Reports are rife this morning that some contracted players are revolting against their conditioning programme and that certain agreements reached between them and SARU is being breached.
Why am I not surprised…
The likes of Bakkies certainly needs game time, so why sideline them?
The Players Association (SARPA) is taking SARU to task, and is suggesting that the arrangement is political.
Is this going to be the final straw before the entire squad held together by Peter dissapates? Not sure who is calling the shots here, but if these are Divvie’s instructions, I have lost my patience with him. But, its seems it is a SARU decision and that players were supposed to be monitored on an individual basis and the plan to be rolled out as such.
In general I agree with SARPA’s view, except on Wynand. I do think he needs rest…
We need to consider one more thing with this as well. In light of the view that players should play 1600 minutes max over a 12 month period, how much rugby has these players played in the past twelve months, and how much rugby are they being planned to play for the next 12 months. Remember we are not talking January to February here, we are talking from today, 12 months back, a rolling 12 months so to speak.
The World Cup alone, according to my rough calculation, will take out an average of 280 minutes per player. So we need to bank it.
As Powerchair has suggested, we also have the End of Year Tour coming up (5 Tests estimated to result in about 240 minutes per player if a group of 30 is taken), the Barbarian match (say 55 minutes per player) and then the Tri-Nations (200 mins). The Super 15 alone is a total of 15 to 17 matches, at 80 minutes, so 1 200 to 1 360 minutes per player. This is if they all, as top players in their respective franchises play all the games. This gives a total number of roughly 2 000 minutes. Can we then truly afford to let this group of players play Currie Cup as well? I will do a detailed post in these minutes when I have less work to do.
But the main issue here is, some promises have been made to the players, and now a decision was taken on their individual future’s as a group, and this was not discussed and agreed with them.
Who is the culprit?
I am telling you now that all is not what it seems in the Bok camp. This is only the beginning of the evidence that will show us what is the real feelings and attitudes in the camp.
I recon this is the best way to handle the shambles… let SARPA (South African Rugby Players Association) fight it out on behalf of the players who need game time.
In the 1st place the Blanket Ban (resulting from Union moans and groans) was handled badly, now it needs addressing but collectively by the Player Body.
Ek verstaan dat die meeste spelers gerus word, maar kan enige iemand regtag kla oor Bakkies? Wil die Bulls supporters regtag he hy meot CC rugby speel? Sien hulle weer kans daarvoor om vir 10min of dalk 60min met net 14 spelers te speel?
Ek het my geduld met Bakkies verloor. Danie R en Flip doen goed genoeg na my sin.
@ KingPaul:
Ag, ek like vir Bakkies…ek dink regtig nie hy is so bad soos die mense hom uitmaak nie.
Ek dink dis juis omdat hy nie game time gekry het die afgelope jaar nie dat hy dan bietjie hard inklim, want hy is nie fiks genoeg nie.. En kyk, min boere sou vir Cowan laat loskom sonder ‘n bietjie van ‘n karring, en Bakkies het sy frustrasie met die ref maar op hom uitgehaal.
Ek is huiwerig om hom te brandmerk. Dis net omdat die engelse hom as a’n skurk uitgemaak het, nadat sy “victim” in die Britse Leeus self gese het Bakkies het niks verkeerd gedoen nie. Dis mos nie sy skuld die ander is sulke softies nie?
@ biltongbek :
I have the same suspicions of late, iets is nie lekka daar nie….
3@ KingPaul:
Ek stem tot ‘n mate saam dat Bakkies dalk verbygevat is deur Danie Rossouw en Flip v/d Merwe.
Maar hier gaan dit oor die feit dat die Blanket Ban teenproduktief is en verby dom hanteer is.
@ grootblousmile:
SARU het te min balhare!! Hulle moes van die beginaf net gesê het alles Bokke wat meer as byvoorbeeld 1250min se rugby al vanjaar gespeel het MOET rus, die res kan maar CC rugby speel. Ek is meer verbaas oor die feit dat ouens soos Ricky Speenvark en Adi Jacobs moet rus? Maak hulle dan nog deel uit van Div se planne? Liewe f@k!!!
7@ KingPaul:
Janee, ons het nou genoeg goeie senters om nie eers sydelings na Adi te loer nie… wanneer laas het hy anyway enigsins gespeel.
Ricky moes al maande gelede uit die prentjie gewees het.
Beast en Bismarck en JP Pietersen kort game time by die Sharks, so ook Juan Smith en CJ v/d Linde by die Staat en Bakkies en Wynand by die Bulle.
Die Staat en die Sharks het hulleself harder gespyker deur hulle gemoan as wat enige ander span benadeel word… lekker flokken dof!
…waar daar n rookie trek….
G’day all 🙂
@ KingPaul:
Ek dink die feit dat hulle daar sit beteken net een ding, en dis dat hulle gekontrakteerde spelers is. Niks meer as dit nie.
grootblousmile wrote:
Beslis lekker dof! Hulle eie gat gegrou!
bos_otter wrote:
rook iemand skelm? 🙂
@ Met Uysh: gie gie gie… 🙂 ek verwys eintlik na
biltongbek wrote:
As hulle bakkies toelaat om vir die Bulle te speel, dan sal like as Juan Smit toegelaat word om vir die Cheetahs te speel. Die ou het geen “conditioning” nodig nie….hy was een van die top spelers wat regtig n huge verskil gemaak het tydens die tri-nations.
bos_otter wrote:
…sit iemand met ‘n sigaret in die hand….
Gooooooooo Camels!!
This really does not make sense this conditioning programme right now. Crazy. Said it before on another thread and will say it again. Bok players that have played non-stop rugby since the S14 should ALL BE RESTED NOW. Then after a few weeks of total rest start the conditioning programme.
Boks that have just returned to playing rugby should keep on playing in the CC. They NEED GAME TIME.
Boks that have not been playing rugby and out due to bans or ops and injury SHOULD do the conditioning programme before they start to play in the CC.
Wow!!!!!!!!! not much to think about now is there?????????? We have some really dumb people in charge of our Boks, have no doubt about it.
Why the heck do a condition programme NOW???????? When players are out on their feet and needing a complete rest firt????????
Fools that run our rugby really.
15 – firt = first
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