Springbok prop Dean Greyling has been suspended from all forms of Rugby for two weeks after he pleaded guilty for foul play.
Greyling was sentenced by SANZAR Judicial Officer Paul Tully after pleading guilty to a charge of contravening Law 10.4 (a), Punching or Striking, after he was cited for an incident in The Rugby Championship match against New Zealand in Dunedin.
In his finding, Mr Tully ruled that Greyling “recklessly used his forearm such that he made contact in a dangerous way with the head of New Zealand player Ritchie McCaw”, whilst in the process of cleaning out at a ruck in the 64th minute of the match.
Although there was no injury complained of, the action had potential to cause serious injury, said Mr Tully. The player was issued with a yellow card.
Greyling has been suspended from all forms of the game for two weeks up to and including 30 September 2012.
This morning I am even angrier at the imbecile…. that was positively the dumbest prop play in the history of rugby!
FOUR penalties, 1 Yellow Card and a missed catch which would have been a certain try…. all in the few minutes he was on the field!
Hy is so dom soos grond!
The one good thing is that he pleaded guilty like a man.
None of this “I never did it” crap.
He walked in, listened to the charges, admitted that he bliksemed McCaw and took his punishment.
He may be “dom soos grond” but he seems to have some self respect.
Did I just say something good about Dean Greyling?????????????????????????? Bring the straight jacket.
2 @ Loosehead:
He was probably advised and told to plead guilty.
Man, if only there were pills for stupidity…
3 @ Loosehead:
Yes you did…. and you’ll be reminded about it again… hehehe
4 @ grootblousmile: I am ok with that if that is what happened.
I know that you being a lawyer will not agree with me but:
I believe that there should be less hearings and more immediate bannings.
For instance: a punch under any circumstances is 4 weeks, no hearing. A player is cited, video evidence is watched and an email is sent to the team saying that player X is banned for a punch. Finished and klaar. The player may appeal, but cannot play until the appeal has been heard.
5 @ grootblousmile: In my defense, I made a positive comment about the man’s character, not about his rugby ability Your Honour!
6 @ Loosehead:
The Audi Alteram Partem rule applies in most civilised countries…
It basically means everybody has the right to be heard and to plead their case…
One of the soundest, if not THE soundest principles around, and I’d like to see that continued in Rugby cases too.
8 @ grootblousmile:
Rugby is a gentleman’s game, and players should be man enough to admit to foul play. Why deny headbutting an opponent when you clearly did? That is for cowards, and they should play soccer.
8 @ grootblousmile:In any case, I thought that you were a BMW man?
10 @ Loosehead:
I am… but unfortunately there is no BMW Alteram Partem rule…. hehehe
@ grootblousmile:
Ken nie daai model audi nie is dit n quattro of stasiewa
In humility and respect the Boks lead the way
Hi Jacobus,
JG admires the gracious and respectful manner shown by the South African squad:
It is very easy to fire shots at the South African coach Heyneke Meyer and the style of game the Springboks are currently playing. It is equally easy (and justifiable) to criticize Eben Etzebeth and, particularly, Dean Greyling for acts of foul play in the games against the Wallabies and All Blacks. With 6 and 3 caps respectively, Etzebeth and Greyling proved that experience and calm heads are required when entering the cauldron of test rugby. Read more…
The Springboks are rebuilding and are enduring results that come with that process. The South African starting pack in Dunedin could only boast a total of 136 international caps, compared with the All Blacks total of 391 – and it showed. Victor Matfield, Bakkies Botha, Schalk Burger and Bismarck du Plessis were sorely missed.
Meyer’s conservative game plan has been widely criticized both in South Africa and overseas. In fact some have questioned whether all the players in the team fully understand the game plan. However a team who relies so heavily on kicking doesn’t deserve to win, when they miss a total of 20 points with the boot.
However, Meyer showed his true class in his condemnation of Greyling and his cheap shot on Richie McCaw. He apologized to McCaw and said that the Springboks will deal with Greyling in-house. Prior to the game, Meyer had expressed his admiration for McCaw as “one of the best players ever”. In this age of media management and spin doctors it is refreshing to hear a coach speak honestly both in praise of an opponent and denunciation of one of his own players.
Not enough is made of the respectful and gracious manner in which South African players and coaches front the media. Regardless of what has happened in a game, they put the competition to shame with their humility and urbane comments. While Peter de Villiers may have left many scratching their heads at press conferences, the likes of Jean de Villiers, Victor Matfield, John Smit, Bryan Habana and Bismarck du Plessis are exceptional.
The Springboks got a hostile reception in New Zealand and came away second best on the scoreboard. Ill-discipline and poor goal kicking cost them dearly. A second yellow card in as many weeks opened them up to ridicule. Heyneke Meyer is one of the great coaches of the modern era and under his guidance the Springboks will continue to learn and grow. They will also become more disciplined and under Meyer’s tutelage will no doubt continue the fine traditions of humility and respect for which the South Africans are so well known.
Smallies, klink asof daai Audi met pirate of alternative parts anmekaar geslaan is.
Bly weg, broer!
@ fender:
Seker n tata enjin in
14 @ fender:
Die spreuk is ‘n Latynse regsterm wat uit die Romeinse tyd dateer…. en daai tyd het hulle nog Chariots gery…. so dit het seker houtwiele… hehehe
Ons het mos Romeins-Hollandse reg as oorsprong of Gemene Reg hier in SA, met ons Prosesreg geskoei op die Engelse Regstelsel…
2 @ Loosehead:
He had no choice, Meyer had already publicly apologised to Richie for that punch on him by Greyling. Had Greyling said he had not done it, it would have made his coach look foolish, then no doubt Meyer would have knocked him clean out himself……….hahaha.
