It is deep into the 1st week already of the month-long FIFA Football World Cup 2014 in Brazil.
We’ve seen some astonishing results already!
As in the past week, we have another Football article, so go for it you bloody Soccer Moffies!
Just kidding fellas & flatties, enjoy the Football!
Jeeeez, ze Germans are moerring the Green Grocers!
Drei zu null!
Is Ronaldo playing? 😉
Rudi, I’m going to mail you a pick of the only person who can turn this game around.
Let’s see if he can make it to Brazil in time to help the Portuguese out.
What does a Porra mother have, that her son badly wants?
A mooosa moustache!
4 @ nortierd:
Flok, ek sal jou MOET leer om die picture ding self te doen!!
grootblousmile wrote:
What’s the difference between a Portuguese mother and an elephant?
50 kilos and a black dress
Eish, I only picked the Germans to win 2-1
Too conservative
4 @ nortierd:
Ah, OK… I have received the picture of “SuperPorraMan”
grootblousmile wrote:
Lol, I thought he looks cool, if he can’t help them out, no one can
Gumboots wrote:
” People are always jealous of me because I am so talented, rich and handsome” — Cristiano Ronaldo
He is going to need more than his good looks and money to pull his team out of this mess.
Almost 4-0
Close miss
Nortie’s pictures of the day:
Sri Lanka 4 overs from saving the game, England need 3 wickets
haha…cool pics….
For a moment I thought it is Freddie Mercury who has risen from death
15 @ robzim:
Freddie Mercury was of Turkish or Morokkan origan or something, was’nt he?
shit, england needs 2 wickets from 3 overs
n Ou vertel my van die Portugees met die groenteplasie daar in pretoria Noord op die plotte. Hy het n Sjinese buurman gehad, die besit n algemene handelaarsaak langsaan, en die Porra se jong vroutjie werk daar in die winkel.
Stap die Porra eendag ewe onthuts by die prokureurs in en kondig aan: ” Ï wanna da deforsh, quickly! ”
Prokureur vra hom hoekom, hy se”: ” You see, it issa like dis, I hava da farm, I planta da tomatsh wit my wife, tomatsh come up, I planta da potash, potash come up, I planta da Portgeeza with my wife, Chinaman come up…I wanna deforsh, quickly!
grootblousmile wrote:
robzim wrote:
ja, hy lyk nogal so!
@ Pietman:
Soos die ander storie van die Portuguese boer.
Fatima, his wife complains that the tap is leaking and he must fix it and all he says is ” do I look like plumber? I’m farmer”
Next day she complains about a door needing a hinge, so he says ” do I look like carpenter? I’m farmer”
He comes home that night, no leaky tap and the door is fixed, he asks ” who fixed?”
She says, I phoned a handyman. He says ” how much it gonna cost me?”
She says, handyman said I can either bake him a cake or make love to him.
“So what cake did you bake him” ask the farmer
“Do I look like baker” she says
@ nortierd:
Sal hom leer!
eish 5 balls remaining, 1 wicket left
england gets the wicket, but sril lanka reviews
phew, review saves the batsman, 1 ball left
MacroBok wrote:
Sri lanka survives, its a draw
The German wall is more solid than the one they built in Berlin.
Portugal not even looking close to penetrating
@ MacroBok:
Thx, should have watched the match ,I forgot…..
@ Pietman:
Was intense, england nearly ran off the field in celebration lol but the batsman immediately reviewed.
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