Whilst most of you were slaving away in 2011, it was time for the holiday of a lifetime. You probably wondered where I was, well it would be cruel not to share in a bit of the fun.

Bombs AWAY!

We left dreary Gauteng on Thursday 6 January on a leisurely, scenic and round-about trip to the coast… firstly through the Eastern Free State Highlands to the little town of Clocolan, where my mother grew up and where grandad was mayor and attorney.

Then on to overnight at Aliwal North, on the Eastern Cape side of the border between the Free State and Eastern Cape. The Orange River is the actual border and by the way it was flowing one could sense floods down the line was the order of the day.

Then off to Port Elizabeth, via Burgersdorp, Hofmeyr all the way past Cookhouse and the last bit along the N2 to PE. Apart from a tyre blow-out along the way and changing it in seering heat, a beautiful trip.

In Port Elizabeth we picked up the In-Laws who we’d flown directly to Port Elizabeth.

Click on the thumbnails, it will enlarge the pictures and allow you to scroll at your leisure.

On Route and Port Elizabeth:

[cincopa AENAOc6Ybgfw]


After 2 nights in Port Elizabeth, we travelled via Jeffreys Bay, Aston Bay, Paradise Beach on to the magnificent Storms River Mouth Rest Camp in the Tsitsikama National Park. Those who have had the pleasure of stopping or staying here will attest that it (and surrounds) is probably the most beautiful place on earth.

We stayed at Storms River Mouth for 2 nights, giving us time to explore the area and just lap in the beauty.

Storms River Mouth & Surrounds:

[cincopa AkDApcK4bcU-]


Whilst at Storms River Mouth we also went and explored and found this wonderful activity, Zip Gliding over the Kruis River Gorge… 10 huge “Foofie Slides” (cable mounted sliding), the shortest here in the region of 85m and the longest 211m long.

Whilst the old folks were resting, Handbriekie and myself could not be stopped!

Zip Gliding:

[cincopa AQGAFcKWcYlZ]


On our way away from Storms River Mouth we travelled to Bloukrans Bridge, a magnificent structure, amongst the forests, spanning a full 462m over a gorge more than 216m deep.

This is of course where the famous Bloukrans Bungi takes place, the world’s highest commercial bridge bungi jump, 216m high.

The others did not see their way fit to jump…. pissies…. but I could not let this opportunity go by, I’d been wanting to do this for a long time and wanted to see how it compared to the 28 Sky dives I’ve had. This is how it went…

Bloukrans Bungiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:

[cincopa AMIAxeafcoPm]


From Bloukrans we went to Monkeyland and then to Bramon Winery and Restaurant. Bramon is quite far from the normal wine growing areas of the Western Cape, but their wines are good, the restaurant excellent, where one sits amongst the vines.

From there it was a brief shopping stop at Plettenberg Bay, then off to Tharfield Estate in the Harkerville Forest (between Plettenberg Bay and Knysna), where we stayed with an old school friend, Gerhard Roux, who owns the Estate and where the tame reindeer wander around. Strange that there should be reindeer, they are not native to SA.

We were treatd to a Karoo Potjie and of course we caught up on good times over too many drinks, me on the Jerepico, Gerhard on a bottle of Famous Grousse I’d bought him in Plettenberg Bay.

Gertjie was rather speech impaired be the end of the evening…. hahaha

After a good night’s sleep we moseyed through Knysna, ate at Crabbs Creek and booked in at Brenton-On-Sea.

Monkeyland, Bramon Winery, Tharfield Estate & Brenton-On-Sea:

[cincopa AICAxdqTcA2y]


This was Part One…. Part 2 follows tomorrow, sometime.

We still need to see Wilderness, Hartenbos, Calitzdorp, Oudshoorn, Swartberg Pass, Prince Albert and Gariep dam.

Hope you like it…. scream for more!

42 Responses to Epic GBS Holiday… eat your hearts out! – Part 1

  • 1

    Mmmmmm, silence is golden.

