This will be my last article about the downgraded North vs South clash we all looked forward to. At one stage i hoped that we came second  in the Super14 to give us a chance of playing the Super 14 final at Newlands versus our arch-rivals the Stormers. Only time will tell whether the Bulls played a masterstroke or made the biggest cock-up this decade.

Coaches of Australian and New Zealand teams still in contention warned that the Bulls might use their unassailable position in the standings to hand a lifeline to the Stormers, who could miss the playoffs if they lose on Saturday.

The New South Wales Rugby Union, whose Waratahs must beat the Hurricanes on Friday to have any chance of making the semis, said it would complain to tournament organizers SANZAR if the Bulls named a weakened team but later withdrew that threat.

Even Australia coach Robbie Deans, who coached the Crusaders to five Super rugby titles, joined the debate, saying the Bulls were within their rights to name a weaker team but took a risk if they meddled too much with established lineups.

“They have earned the right to choose their own path,” Deans told The Australian newspaper. “When you sit that far ahead of everybody else, you are entitled to make your own selection choices as you do week-to-week. Personally, I think it’s probably not in their best interests, to be honest.”

Waratahs coach Chris Hickey, whose team could miss the playoffs if the Stormers beat the Bulls, said it was for the Bulls to decide on selection.

“That’s their issue,” Hickey said. “History will show that sometimes these things backfire on you anyhow.

“But, look, all we’re focused on is Friday. If we take care of what we need to there, we’ll be in the finals series.”

Bulls coach Frans Ludeke defended his selection which leaves top players such as Victor Matfield, Fourie du Preez, Morne Steyn, Gurthro Steenkamp, Gary Botha, Wynand Olivier and Pierre Spies out of the starting side. Only Jacques-Louis Potgieter remains from the starting 15 which beat the Crusaders last week.

“This is not a B-team,” Ludeke said. “There are seven national players in this team and we have a lot of respect for our opponents. But we are here to run our own race and we are doing nobody favours.”

The Hurricanes have lost backrower Victor Vito to a calf injury but have regained All Blacks center Conrad Smith after an injury break. Coach Colin Cooper had no concerns that the Bulls’ selection might impinge on his team’s playoff hopes.

“It’s a tough competition. You have to do what you have to do,” he said. “Certainly there’s no need for us to worry about it or comment on that because we are just focused on the Waratahs.”

158 Responses to Bulls’ plan may backfire

  • 121

    Dis reg ja, my so aan jou laat dink 😉

  • 122

    Hier is een van my gunstelinge…

    Daar het ‘n doringboompie
    vlak by die pad gestaan,
    waar lange ossespanne
    met sware vragte gaan.

    En eendag kom daarlanges
    ‘n osseswa verby,
    wat met sy sware wiele
    dwars-oor die boompie ry.

    “Jy het mos, doringstruikie,
    my ander dag gekrap;
    en daarom het my wiele
    jou kroontjie plat getrap.”

    Die ossewa verdwyn weer
    agter ‘n heuweltop,
    en langsaam buig die boompie
    sy stammetjie weer op.

    Sy skoonheid was geskonde;
    sy bassies was geskeur;
    op een plek was die stammetjie
    so amper middeldeur.

    Maar tog het daardie boompie
    weer stadig reggekom,
    op een plek was die stammetjie
    so amper middeldeur.

    Maar tog het daardie boompie
    weer stadig reggekom,
    want oor sy wonde druppel
    die salf van eie gom.

    Ook het die loop van jare
    die wonde weggewis-
    net een plek bly ‘n teken
    wat onuitwisbaar is.

    Die wonde word gesond weer
    as jare kom en gaan,
    maar daardie merk word groter
    en groei maar aldeur aan.

  • 123

    …. Maar dood sal hy, sowaar, ek sweer -. my naam is Van der Merwe !

  • 124

    Lyk my nou is die NZers ook kwaad vir die Bulle (wat is nuut?):

  • 125

    My gunsteling gediggie van Boerneef…

    By Pramberg blêr ‘n moflam
    van hongerte en dors
    by Pramberg vrek ‘n moflam
    dit is vanjaar die stryk
    sny keelaf wat nog lewe
    dis hoeka sukke tyd
    by Pramberg blêr geen moflam
    maar die jakkals hou jolyt

  • 126


    Smaak my jy’s ‘n Totius fan, Blouste? 🙂

    Ek begin hierie Saterdag record anne EP wat drie Kaapse songs sal insluit. Ja, ek gannie Running of the Bulls mis, but so what? Die lyrics is nou nie innie selle klas as Totius, Smal, Watermeyer et al nie, ma dis dam hopelik beter as baie vannie braai-songs wat ek deesdae moet anhoor.

    Sal vi jou party vannie lyrics stuur as jy sou wou loer…

  • 127


    Mos nou die dag gepraat van “History channel” toe dag ek jy sal dalk in die een belangstel

    ….Die ooreenkoms tussen Stormers rugby en Robbin Eiland
    Jy lees so nou en dan van hulle in die geskiedenis boeke 😉

  • 128

    @ 126

    Maak so

  • 129

    Blouste, jy moet genuine nou vi jouself ‘n groter bouquet kry. Ou kannie heeltyd History Channel vangie. Die Bulle speel deesdae hulle anskoulikste rugby SS201.

    OK, hulle’t moes nou wel die blue print vi hulle nuwe style innie Kaap ko haal, ma nevertheless…. 😉

  • 130

    OK, ek’s uit. Die ding se naam is deadline….

