Before Monday in Nagpur, South African strike bowler Steyn, was generally most renowned for his lethal out-swingers at pace. Suddenly, though, shell-shocked India – and the world, too – have learned of his new-found ability to bend the ball the other way on a sustained basis.

The result was carnage, with the Proteas now handsomely placed to strike for a big win over the ICC’s No 1-ranked side after an eventful day three of the first Test.

India’s first innings spectacularly unravelled in a 37-minute period after tea, where they slid from the relative sanctuary of 221 for four, in reply to the Proteas’ beefy 558, to 233 all out.

For sheer suddenness, it was all very Waqar Younis-like … the great Pakistani toe- and timber-hunter would have been proud of Steyn’s post-interval salvo of 3.4-2-1-5.

Certainly the 26-year-old Phalaborwa Express, albeit with many years of good cricket ahead of him, will be hard-pressed to repeat a dose like that, even as he registered a personal best innings return of 7/51 in 16.4 overs.

“With one of the most lethal and joyful spells of pace and swing seen in India, a red-hot Dale Steyn took the pitch out of the equation and led South Africa to the verge of what should be close to their finest Test victory”  -Cricinfo

All good and well, this was yesterday. Do not expect the same collapse from India today. We are in for a almighty fight back  from Sachin Tendulkar and mates. SA might just need another ripper from Paul Harris to disturb the Indian apple cart. We must at all cost prevent India from setting us a target. Anything around 80 to 120 runs in the last 2 sessions will to be a  night mare.

329 Responses to South Africa vs India in Nagpur– Day 4

  • 61

    Yes Puma…

    But today will be sooo much sweeter…

  • 62

    61 – It will be and maybe win by a innings. 😀 Very sweet that will be mate.

  • 63

    blouste @ 56
    is that the rugby-talk pool, or is it another one?

  • 64

    Ashley @ 63

    Nee, ‘n ander een wat ‘n klomp pelle sommer begin het.

    Staan nou al op amper 100.

    Naweek is geborg by Kapama River Lodge…gaan kyk bietjie (

    Al die ander geld gaan vir die pryse…spending money etc. soos jy in #56 kan lees.

  • 65

    Ashes to Ashes…

    Is jy daar ?

  • 66

    Okay let see what we can do with the new ball. Go Steyn 😀

  • 67

    Come on Steyntjie…

    Bowl them over boytjie !!!

  • 68

    Morkel and Steyn….DO YOUR BUSINESS !!!

  • 69

    blouste @ 64
    uhmmmmmmm, pool code ens ens ens
    flok, maar mens sukkel maar met julle bulle nê?

    of dalk is die pool net vir bulle
    “raai die score en wen ñ horing!!”

  • 70

    Harbahjan to go next…(please?)

  • 71

    @ 69

    Nee man..

    Wen die prys en kry ‘n horing !!!

  • 72


    Jy apply, doen jou betaling, e-mail die bewys en word goedgekeur.

    Stuur jou mail adres ook saam, want jy ontvang updates soos pryse groei, en natuurlik moet hulle jou kan kontak as jy wen !!!

    Hier volg…

    A-hoi Bru’s!

    4 dae om te gaan voor die Super 14 afskop! As julle nog enige persoon ken wat wil saam speel is dit nou die tyd om hulle uit te nooi. Vanaf Woensdag gaan die Superbru site glo ongelooflik besig raak so moenie vêrder wag nie – nooi jou pelle en familie dadelik.

    Ons Super 14 game se pryse wissel daagliks en ons staan tans op:

    1 ste plek: ‘n Naweek vir 2 in Kapama Game Lodge, 2 Finals kaartjies as die finals in S.A. is. ‘n i-Pod Shuffel vir die wenner mits hy in die top 40 eindig en R2,700.00 se spending money.

    2de prys: R1,700.00

    3de prys: R1,200.00

    4de prys: R400.00

    Bo en behalwe vir hierdie pryse sal daar ook elke 7 game week R200.00 uitgedeel word vir ons Yellow Cap wenner van die week en elke 6 game week R100.00 vir ons Yellow Cap wenner van die week (Dus nog R2,100.00 tydens die game)

    Daar is ‘n paar mense wat nog nie betaal het vir die Super 14 nie – julle het tot volgende Donderdag. Maar daar is ook ‘n paar mense wat dit weer anders om aanpak en wat betaal het maar wyer om te apply – dis ‘n interesante game plan maar ek weet nog steeds nie of dit gaan werk nie.

    Net gou vinnig weer daai pool naam en kode:

    Die Super 14 game – Super Trouper – haulairs

    Probeer dus ‘n laaste keer om almal wat julle ken te oortuig om te join. Ons sal bitter graag daai weeklikse Yellow cap prys wil opstoot en dalk selfs ‘n vyfde plek wil by kry. Soos julle kan sien groei ons pryse steeds mooi!

    Net weer daai rekening detail:





    Andre Erlank

    Stuur vir my jou bewys van betaling deur na of sms my op 0827735980. As julle enige vriende of familie saam nooi maak asb. ook net dood seker dat hulle vir my hul e-mail adresse aan stuur sodat ek hulle kan byvoeg by ons groep. Die sluitings datum vir die Super 14 is die 12de Feb 16H00.

  • 73

    You see Asbakkie !!!

  • 74

    Jy sien….Harbahjan OUT !!!

  • 75

    Mooi man Parnell !!!

  • 76

    blouste @ 71

  • 77

    Who will be the next victim?

  • 78


    You thinking of joining ?

    Did you check out the website ?

  • 79

    Kom nou Harris, kry nog ‘n paar !!!

  • 80

    See we got another wicket. Missed that.

    Come now need to take Saha.

  • 81

    Shit, that was close by Morkel…

    Ja Puma,things looking well !!!

  • 82

    OK Blouste ekt betaal en apply!

  • 83

    Good bouncer Morkel…

  • 84


    Grand man, het jy die mail gestuur?

    Dis nie ek wat dit hanteer nie, maar hulle behoort jou vinnig te help.

  • 85

    Ekt laat die bank sms stuur.

  • 86

    Wiele met ‘n P…

    Stuur net jou mail adres na die e-mail in # 72

  • 87

    81 – Blouste hope we can end it today. Think somehow we will come back tomorrow. Let us hope they don’t do a Onions on us 😉 Then a whole day tomorrow doubt it.

  • 88


    Yes we might be there tomorrow…but should take them out anyway !!!

    There is still hope for today…

    Hahaha…yes ,hopefully no Onions to bring tears to our eyes…

  • 89

    88 – Blouste, Thought we would have had Saha by now!

  • 90

    So, about half an hour of play…

    You never know.

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