Yearly Archives: 2011

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An era of unprecedented success – a ten-year period where they won five Currie Cup titles  (one shared) and three Super Rugby crowns – now gives way to a time of rebuilding.
This is primarily (although not exclusively) due to the crippling effect of departures, mostly of senior players.

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This has nothing to do with rugby, but just another Christmas story. Typical bloke, always in the drink, feigning machinery problems so as to get out of the chores, and eternal girlfriend problems – although in this regard, he sorted that problem pretty quickly! Read on to find out how.

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Our sport is more enjoyable to watch than it was in the olden times when I was young, but there are a few things about the modern game I would rather be without. (I read this and posted it, purely because of Lee Grants obvious hatred of our boys, which he mentions on several occasions. What are your thoughts?)

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The video says it all really… it says I’ve grown older at a rate of knots (all your fault of course), it says my hair is thinning at the top… and above all it shows I need a rest.

To EVERYBODY who reads Rugby-Talk, who contributes, who blogs, who write Articles on Rugby-Talk and who make this community so special, hearty thanks for yet another year! It is our 3rd Christmas on Rugby-Talk already!

To all of you, if you’re driving a vehicle – do it safely, if you’ll be consuming alcohol – do it responsibly AND do not drive. To those going on holiday or spending some much needed time with family and friends and loved ones over the festive period, may it be a blessed time, a time of joy and celebration, and a time of reflection about what is really important in life.

OK, OK already… here’s the video…



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From left to right: Robbie Barnard; Piet Visagie; Johan Spies and Joggie Jansen

One of the brightest stints in the history of Springbok rugby was in 1970 and 1971. In 1970 South Africa of course won the 4 test series against Brain Lochore super All Black team at home. The 1971 international season started off with two tests at home against a French touring side. The Springboks won the first one on 12 June 1971 in Bloemfontein 22-9 and drew the second one 8 all on 19 June 1971 in Durban.

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What a year of would-haves, could-haves, should-haves and, ultimately, bitter underachievement for the Springboks in a year when the All Blacks enjoyed the delicious irony of at last winning the World Cup despite being outplayed in the final. After 26 years of being the best team on the planet but failing to land the Webb Ellis Cup because of the wicked vagaries of death-or-glory rugby, the wheel finally turned for the Kiwis at the global showpiece.

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It is just a few days till Christmas, or as the little ones would say, just 6 sleeps. I decided to once again do a Christmas Greetings video for all you muppits, moepels and mopkoppe, but also to keep it till a bit later to force you to come back and back to Rugby-Talk till I hit you with the clanger!

So, this is not your merry, merry, happy, happy article, but a precurser to the clanger.

The question is, what are you all up to for the holidays, what are your plans? Who are you happy about seeing over the festive season and who are you dreading to invite or see? Where are you going and when are you coming back from holiday?

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While the All Blacks finish the year as the world champions, the ranks of the refereeing fraternity also boast something of a ‘winner’ with South African official Craig Joubert overseeing the 8-7 win over France.

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SIX years ago, Oregan Hoskins took over the reins as South African Rugby Union (Saru) president, tasked with the huge responsibility of converting the organisation plagued by infighting and back-stabbing into a respectable and ethical body — and there is no doubt he has achieved that.

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18 July 1956, Fraser Park, Timaru  – Springboks 20 / 8 South-Canterbury & North-Otago & Mid-Canterbury Combined

Craven took a week off –resting at Mount Cook- and under instruction of assistant manager Dan de Villiers the Springbok intentions was to run the ball against a team not likely to front any stiff opposition.

A number of factors combined to derail the effort especially in the last quarter of the second half when the match turned into an extremely scrappy affair. These factors being injuries –before and during the match- poor refereeing, and a general sort of holiday or lack of real application attitude amongst the second stringers.  Continue reading

The latest development in the rugby wheel is the evolution of the second row forward – the left lock or enforcer lock in particular. Traditionally a bulky, abrasive character, the enforcer lock does the donkey work in the tight-loose, bashes opposition forwards into submission and beefs up the set pieces.

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