    Well, I liked it!

  • 2

    jislaaik maa die witmense kan suip!! 😀

  • 3

    2@ Ashley:
    Ons het nogal lekker wyne en soetes gekoop oral waar ons was, kar was propvol op pad huis toe.

  • 4

    gbs @ 3
    … en ek neem aan dis alweer op? 😉

  • 5

    4@ Ashley:
    Noooooooooooooit nie….

    Ons het nog so 27 botteltjies Soetes (Port, Jerepico Hanepoot, Muskadel, Muskat) onder andere oor.

    Jinne maar ons het daai goete lekker geproe in Calitzdorp, jongggggggggg!

    Ons was By Calitzdorp Wineries, Boplaas, De Kranz… en toe ook by Soet Karoo in Prins Albert (so lekker mini-boutique Landgoed).

  • 6

    Ja Nee GBS.

    Lekker vakansie gehou.

    Di’s nou tyd dat jy ‘n bietjie werk insit en die temperatuur begin opstoot vir die Super Rugby.

    Ek is nou al moek vir Aviva Premiership en Heineken Cup, al doen my twee Engelse spaane Leicester en Northampton goed.

    Kannie wag vir my “nuwe” Lions om ‘n bietjie die “Rugby establishment” deurmekaar te krap nie.

    Miskien moet ek sommer ‘n nuwe MTN kontrak gaan uitneem om my solidariteit te wys.

  • 7

    @ Ashley:

    Soos ek altyd gese by die Rugby Klub, ek is meer “coloured” as die bruin mense!

    Ek het ‘n pienk vel, geel hare en blou oe. Hoe meer “coloured” kan ‘n mens wees?

  • 8

    7@ Scrumdown:
    Friend, maybe I should ask you to be our “Main man on the spot for the Lions”, to write for R-T about Lions news and to go sit in the Press Box on behalf of R-T at Lions home games.

    In fact, I do ask you now, here and now…. would you do it?

  • 9

    @ grootblousmile:
    It would be a pleasure and an honour.

  • 10

    9@ Scrumdown:

    You know the systems at the Lions, kindly find out who I should contact to organise your Rugby-Talk Media Accreditation, will you?

    I will NOW elevate your status here on R-T to that of AUTHOR, enabling you to write Articles…

  • 11

    9@ Scrumdown:
    You are NOW a Rugby-Talk Author… when you want to do your first Article, give me a call so I can guide you through the Interface for the 1st time…

  • 12

    10@ grootblousmile:
    Will do so and drop you an e-mail.

  • 13

    Wow dit lyk asof julle lekker tyd gehad het GBS, hoe gaan dit met ou Gerhard? die REINDEER (note spelling) is flippen cool

  • 14

    13@ Tripples:
    Thanks for the correction!

    Ou Gertjie is nog so stout soos altyd, en steeds so lank en skraal.

    Ons het lekker by hom gekuier. Hy gaan deur so effe difficult persoonlike patch, is nou in Desember geskei en sy 2 kinners bly by die mal ex in PE.

    Ou Gertjie het ‘n hart van goud man, nooit gedink hy sou goed doen soos om hom te ontferm oor kinderhuis kinders nie, maar apparently het hy spanne van hulle na sy Karooplaas uitgevat en hom oor ‘n paar spesifiekes ontferm, jare gelede al.

    Ons het goed saam met Bachus gekuier, ek en hy.

    Die vakansie was mooooooooooooooooooooooooosa!

  • 15

    Aggenee, shame dis bad……..jong hy was maar nog altyd ‘n goeie outjie, stout maar deep down in sy diepste binenste was daar maar ‘n hartjie van goud hehehehe

  • 16

    15@ Tripples:
    Ek en hy het lekker geskerts oor die ou dae en sommige van die onderwysers….

    Onthou jy daai mal moer van ‘n onderwyser, Takkies van Tonder?

    Daai nippelneus het mos die meisies ook pak gegee, met ‘n plank op hulle hande, dat die goed sommer so pof geswel was.

