The British & Irish Lions of 2013 were named team of the year and Warren Gatland won the top coach honour at the 2013 BBC Sports Personality awards. Kiwi Gatland, 50, led the Lions to their first Test series win in Australia for 16 years.
With the series poised at 1-1, his side crushed the Wallabies in the final match as they racked up 41 points in Sydney to secure victory in style.
Lion Leigh Halfpenny was one of 10 on the main Sports Personality shortlist.
Victory in the decider came after Gatland controversially dropped Ireland centre Brian O’Driscoll for the deciding Test.
The New Zealander admitted at the time that he wondered whether his role was worth the level of abuse he suffered, but has since hinted he might make himself available to lead the Lions against the All Blacks in 2017.
He has been Wales coach since 2007 and won two Six Nations Grand Slams in 2008 and 2012 and reached the semi-finals of the 2011 World Cup
Gatland stepped aside from coaching Wales last year to concentrate on his Lions commitments.
In his absence, interim coach Rob Howley led Wales to the Six Nations title.
@ Scrumdown:
We should start a petition to get GBS to change to the good old Red and White.
@ grootblousmile:
Referring to comment 25, I remember you from years ago at Keo. GBS, Pietman and friends taking the place by storm at times and we did not always get along.
I think you should go there and do so, even if just to see the chaos Livefyre has caused.
31 @ Lion4ever:
Fat chance…
We lived in Bedfordview in 1975 and the first few months of 1976, before moving back to Pretoria, as GBS Maksimus was up in the hirarchy of SANLAM at that stage. As a result I was taken to Ellispark a few times, but the chucking of beer cans (Luyt Lager I think) and the love of those chaps for a donkey like Hempas Rademeyer totally put me off the Lions. We would rather drive the 50 odd km to Loftus where we felt at home amongst the clearly superior supporters… hehehe
32 @ Alles wat mal is:
Serious, you remember us??
Fark, I cannot place your style of writing… but I’ll guess it at some point…
@ Scrumdown:
I do pop in there from time to time, because they do sometimes have good rugby articles. But the comments tend to deteriorate after about 5-10 decent rugby comments.
34 @ grootblousmile:
Ja, julle was moeilikheidmakers en skoorsoekers, met goeie rugby kennis
36 @ Alles wat mal is:
Bloggers het spesifieke skryfstyle, wat net aan hulle persoonlikheid behoort… ek weet reeds wie jy NIE is nie, maar weet nie wie jy IS nie.
31 @ Lion4ever:
Could always cut his pinkie off with a side cutter and PROVE to him that his blood is RED, not blue.
You think that would help?
I somehow doubt it seeing that he thinks that Hempas Rademeyer was a donkey but will probably tell you all night long that Johan Heunis was not unlike a thoroughbred Arabian stallion!! Hehehehe.
35 @ Lion4ever:
Even on Sport24 the Rugy articles are just so full of derogatory comments that it’s not worth reading them IMHO.
@ grootblousmile:
I remember a JAN thread, where everybody changed their nicks to JAN SOMETHING, in solidarity to Jan, Player 23.
I remember how disgusted you were with a female journo who published some extracts of Keo speak and mentioned you and Doosdiefdrieduisend.
I remember the nick-stealing.
40 @ Alles wat mal is:
We drove Voldy nuts with our Jan thread!
Farking Debbie Smith was the female journo… I am STILL miffed at her… and I do not think I’ll ever get over it.
The nick-stealing was not only by us, it was done all over and it was a scurge not to be repeated!
40 @ Alles wat mal is:
If I recall correctly lots of guys changed their nicks to Jan because there had been complaints that “Jan” was a “typical Afrikaaner” and not representative of the Rugby supporting community at large, or something to that effect.
Shortly thereafter Vodacom added “Elton” to the fray and there was a play on their rival(ries) in the extent of their support for the national side.
42 @ Scrumdown:
Hahahahaha, yip, that was it!
Think I became GrootblouJAN for a while…
38 @ Scrumdown:
Jeeez, comparing Hempas Rademeyer and Johan Heunis is sacrilege…
Ou Hempas en die rooibont donkies…
@ Scrumdown:
Correct, can’t seem to recall you.
@ Alles wat mal is:
I was the quiet one sitting in the corner!
@ Alles wat mal is:
I saved the whole JAN thread somewhere on my PC.
44 @ grootblousmile:
I thought that may garner a reaction!
44 @ grootblousmile:
Hehehe. Just googled “Hempas Rademeyer” and low and behold, a picture of a VERY young Hempas wearing a Blue jersey adorned with a Barberton Daisy………………………
Seems like the TVL’s gain was N Tvl’s loss!
@ Scrumdown:
GBS and his friends were hooligans and scoundrels but they were so funny at times.
I think Keo took a rather nasty dip when they left and they were talked about for years afterwards, not always kindly about either.
I specifically remember Ig, the webmaster at Keo having his hands full with them, banning them, unbanning them and the moderation list of words were largely caused by them.
@ grootblousmile:
Is there a moderation list of words implemented here?
44 @ grootblousmile:
The link, just in case you NEED it:
50 @ Alles wat mal is:
I was there during those years but the conversations would deteriorate to such an extent that I just refused to comment except sometimes late at night when it waqs generally quite quiet.
I found they’d all left and opened this site and I joined them a short while later.
Alles wat mal is wrote:
Luckily I’ve never been a hooligan or a scoundrel! (And if you don’t believe me, ask GBS, he’ll confirm such.)
50 @ Alles wat mal is:
We drove Ig up the wall, plakkies and all!
After him there was Roy as webmaster, but he was not active.
THERE is NO MODERATION LIST of words here, none… just a climate of compliance.
51 @ Scrumdown:
Ja, that’s old Hempas… hell I did not know he played for Noord Transvaal at some stage!
52 @ Scrumdown:
All Lions / Transvaal supporters are hooligans & scoundrels… it comes with the package!
@ grootblousmile:
You guys drove him batty, as well as some others.
@ Scrumdown:
What followed at times after they left, was much worse.
@ grootblousmile:
They are now talking about you on Keo.
56 @ Alles wat mal is:
Who, my friends or enemies?
54 @ grootblousmile:
Not if you live in Bryanston or Northcliff!
However, Alberton, Randfontein, Krugersdorp etc……………….
@ grootblousmile:
Cane & i_love_u_bakkiesbotha
59 @ Alles wat mal is:
Cane was not a bad chap.
The other oke I do not recall.
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