Just found the following article in the New Zealand Herald. Written by Peter Bills.

It’s official.

The All Blacks are treated differently by referees from either of their Tri-Nations opponents. The statistics from the first five games of this year’s competition show a staggering difference in the ratio of penalties per yellow card. Suspicions are rife in South African rugby that the All Blacks get a special deal, are favoured whether subconsciously or consciously by referees.

Now, the figures seem to prove the point. South Africa are the most regularly penalised, conceding six penalties per yellow card. The Australians’ figure is remarkably similar – just seven a card. But by the same calculations, the New Zealand tally is incredible.Β 

Official figures show they incur 43 penalties a yellow card, more than seven times the figure of the Springboks. This appears to reveal at best an extraordinary imbalance in the way the three countries are refereed and at worst, a complete lack of consistency by match officials in their dealings with each Southern Hemisphere nation.

It also seems to bear out the view of certain Springbok officials that there is one law for the All Blacks and another for their rivals. Australia’s former World Cup winning coach Bob Dwyer says it is difficult to argue with the facts.

He also calls the All Blacks’ form this season scintillating, yet his detailed analysis offers a highly revealing insight of much value to Peter de Villiers’ men as they prepare to try to halt the All Blacks’ juggernaut in Johannesburg this weekend. “Just as the All Blacks value the necessity of quick ball for their own attack, they clearly recognise the threat that opposition quick ball poses to their defence. “In fact, I thought the All Black defence was unusually vulnerable to attack from quick ball, as evidenced by two quite simple Springbok tries in their second test in Wellington and a few similar efforts by the Wallabies.

They strive, therefore, to limit such recycles from their opponents. “There is nothing wrong with that so long as they do so within the laws of the game. It is here that I, and many others, question their tactics. Black- jerseyed tacklers finish on the ground, on the wrong side of the ball, so often, that I can’t believe that it’s by accident.

“This prevents their opponents from arriving quickly to support their teammate and allowing other All Black support players to attack opposition ball on the ground. Further, opposition scrum-halves are having difficulty getting in close to clear the ball and are forced to ‘lift’ the ball for their pass to clear All Black bodies. “This slows down the clearing pass and gives valuable time to the defence. And it’s illegal.”

The Australian also highlighted what he called New Zealand’s “outrageously offside” positions when they enter the breakdown on their own ball. “All players play their part, and while McCaw, Franks and Smith have been serial offenders, Kieran Read has recently perfected his technique also. It is dramatically effective and frequently brings tries – and it’s illegal.”

Read more of Bob Dwyer’s views at: www.bobdwyerrugby.com

160 Responses to Rugby: Stats show refs favour All Blacks

  • 121

    cheers all
    gotto go up the heart rate

  • 122

    121@ ps in CT:
    Pasop, netnou ruk jy hom kop-mors-af… hehehe

  • 123

    @ ps in CT: Ah…I’ve sorted it mate…irritated GBS for a while and then just put on my CDF cap and everything came right!

  • 124

    123@ 4man:
    Check here sammajoor.

    Word for Dummies

  • 125

    @ grootblousmile:
    I am blond…so this is no good.

  • 126

    125@ 4man:
    You mean you WERE blond…. hehehe

  • 127

    @ grootblousmile: Still blond….just a lighter blond…I re read War for Africa…Jan Hougaard played a big role at Tumpo…did you get to see him?

  • 128

    this place is about as lively as Zwartruggens on a Sunday afternoon.

  • 129

    @ 4man:
    sorry oom Norm
    just did a 5km run on the beach here in Angola. Did it in 30m again, verrrry chuffed with meself….

  • 130

    @ 4man:

    August 18th, 2010 at 8:11 PM
    this place is about as lively as Zwartruggens on a Sunday afternoon

    its because all the old ballies are balling their women behind close doors….

  • 131

    4man, remember i said i have a brilliant new destination for your Unlimited Tours? I was there today the rebuilding is almost finished. They will receive their first guests on the 1 st Sept. Will give you all the info later.

    You take up the whole camp, sleeps 10 , get a game drive vehicle plus driver for 2 drives per day, cleaning staff at R3000-00 per day, next year it will be R3500-00

  • 132

    Cool thanks guys.