  • 131

    …moes nou wel die blue print vi hulle nuwe style innie Kaap ko haal, ma nevertheless….


    Ek moet dit vir jou gee, JY IS FUNNY !!! 😆

  • 132



  • 133

    Letter to Bank Manager

    Dear Sirs,

    In view of current developments in the banking market,
    if one of my cheques is returned marked “insufficient funds”,
    does that refer to me or to you?

    Yours Faithfully.


  • 134

    dis die blond
    dis die blou
    dis die bul wat snuif van die hoer af
    en dis al!!

  • 135

    😯 haai, ek was soe lanklaas op skool
    eks nou skoon deurmekaar
    dink ekt daai gedig verkeerd gehad, ek dink dit was

    dis die blond
    dis die blou
    dis die bul in die spieël
    wat staar na sy pi*l
    en snuif van die hoer af
    en dis al!! 😀

  • 136

    hey watch it, hierdie plek is nice moenie jou stress hier die oorhand laat kry nie.

    Daai man was n SA held gee hom so bietjie rope. Almal maak n fout.

  • 137

    super @ 136
    😀 all is fair in love and war


    anyway, dit was nie ñ persoonlike aanval op joost nie
    dis maar net bulle vs stormers
    ja, ekt miskien vroeër overboard gegaan, maar dis hoekom ek rustiger probeer wees!!

  • 138

    Ash vergeef my as ek soos n sensor klink, maar met julle WP mannetjies moet ons a gewete vir die site he.

    So by the way het julle gesien hoe min word Tutu deesdae aangehaal?

  • 139

    superbul @ 138
    no problem bru
    het dalk iemand nodig gehad om my in die bek te ruk en te herinner dat ek verniet stress
    ons ontmoet mekaar dan weer oor 2 weke nê? 😀

  • 140

    #136 Superbul

    True – ammal maak ‘n fout.

    Ma se gou hoe werk die: jy maak ‘n fout (wel, by al accounts maak jy dieselle fout herhaaldelik, ne?) en dan as jy sien da issie meer uitkomkans nie, dan confess jy en skryf jy ‘n boek en maak lekker geld uit daai fout. En jou vrou verkoop ha kant vannie storie anne magazine of twee.

    Mammon, bly ma ‘n bliksem.

  • 141

    Ja jong duisende ander se stories word nie met soveel ophaal vertel nie. Ons nasie is siek jong. 😀

  • 142


    Moegoe !!! 😆

  • 143

    blouste @ 142
    jy ken my mos
    ek probeer my bes!! 😀

  • 144

    SuperBul en Blouste

    “disillusioned words like bullets bark
    as human gods aim for their marks
    make everything from toy guns that spark
    to flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
    it’s easy to see without looking too far
    that not much is really sacred”

    – Bob Dylan

  • 145

    nou wie is hy

    confucious se

    Die WP is kaaaaaak

  • 146

    This is a story about a couple who had been happily married for
    years. The only friction in their marriage was the husband’s habit of farting loudly every morning when he awoke.

    The noise would wake his wife and the smell would make her eyes water and make her gasp for air.

    Every morning she would plead with him to stop ripping them off because it was making her sick. He told her he couldn’t stop
    and that it was perfectly natural. She told him to see a
    doctor. She was concerned that one day he would blow his guts out.

    The years went by and he continued to rip them out! Then one Thanksgiving morning as she was preparing the turkey for dinner and he was upstairs sound asleep, she looked at the bowl where she had put the turkey innards and neck, gizzard, liver and all the spare parts and a malicious thought came to her.

    She took the bowl and went upstairs where her husband was sound asleep and, gently pulling back the bed covers, she pulled
    back the elastic waistband of his underpants and emptied the bowl of turkey guts into his shorts.

    Some time later she heard her husband waken with his usual trumpeting which was followed by a blood curdling scream and
    the sound of frantic footsteps as he ran into the bathroom.

    The wife could hardly control herself as she rolled on the floor
    laughing, tears in her eyes! After years of torture she reckoned she had got him back pretty good.

    About twenty minutes later, her husband came downstairs in his
    bloodstained underpants with a look of horror on his face.

    She bit her lip as she asked him what was the matter. He said, “Honey, you were right. All these years you have warned me
    and I didn’t listen to you.

    “What do you mean?” asked his wife.

    “Well, you always told me that one day I would end up farting my guts out, and today it finally happened. But by the grace of God, some Vaseline, and these two fingers, I think I got most of them back in.

  • 147

    superbul @ 145
    confusious was confused!!

  • 148

    “I don’t expect to punch through the wall and the guys to follow,” Botha said, “I’ll take the whole wall down with me. I’m blessed to be part of a team of great players who know what their job is and I’m going to enjoy the game. All we need to do is our best this weekend and it will be fine. If I use the talent that the Lord gave me and give it all, and we all do that it will be a great game.”

    Bakkies die Bul !

  • 149


    Haahhahahahahaha 😆 hehehe.

    Amper soos die ou watt vodde gery is toe hy uit die slaghuis oor die pad loop en getrap word. Chirurge het ure gesukkel om alles weer terug in plek te kry.

    Sis, ons het Rugby nodig die ledigheid maak ons BAR

  • 150

    148 – 😆 Bakkies must remember we need him too for the Boks. Now no more injuries.

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