie baie slim nie.
    Mens sou dink op sy salaris kon hy ten minste n kamer by die Formula 1 hotel gaan huur het

  • 84

    @ smallies:

    Ja..ook ou Heinrich wat so geduik het toe Paul Williams hom so ‘n ligte stampie gegeee het 🙂

    So ook daardie New Zeelander wat gedrop het asof hy deur ‘n Mohammed Ali gemoer is nadat daai klein hardegat skrumskakel van die Sharks hom so ‘n ligte tikkie gegee het.

  • 85

    @ nortierd:
    @83 En dit helder oordag terwyl sy rooi Corvette oorkant die park geparkeer is…
    Hoeveel rooi Corvettes is daar in Plattekloof? (regte naam ook vir daai parkie, Plattekloofpark).

  • 86

    nortierd wrote:

    Kyk, ek wil nou nie lelik wees nie, maar ek dink nie daai man is die brightest crayon in die boksie nie. Om stinkvingertjie op n parkiebank te gaan speel, terwyl jy nie die mees onopsigtelikste persoon in die Wes Kaap is nie, is regtig nie baie slim nie.
    Mens sou dink op sy salaris kon hy ten minste n kamer by die Formula 1 hotel gaan huur het

    Formule I hotel lol Happy-Grin

  • 87

    @ robzim:
    Nice nominees, but the Oscar goes to……(drumroll)…..
    Messam, for his supporting role in “How to fool a Frenchman in Eden Park”

  • 88

    Pietman wrote:

    @ nortierd:
    @83 En dit helder oordag terwyl sy rooi Corvette oorkant die park geparkeer is…
    Hoeveel rooi Corvettes is daar in Plattekloof? (regte naam ook vir daai parkie, Plattekloofpark).

    Ha ha ha
    Little red corvette, hoeka n Prince liedjie en die little red corvette wat hy oor sing is nie n kar nie, maar wel iets wat gery kan word.

  • 89

    robzim wrote:

    @ smallies:

    Ja..ook ou Heinrich wat so geduik het toe Paul Williams hom so ‘n ligte stampie gegeee het

    So ook daardie New Zeelander wat gedrop het asof hy deur ‘n Mohammed Ali gemoer is nadat daai klein hardegat skrumskakel van die Sharks hom so ‘n ligte tikkie gegee het.

    Amper soos die ou!


  • 90

    Pietman wrote:

    @ nortierd:
    @83 En dit helder oordag terwyl sy rooi Corvette oorkant die park geparkeer is…
    Hoeveel rooi Corvettes is daar in Plattekloof? (regte naam ook vir daai parkie, Plattekloofpark).

    In ons dae was Plattekloof en Tygerberg heuwels ook bekend as stinkvingerhoogte.
    Lyk my nie veel het verander nie

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