Idly going through Facebook (and let’s face it I am no Facebook fan), waiting for Computers to finish some downloads, I came accros this video…
I am blown away by this positive story and the spirit of south Africans.
You have to understand Afrikaans to appreciate this to it’s fullest.
I love this beautiful country… hope you do too.
Kindly share this with EVERYBODY you know… Facebook it, Twiter it!
Take it fullscreen… watch it as is… this is an inspiration to all in SA!
I wish I could shake this old Niklaas’ hand, bless his cotton-pickin socks… that’s if he has socks.
From R 5.00 to fully blown entrepeneur!
Dis partykeer goed om sulke dinge te kyk. Bring ‘n mens eintlik weer vinnig aarde toe.
4 @ Timothy Bornman:
Ek weet hierdie is ‘n rugby website, maar dis ook ‘n gemeenskap met goeie waardes, hierdie ene van ons… en as mens hart nie uitgaan hiervoor nie, of nie diep in ‘n punt trek uit pure aangedaanheid nie, dan is jy nie volwaardig mens nie.
Ek hoop maar die mense verstaan dat ons van tyd tot tyd nodig het om iets opbouend positief soos die, met almal te deel.
Dit wys Rugby-Talk het ‘n hart… maar ou Niklaas het ‘n hart so groot soos ‘n rugbyveld!
Ek hoop talle mense sien die video en waneer in die Paarl, soek hulle vir ou Niklaas op, en sê vir hom hy is ‘n Internet Stêr… en ‘n voorbeeld vir almal!
T20 game on between the Ama-Blomme and Pakistan.
SA in to bat and Quinton de Kock is in a hurry, bliksemming every ball!
SA 20 / 0 after only 2 overs.
De Kock on 17 off 10 balls already, Amla on 1.
Pakistan’s Irfan injured… bowled just 1.4 overs
Ag donner, Quinton de Kock perishes on a quick-fire 30
SA 37 / 1, 4.4 overs gone
SA 44 / 1 after 6 overs
SA 67 / 1 after 10 overs
SA 91 /1 after 12 overs
SA 101 / 1 after 13 overs
Blomme looking good for about 150 – 160 runs in their 20 overs
Faf looking good
15 @ Just For Kicks:
Have a look at the video in the Article when you have a chance.
…as is the #
SA 112 / 1 after 14 overs
@ grootblousmile:I watched it. Good stuff. Peoples generosity always astounds me, and when the recipient uses that generosity to better his life, then even better.
19 @ Just For Kicks:
Yip, lekker positive stuff
Amla perishes on 48… eish
@ grootblousmile:Bulscot said he put up an article about some quiz in Edinburgh – said I mast have a look at it, but I can’t find anything – do you know what he’s talking about?
22 @ Just For Kicks:
Will have a look… to see if it is in DRAFTS… have not seen it
22 @ grootblousmile:
No, I don’t see an Article like that, not even in Drafts
SA 133 / 2 after 17 overs
AB de Villiers out…. SA 137 / 3
….and Faf perishes as he gets to 50
@ grootblousmile:No worries, I think he must have been smoking some of that Aberdeen weed again
Opps, sorry, it was AB – I have a rubbish feed!!!
Faf has his 50….
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