Cheetahs (16) 33 / Crusaders (17) 20  (Final Score)

The Cheetahs hosted the Crusaders at Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein, at 19:10 SA Time. This was the match thread for discussion of the game. The match was broadcast live on SuperSport 1, SHD & M-Net on TV in SA.

The Cheetahs recorded a masterful win over serious title contenders, the Crusaders…. and on top of it all kept the Crusaders from recording a single Log poin advance, well done Cheetahs!


Cheetahs: 4 Penalties & 3 Conversions & 1 Try Sias Ebersohn, 1 Try Robert Ebersohn, 1 Try Ashley Johnson

Crusaders: 2 Conversions & 1 Penalty & 1 Try Dan Carter, 1 Penalty Matt Berquist, 1 Try Zac Guildford



Cheetahs: 15 Riaan Viljoen, 14 Riaan Smit, 13 Robert Ebersohn, 12 Corne Uys, 11 Ryno Benjamin, 10 Sias Ebersohn, 9 Sarel Pretorius, 8 Davon Raubenheimer, 7 Ashley Johnson, 6 Heinrich Brussow, 5 Wilhelm Steenkamp, 4 Francois Uys, 3 WP Nel, 2 Adriaan Strauss (captain), 1 Coenie Oosthuizen.
Replacements: 16 Ryno Barnes, 17 Lourens Adriaanse, 18 Waltie Vermeulen, 19 Kabamba Floors, 20 Tewis De Bruyn, 21 Naas Olivier, 22 Hennie Daniller.

Crusaders: 15 Tom Marshall, 14 Robbie Fruean, 13 Ryan Crotty, 12 Sonny Bill Williams, 11 Zac Guildford, 10 Dan Carter, 9 Willi Heinz, 8 Kieran Read, 7 Richie McCaw (captain), 6 George Whitelock, 5 Chris Jack, 4 Luke Romano, 3 Owen Franks,  2 Corey Flynn, 1 Ben Franks.
Replacements: 16 Quentin MacDonald, 17 Wyatt Crockett, 18 Joe Wheeler, 19 Matt Todd, 20 Steve Alfeld, 21 Matt Berquist, 22 Brent Ward.

Referee: Bryce Lawrence (New Zealand)
Assistant referees: Marius Jonker (South Africa), Marc van Zyl (South Africa)
TMO: Shaun Veldsman (South Africa)

120 Responses to Super Rugby: Cheetahs vs Crusaders – Game Thread

  • 91

    6 punte buffer nie genoeg nie.

  • 92

    @ superBul:
    That is what I was hoping for…!

  • 93

    Is that the ball game?

    Bossiekop gets his reward for a great day at the office.

  • 94

    Ahley jou YSTER!!

  • 95

    What a game , Vrystaaaaaaaaaaaat

  • 96

    Cheetahs (16) 33 / Crusaders (17) 20 (74 min)

  • 97

    Stormers the biggest disapointment of then weekend IMO.

  • 98

    Tackle manne, Tackle your hearts out. All SA are cheering their hearts out for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 99

    I LOOOOOOOVE this, i picked the right team, just the bloody Huricannes did not do the surprize thing for me, all other surprizes are correct

  • 100

    Just do not concede the bonus point

  • 101

    This is truly a weekend where SA Rugby woke up and played to their full potential.

    Great win Chwwtahs.

    MOTM IMO should go to Johnson.

  • 102

    Brilliant Cheetahs, where is our friends Smallies and C4E , congrats you guys.

    Now the Bulls have a much tougher road

  • 103

    Every cheatahs player played their heart out. Bodies fully on the line. They never stood back an inch and they made all Saffas proud. I told you so, I FELT IT IN MY WATER!!!!

  • 104

    Geluk aan die Staat.

    Saders moet nog Reds gaan speel, en Blues ook.

    Hierdie reeks gaan nog ‘n paar verrassings oplewer.

    Reds lyk die beste op hierdie stadium.

  • 105

    MOM must be the team, or Sias , Robert and Ashley all sharing it.

  • 106

    ek kry sommer n pielstuif!!!!!!!!!!

  • 107

    I think i was never this excited for another teams successes , well done Blikore

  • 108

    Flipping well played Cheetahs.

    At last our “also rans” are starting to show what SA Rugby is really about.

    Please let the Lions and Cheetahs make me eat my words about SA not deserving 4 Super Rugby teams, let alone 5.

    Sh1t I love this sport.

    Man Utd are but a bunch of kids compared to these men that play RUGBY FOOTBALL.

  • 109

    As Blues volgende week die Stormers wen, en die Bulle wen die Sharks, dan is hierdie 3 spanne 4 punte van mekaar, dit kan nog rof raak. Cheetahs het ook nog ‘n buitekans, en soos hul nou speel, wil nie enige van die ander 3 spanne teen hul speel nie.

  • 110

    @ smallies72:
    Ek het al lankal… joke net 😆

    Geluk ou maat, vir die tweede week in n ry het jou span die beste rugby opgedis.

  • 111

    Only Stormpoppies choked this weekend otherwise could have been a clean sweep by the saffa sides. Cheatahs moered the saders by 13 points and they refused to let them get the bonus. Mooi so ouens!

  • 112

    Cheers All.

    Battery now well and truly DEAD.

  • 113

    Geluk Smallies en alle Cheetahs, pas net die laaste gedeelte gekyk, dit was n grote!!!!

  • 114

    jis ou pieta dit was baie mooi
    @ Pietman:

  • 115

    ek wonder waar is die ouens wat so orgasmes gekry het oor sonny bill crockett.n 89 kg sentertjie genaamd magic eberson het hom gebreek,bwahahahaha!!!!

  • 116

    @ superBul:
    Klink so ou bees, Cheetahs eintlik ongelukkig om nie n beter posisie op die log te beklee nie, paar naelskraapse neerlae…..maar hulle speel darem wragtag aanskoulike rugby, afgesien van wenrugby.

  • 117

    k@kpraat vrede het sy bek goed op keo uitgespoel,ek log sommer op net om hom kakkas te vertel

  • 118

    @ Pietman:
    Ja stem , het vroeer die week gese, het hulle die games teen die Bulle en Leeus gewen was hulle reg daar in die hoofstroom. Daai 50-47 game ook, kan nie onthou of dit Hur or High was

  • 119

    So moet ‘n Crusader kak!

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