Former Springbok lock Victor Matfield has confirmed that Bok coach Heyneke Meyer approached him about a possible return to rugby but nothing is decided yet.


Media reports on Sunday indicated that Meyer is keen for Matfield to return to lead the Boks in their three-Test series against England in June.

Matfield spoke to Eyewitness News Sport about the subject on Wednesday afternoon.

They posted the following on their Twitter page: “Victor Matfield confirms that Heyneke Meyer’s approached him about a possible return. Nothing decided yet though.”

Rumours also surfaced on Tuesday that Matfield was spotted in Durban talking to Sharks coach John Plumtree, which led many to believe he might be considering a move to the Sharks to gain game time ahead of the Boks’ series against England.

But Matfield quashed those rumours, saying the only team he will play for, should he come out of retirement, is the Bulls.

“VictorMatfield tells us the only team he would consider returning to play for is the Bulls. ‘My bloed is blou’ (My blood is blue),”  Eyewitness News Sport tweeted.

But whether Matfield – who’s currently a rugby pundit on SuperSport – returns to the playing field, remains to be seen.

He said he needs to chat to his family and his employers first.

“At this stage there’s no decision, it’s a hard call to make,” he said.

12 Responses to Matfield – I’ll only play for the Bulls, “My Bloed is Blou”

  • 1

    Kyk, nou gaan die ander ouens van die ander Franchises EERS in hulle broeke kakkas… hahaha

  • 2

    Sad to see Meyer falling into the same trap as some other coaches. Of course if your philosophy is “maak die bulle almal bokke”, you won’t see anything wrong with it. If you are an unbiased SA supporter on the other hand who only wants the best for the boks and who was hoping that we would get a different and more courageous vision from the new coach, this leaves ones dreams and hopes dashed to pieces once again…

  • 3

    2: YT, jy kan nogal snaaks wees op jou dag, hehe … ‘unbiased SA supporter’, hehe, wat jy waar kry, jyself of die man op die maan ? Die rede vir al die histerie buite Pta wys juis hoe ‘biased’ die hele SA is, alle spanne en alle ondersteuners ingesluit.

    Die feite is, oorsese spanne en afrigters dink nie dit is ‘n grap nie – hulle besef hoe goed Matfield is en dat HM nie ‘n aap is nie, en dat die HUIDIGE omstandighede Hom noodsaak om so stap dalk te oorweeg. Julle tanrums oor HM en Matfield is lagwekkend (met Gavin Rich die koorleier) en julle nat ‘bias’ onderbroeke (of is dit panties?) hang lelik uit met al julle oordrewe misplaaste kritiek teen HM wat weet hoe belangrik ervaring is vir die komende toetsreeks, die begin van sy bokloopbaan en ook baie jong ouens wat gaan deurkom. Jy kort iemand daar wat weet hoe om te wen en die ervaring het, nie afrigters wat meestal beseer en al jare na mekaar choke nie.

    Ek was eers nie ‘n groot voorstaander vir die Vic comeback nie, maar dit maak al meer sin en sommer om al hierdie dikbek kritici nog verder te irriteer, gaan voort HM ! Tounge-Out

    Maar dankie, nog steeds lekker gelag vir daardie ‘unbiased’ opmerking. Jammer om te hoor hoe ‘hartseer’ jy nou is oor ons bokafriger, go cry me a river. Cry

    Go die Bulle-Bokke ! Approve

  • 4

    3: afrigters = kapteins

  • 5

    Don’t do it Big Vic!!! Don’t lose your legendary status.

  • 6

    @ bdb:
    Arguing with you is like arguing with a drunk, a hopeless and futile exercise. As you yourself put it, you were against it but after you saw all the other people against it, you now think it a great idea just to spite them.
    You wear your feelings on your sleeve and you are incapable of recognising that not everyone is as provincial as you. It’s known as projection.
    Just on another point, just because I think Heineke is making a mistake here does not mean that I think he is a crap coach. He is still the best they could have chosen, except maybe for Mallet, but that doesn’t mean he is incapable of making mistakes.
    Where I feel he has gone wrong is in not trusting his instincts and trying to avoid criticism. By that I mean that he was trying to avoid controversy by not choosing Spies as captain and thus went for the old “acceptable” package in Matfield.

  • 7

    6: hik, hik ..

    YT, een oomblik is jou “dreams and hopes dashed to pieces once again” deur HM, die volgende oomblik is hy skielik darem nie te sleg nie. Besluit nou wat dit is ?

    Kan jy nie verstaan die moeilike tydsberekening waarin HM hom bevind nie ?

    Kom ons wees maar eerlik, as HM nie ‘n Stormers man kaptein maak nie, gaan die Kaap van stormpies ongelukkig wees. Kies HM vir Vic of Spies, gaan daar kritiek wees ens ens ens.

    Maar, kom ons los dit maar daar, voor GBS weer met ons raas ! Shout

    Sterkte aan al die SA spanne vir die naweek, selfs vir die Stormers ! Angel

  • 8

    Hey, ek issie julle babysitter nie… MOER mekaar, doen dit net met respek…


  • 9

    Al hierdie..”my bloed is blou” of “Stormers” ect is nonsens man. As jy die Sprinbok trui aantrek het dit mos niks meer uit te waai oor vir watter provinsie jy speel nie. Hemel tog…wat maak dit saak as die hele Bok span vol Blou bulle spelers is….solank hulle die beste is wat SA het, maak dit mos geen duim saak nie.
    Ek het die berig anders verstaan. As Victor se hy wil net vir die Bulls speel, meen hy dan nie dat hy nie meer belang stel in internationale rugby nie?

  • 11

    Leave it Vic, you don’t need this in the aftermath of a great career.
    Jy gaan net jou naam gat maak.
    Ons het genoeg slotte, kapteins ook (Spies, Chili, Strauss x2, Schalla….).

  • 12

    9: Selfde hierdie kant, ek skree vir die span wat HM kies, gee nie om van watter provinsie nie, en of hul hier of oorsee speel nie.

    Wat ons wel moet onthou – dit is nie altyd die beste spelers in hul posisie wat gekies gaan word nie (en ons gaan ook nog onder mekaar verskil wie is nou eintlik die ‘beste’), maar ook kombinasies en die spelers wat HM glo die span die beste gaan dien. Luke was bv nie ‘n slegte speler nie, maar nie ‘n spanspeler nie, daarom dat hy so vinnig uitgeval het.

    Na al die histeria verby is, glo ek HM gaan ‘n span kies met ‘n goeie kombinasie van ervaring en jeug.

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