I wrote a piece a few months ago entitled : “Most enjoyable Test against England”. It was an Article about two Test matches South Africa played against England in 1984.

Danie Gerber scored 4 tries in the two Tests;Β overall South Africa crossed the English goal line 9 times.

I was able to obtain a VHS video player on Trade Me – you can’t buy it in the shops anymore, here in NZ – about a week ago and that allowed me to start viewing my collection of rugby videos.

To make a long story short I was able to make copies of the tries scored during those two Tests and added them to the piece I wrote. Some fantastic tries scored by Gerber, Carel du Plessis, Errol Tobias, Rob Louw, Gerrie Sonnekus and Theuns Stofberg.

Here they are:

I’ve also added that famous try scored by Hermanus Potgieter against the World XV in 1977 to my collection, here it is:

21 Responses to South Africa against England 1984

  • 1

    Wonderful tries, McLook.

    I also dabble a bit in Capturing Video in digital format from all sorts of analogue sources… I have marvelous Video Editing software which I could share with you!

    What Software do you use to capture and edit? Just the normal softs which comes with the Capture Card, or something else?

    Have you got the latest Corel Ulead VideoStudio?

  • 2

    Lekker om John Villet in aksie te sien. Beide hy en sy vriend Ewald Bonzet het drie jaar gelede beenmurgoorplantings ondergaan…en beide het herstel!
    John, sy broer Pierre en ek het saam Bellville o/19 gespeel destyds.

  • 3

    OK, now all 9 tries from the 2 England Tests of 1984 are up and running PLUS the Hermanus Potgieter try of 1977

  • 4

    I was listening to the Afrikaans commentary of the one try of Danie’s and will never forget it “en hy maak sy rug hol en hardloop weg van die Engelse en gaan druk die drie”. Just looking at this play I think we have lost a little bit in our broken play, the guys played instinctively and used to run the opposition ragged. I’ll go out on a limb and say any of the players shown today would walk into a Super 15 side and would be serious contenders for the Bok team. Also nice to see Schalk snr in his prime and one understands that Schalkie gets his hair from his Mom. The English Captain when interviewed after the game when Danie scored the hat trick said “when you get a centre that runs through your team 3 times, what can you do than just admire it” Frank Bunce modelled himself on Danie Gerbers play and was an open admirer, quite possibly the best centre we have ever seen (Danie that is). I believe Naas has never met him because he was the first centre…. πŸ˜‰

  • 5

    I never really rated Sonnekus, but clearly those days as a young man I was just busy watching the glory boys!! Jammer Gerrie, jy was en is n doring!!

  • 6

    Oh and thanks McLook you are one of the guys that make this site interesting.

  • 7

    grootblousmile@1 wrote:

    What Software do you use to capture and edit?

    I just usea flipvideo. Make copies of the big screen TV. Is a bit of a hassle becuase you need to make sure the kids don’t fight and the dogs don’t bark as that will end up as background sound.

  • 8

    @ grootblousmile@3:Thanks GBS. Much easier now than clicking on a link. I took the easy road.

  • 9

    Pietman@2 wrote:

    Lekker om John Villet in aksie te sien.

    Ja Villet het altyd in Michael, Willie, Peter Whipp en die sulkes se skaduwee gespeel. Sommige van hierdie spelers soos Errol Tobias so superstars gewees het as hulle S15 kon gespeel het. Villet was ook ‘n speler wat meer naam vir homself sou gemaak het maar isolasie het gemaak dat hy eintlik maar net in die Kaap en WP groot aansien geniet het.

  • 10

    4man@4 wrote:

    I never really rated Sonnekus, but clearly those days as a young man I was just busy watching the glory boys!!

    I think Sonnekus surprised a lot of us in 1984. The 1974 experiment with him on No.9 in the third test ruined his national status. Most people only remembered him for that test in which had a aweful day. He was at his best in 84 and certainly made an impact in these tests.

  • 11

    Great tries and so nice to see them again, thank you McLook. Danie Gerber was the best by far, his strength and speed made him the ideal center, just look at those legs. Those were the glory days when EP was still one of our 6 test Unions.

  • 12

    McLook – Afrikaans ??? Eish . . . πŸ™‚

  • 13

    11@ superBul:
    EP are still and always have been a Test Union.

    That’s what riles me about SARU. When Natal (also a Test Union) could not win back it’s CC Premier status, continually losing promotion / relegation games against teams like Eastern Tvl and NOFS the SARB “made a plan” by expanding the CC, thereby allowing Natal the opportunity to re-invent itself.

    Natal grabbed the olive branch and have never looked back, winning their first CC shortly thereafter in 1990.

    When are SARU actually going to look at the Eastern Cape, arguably the most prolific Rugby development region in the country with the same perspective and do the right thing FOR THE GAME?

  • 14

    EASTERN cAPE NEEDS AND SHOULD GET A HELPING HAND…oops caps….there are more rugby players in the hinterland there than probably anywhere else, % per capita.

  • 15

    7@ McLook:
    Brother, a very, very cheap TV Card (Internal PCI Card for PC, External USB Card for Notebook)… between R 140.00 and R 400.00 will make it easy to capture digitally. You simply Plug the RCA Cords or S-Video Cords or Co-ax Aerial Cable of your VHS Video Player into the TV Card, you then have the actual VHS Video images on your PC / Notebook in stead of on the Big TV…. simply click record on Software which either comes with the TV Card or with something like Corel Ulead VideoStudio Pro X3… and viola, you have a digital recording which is 10 x the quality.

    Mail me, I’ll give you some detailed pointers for what to look for…. you’ll be doing a lot of videos for your web site in future, it’s worth it.

    Apart from doing this for VHS, one is able to tune into the TV stations and record live rugby or whatever, just as easily… cut and edit it… and it goes straight to youtube…

    … and it’s cheap, easy and effective….

  • 16

    thanks mclook … good stuff … couldnt get myself to say “magnifent”, lol … was still an ab supporter back then .. or should i say “anyone-that-played-against-the-boks”-supporter? πŸ˜€
    anyway, even i at that time couldnt deny the sheer genuise of “liefling-danie”!! πŸ˜€
    think if played today,
    wouldve changed the face of rugby union!! πŸ˜†

  • 17

    shouldve been
    .. if HE played today, πŸ˜†

  • 18

    Good morning all, thanks for the clips really good to see those tries, some good play by Errol Tobias in many of them.

  • 19

    @ The Brand@12:You surprised that I am afrikaans speaking or struggling with the Afrikaans commentary? Those days it was 50/50 afrikaans and English each half. So all the recording I made had parts Afrikaans and parts English commentary.
    Listening to the Afrikaans commentators now make you crinch sometimes, doesn’t it.

  • 20

    @ grootblousmile@15: It sounds fantastic. I’ll go to my local PC shop and see if I can find what you are talking about.

  • 21

    @ The Brand:Go check out the following coaching website. You’ll love it: http://www.coachingtoolbox.co.nz.

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