    PS in CT 6 minutes per km….not so good, were you running on the hard or soft sand? And my woman is making supper, I have been online to a company in Italy that does paper recycling, trying to set up a meeting in Rome for the 27th you see….some ou’s are still working.

    Super, pse send me the detail when you can…thanks

  • 133

    OK Boks and Sharks, pay attention this weekend, I want to have a good one.

    gnite all.

  • 134

    ek dink die bokke verstaan die hele geel kaart ding verkeerd…..vat nou maar net daai foto aan die begint van die artikel….die ou wys vir die vent n geel kaartjie…die speler reken seker die ref probeer se….”hy jy met die geel kraag….kom gou n bietjie hierso sodat ek jou kan beloon vir jou mooi spel”

  • 135

    @ bos_otter:…en hoe meer geel kaarte hy kry, soveel meer like die ref ventjie hom πŸ™‚

  • 136

    @ ps in CT: hey ps in CT …sorry mate, but I really need to get this of my chest…I can’t stop wonering how different your nickname on this forum could have been….emm, you know what…never mind….just ignore me πŸ™‚

    OK…maybe I should add some sort of disclaimer to the end of this post….not meant to cause offense ok πŸ™‚

  • 137

    @ Rugby_Princess:
    “Litigious malcontents with no sense of personal accountability”? Now that’s a little bit strong even coming from someone of royal personage. Sounds like someone has an axe to grind.

    That does it I’m going into self imposed exile until I receive a personal apology. This site is beginning to sound like the “other one”. I think the author of this bigoted, haughty remark should be banned. πŸ™‚

  • 138

    So this is where it was at!! Lots of you showing your trilingualism!!! I am impressed as always πŸ™‚

    JimT long time no see, come on during a match on a weekend if you are up, would be nice to chat.

  • 139

    @ Blue Bird:
    I will figure out a way to watch the match Blue Bird. Not sure what time its broadcast here. Often they show replays not live broadcasts, then I have to avoid the news otherwise I get to hear the result before I see the match. πŸ™

    I think RP has run away, claiming she has gone on vacation, a likely story. πŸ™‚

  • 140

    jeeez….. you are skating on thin ice broer…… :v

  • 141

    115@ps in CT

    Ρ‚Π°Ρ‚ΡƒΠΈΡ€ΠΎΠ²ΠΊΠ° :-)))

  • 142

    @ J.M.E.: Like I said…was not meant in a bad way…it just sort of pop’s in my head each time I see his name. Lighten up

  • 143

    @ bos_ot

    hehehehe……..not nice though! Pasop net dat jy nie in die moeilikheid kom nie…..

  • 144

    @ 4man:

    Those “Le Roux” were always a bit dogy … πŸ˜†

    @ bos_otter:

    No, I was pulling your leg for the use of the EVER SO PATIENT tone that no doubt accompanied the “my dear” in your commet :lol

  • 145

    just read very interesting article


    Comments are hillarious!

  • 146

    @ J.M.E.:
    JME..people, especially out esteemed web monster make fun of my nick all the time….it’s all done in good spirit πŸ™‚

  • 147

    @ Rugby_Princess: all is fair in love and war πŸ™‚

  • 148

    @ J.M.E.:
    люблю тСбя ΠΌΠ°Π»Ρ‹Ρˆ

    @ bos_otter:
    uhm … uh … mmm … ok.

    no need for a disclaimer otterjasie. Ok, a bit of personal history:
    ps are the initials
    I am currently residing in Cape Town. It’s that simple. My first nick was ps in UK when i resided in London. Uh, what else you want to know?

    Ok, my turn, should you not change your nick by leaving the bos, replace the o with and e and add kop at the end? πŸ™‚

    Read my disclaimer at http://www…... nevermind……

  • 149

    @ 4man:
    Oom Norm
    that’s soft sand all the way. You are welcome to try it and see if you can beat 6m / km….

    ok admittedly i may not be THAT fast….

  • 150

    @ ps in CT: lol….nice one πŸ™‚ I’m glad you see the funny side to it though….your name made me think of Shrek….the cat’s name is “P*** in boots”…. It just made me giggle when I first saw your name, even though I hate the word and never use it.

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