    Die flokker het mos vir my Geskiedenis gegee in Std 7…. dan op ‘n Donderdag in sy dubbelperiode het hy “Katkisasie” gehou… hy het by die eerste bank beginne en die arme kind begin vrae vra tot sy of hy 1 verkeerd geantwoord het, dan moet mens staan… So draf hy dan die klas deur tot ALMAL staan, dan bliksem hy almal en beging WEER voor in die klas met dieselfde kak.

    Een dag toe kom hy so by my aan om vrae te vra, toe staan ek sommer op en sê vir hom ek gaan hom nie die geleentheid gee om my kennis te toets nie, hy moet maar moer en goed moer en klaar moer.

  • 17

    16@ grootblousmile:
    Fark, the English Translation comes out very, very skew…. hehehe

  • 18

    @gbs ek is in daai kerk op burgersdorp getroud

  • 19

    18@ smallies72:
    Jinne, dis ‘n mooi kerk daai!

    Donner, jy moes sien hoe het die Oranjerivier gevloei daar by Aliwal Noord. Ons was mos daar by die Riverside Lodge gewees.

    Mense, daai rivier was breed en het teen 1 moerse spoed gevloei.

  • 20

    smallies72 @ 18
    goeie of slegte herinneringe? 😀

  • 21

    gbs @ 19
    “Donner, jy moes ..” 😯 gbs, jy kan mos nooit die man so noem nie … tensy dit sy doopnaam is!!

  • 22

    @gbs ek was ook daai dag oor die brug weet jy met 88 se vloed het die rivier net n meter onder die brug geloop ,die kroeg daar is nice ne

  • 23

    22@ smallies72:
    Ja, die kroeg is nice…. lekker view

  • 24

    22@ smallies72:
    Wat dink jy van my fotos?

  • 25

    baie nice daai bungi is broek bekakkings hoog het ok die t-shirt

  • 26

    25@ smallies72:
    Jy sien mos hoe smile ek op die fotos, ek wassie eers bang nie, nie na 28 sky dives nie.

    Dis nogal duur om te spring, R 690.00 vir die sprong, R 130.00 vir die DVD van die sprong en R 70.00 vir die fotos van die sprong…. toe koop ek maar nog ‘n Face Fear T-Shirt ook om dit ‘n ronde R 1000.00 te maak.

    Daai maatskappy wat die ding bestuur en doen maak ‘n ernstige baksteen kakhuis vol geld!

  • 27

    @gbs ek het in 96 R200 betaal vir n hemp spring en n kiekie

  • 28

    @16 hahaha ou Takkies van Tonder, blerrie idioot!!! onthou hy wasa een dag uit die klas uit en toe het ons die klas behoorlik op horings geneem, toe slyp hy terug en ou “van” se nog “hier kom takkies van tonder, hy gaan ons opdonder” en toe is die ou eers de moer in!!!!

    Onthou jy vir skouvark? dit was nou ‘n knieg daai!!!!

  • 29

    28@ Tripples:
    Ek en Gertjie het oor ou Skouvark ook gepraat…. hy was mos Gewigstoot en Spiesgooi afrigter… is later Tukkies toe en daar by hulle Atletiek betrokke gewees.

    Gertjie sê ou Skouvark het niks van die middelafstand atlete gehou op skool nie maar jare later het Gertjie heelwat met hom te doenne gekry toe Mustek Atletiek gesponsor het, toe was ou Skouvark glo heel aangenaam.

    Skouvark het vir my in Std 8 en Std 9 Geskiedenis gegee… en Hughes het vir my in Matriek Geskiedenis gegee.

  • 30

    Skouvark het my in St 6-7 geskiedenis gegee, nee jong, daar is niks aangenaam aan daai drol gewees nie!!! Hughes het my van st 8-10 geskiedenis gegee, hahaha ek onthou nou nog hoe hy vir ons die les van Sharpeville gegee het, funny mannetjie

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