Have to give it to Meyer, he won’t stand for bad discipline like that. I reckon Greyling got smacked over the knuckles rather hard for that from Meyer. Meyer seems a no nonsense man.
@ grootblousmile:
Al wat ek van my regs studies onthou is dat die praetor urbanus die een of ander hoof regter in rome was…o ja en privaat reg was freaking moeilik…
@ smallies:
En brandewyn meng nie met regte swot nie
18 @ smallies:
Ons het ‘n afdeling van Privaatreg by flokken Professor Doktor Visser gekry op Tuks (Privaatreg bestaan uit Persone- en Familiereg)…. so ongemaklike vent wat gedink het die son skyn uit sy gat.
Anyway, ek was nog besig met my 1ste jaar Privaatreg by Visser toe die flokker een dag ‘n toespraak moes gaan lewer in Delmas by die Vroue-Landbou-Unie of so iets…
Op daai stadium was my ouer broer, Kruppelbroer, ‘n prokurower in Delmas met sy eie praktyk.
Ou Visser met sy skewe kuifie het toe tyd oor na hy die dames toespreek het oor egskeiding en sulke goed en ry toe in die dorp rond, stop by my broer se praktyk, stap in en vra om my broer te sien. My broer wat self by die pateet klas gehad het op sy tyd, laat toe ou Visser sit en wag vir ‘n hele wyle, en sien hom toe.
Visser vra toe of hy asseblief ‘n Egskeidingsdagvaarding kan sien, want die Proffies weet mos nie juis wat in die praktyk aangaan nie… Kruppelbroer wys hom toe so paar… en daar waai Visser.
My broer stuur toe vir Visser ‘n Rekening vir die konsultasie, wat die arme drommel maar moes betaal….
Flok, ons het lekker vir hom gelag daaroor…. hehehe
@ grootblousmile:
Hahahahahaha dit moes kak snaaks gewees het,daar was 3de jaars saam my op kovsies wat nog privaatreg 1 gesleep het veral familie reg,ek het darrem al n paar toegepaste wiskunde kursusse gedoen wat bietjie moeilikers is,maar daai privates 1 was lelek
21 @ smallies:
Jeeeez… Privaatreg was ‘n Riller… met goed soos Nasciturus Fiksie, Huweliksgoederereg ensovoorts!
… Maar ek het ook op my dag, voor ek Law geswot het, beginne met Ingenieurswese… Wiskunde, Toegepaste Wiskunde, Fisika, Chemie, Ingenieurstekeninge.
Ek het Toegepaste Wiskunde (Projektielbewegings en Wiskundige formules wat op Fisika van toepassing is) geslaag… moeilik, maar het hom geslaag. Het Wiskunde ook geslaag…. maar Chemie… eishhhhh
Ons Klasse in Chemie was in Afrikaans, ons Handboeke Amerikaanse Engelse goed… en die flokken Vraestelle was heeltemal Grieks… so hoe de moer slaag jy daai kak?
@ grootblousmile:
Daai chemie goete slaag jy nie jy poks dit deur,ek vorstaan dit ok nie so lekke nie….die wiskunde doen ek om die ou koppie aan die gang te hou,die meeste van die tyd verkeerd maar die uitdaging is lekker
23 @ smallies:
Vir Law moes ons nog Latyn en Boekhou ook neem….
Latyn is ‘n ander flokkertjie, dit was nie maklik nie. Ek verstaan die drommels hoef deesdae nie eers meer Latyn te neem nie.
Boekhou was vir my ‘n breeze, maar klomp ouens het woes daarmee gesukkel, so ek het toe maar vir hulle klas gegee, op my eie, terwyl ek nog Boekhou geswot het. ‘n Hele paar ouens het hulle graad gekry met my Boekhou klasse!
Chemie wassie snaaks nie… soveel Mol van die ene en Soveel Mol van iets anders… en wat kry jy? Ek was oortuig mens kry dan ‘n paar Mol flokken heel snaakse goed…. hehehe
@ grootblousmile:
Ou prof Boelie Venter het vir my latyn gegee as ek reg was was hy een van twee of drie ouens in die land wat latyn kon praat maar so blind soos n mol hy het vir my romeinse reg gegee
@ smallies:
Hy het ook vir my romeine reg gegee
25 @ smallies:
Jinne, wat ek van Latyn kan onthou is scary.. behalwe dat ons altyd agterna op die Biblioteek se trappe (die PPKV genoem – Epos en Pram Kyk Vereniging) gaan sit het en die girls bekyk het… hehehe
Ek raak nou Madala… hierdie jaar vier ek en Tripples ons 30-Jaar Matriek Reunie, so oor ‘n paar weke!
In the famous words of the manager of the best football club in England – “I didn’t see it” (he says in his best french accent)… but thats because in fact have not seen any of the test yet. So am surprised that he only got two weeks suspension because after reading some of the comments about the incident it sounded pretty serious and so I was thinking he would get at least 3 months for it. How bad was it? Would he have got longer if McCaw was injured by it? Can’t see why he should get time off merely for pleading guilty to it, I mean there it was apparently captured by various TV cameras for all to see.
28 @ JanMurrayBok:
The particular Yellow Card incident was’nt so bad as it was so dumb…
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