Springbok number 8 Pierre Spies has been ruled out of the Vodacom Bulls Super 14 squad for Saturday’s warm-up match against the Lions in Polokwane.
Spies, who is struggling with a hamstring strain, has been withdrawn as a precautionary measure, and will watch his team-mates from the sidelines as they finalise their preparations for the defence of their Vodacom Super 14 title.
The Bulls will also be without Springbok utility back Francois Hougaard, who is recovering from a knee injury, and has also been sidelined as a precautionary measure.
Both Hougaard and Spies will be ready for the first match in the Super 14, against the Vodacom Cheetahs in Bloemfontein on February 12.
“Pierre and Francois have both been withdrawn as a precautionary measure,” Team doctor Org Strauss told Supersport.com, “But we’re not really worried about them being ready for the first game.
“Pierre’s hamstring injury was a bit more serious than we initially thought, but we have been treating it, and with any hamstring injury, we are a lot more conservative when treating it.”
Dr Strauss gives flanker Dewald Potgieter, who also has a medial ligament tear in his knee, “an outside chance” of being ready for the start of the competition, but adds that this “is unlikely.”
The long term injury players such as Bakkies Botha, Chiliboy Ralepelle and Akona Ndungane were also not considered for the match.
But then again, who can keep up with all these “new” names.. 😯
Do my Bulls friends here remember how bad our warm-up games were in 2009….
I have a feeling that it will happen again with an ultra conservative approach due to the long injury list, hell expect the Lions to actually beat the Bulls in the warm-up because they are the ones who have to build confidence with their totally new structures in place…
Yep I do……I will first watch the first few games in the S14 before we will see what is going to take place….I love the way that everyone is already writing off the bulls….they did the same last year, remember, SA’s best bet for a semi last year was the stormers and the sharks? eveyrone wrote the bulls off then as well.
We should not read to much into the warm up games, but its always nice to pull one over the opposition.
Two guys are discussing the intimate angles of one’s upcoming wedding in a bar over drinks.
“I’m not sure if my future bride is a virgin or not” says the one.
“Oh, there’s an easy test for that!” his buddy replies, “All you need is some red paint, some blue paint and a spade. You paint one of your testicles red and the other blue. Then, on your honeymoon, if she laughs and says, ‘Those are the funniest testicles I’ve ever seen!’……….
You moer her with the spade!”
Tripples @ 3
The Bulls was only one point better than the Sharks last year. 😉 And we beat you in the both CC fixtures. It’s just those dam Cheaters that gets in our way.
If memory serves me correctly, (which it may not after Saturday’s over indulgence) I think the Lions beat the Bulls in the corresponding fixture last time out, and a lot of good it did them!
# 2 gbs
Jip, en ook die feit dat ons so min oefen wedstryde gespeel het laas jaar.’
Ek was net so bef@k…
Maar moes maar onverskoning vra, Ludeke het dit reggekry.
Gesien hulle het die jaar ook meer gerus want hy se die groep kom ‘n lang pad saam en ken alle strukture,planne ens, wat hul meer aftyd gegee het.
Die 12de se game gaan moesa wees.
Ons moet hom net deur trek, die cheaters gaan moerse hard kom…
7@ Scrumdown – Etzakkerly!!
8@ Blouste – Janee, ek en SuperBul was erg beflok na die warm-ups verlede jaar… en ja, die Staat gaan met ‘n groot poging kom op 12 Feb…. gaan helse taai wees.
Habana het laas jaar vir julle ‘n groot guns bewys teen die Cheetahs met sy laaste drie. Kon lelik gewees as julle daai game verloor het.
10@ Stinkvis – Wel, die Bulle sal moet adapt…. ons sit nou sonder Habananananana…. dis ‘n feit soos ‘n koei, kan daaraan niks doen nie…. kan net sorg dat die vervangende speler so na aan reg as ‘n roer is…
… en dis waar my probleem lê… die Bulle het geweet Aikona herstel nog van ‘n beenbreuk, hulle het geweet Gertjie van den Heever is lig in die broek op verdediging, hulle het geweet John Mametsa staan ouderdom se kant toe en hulle het geweet Francois Hougaard is eintlik ‘n scrummie, netso het hulle geweet die Bulle is dun op buitesenter…. maar toe koop hulle nie nog ‘n witwarm vleuel of senter nie….. dissie goed nie.
Waa’s daai Bom Samaai van die Leopards wat superBul so kwaai like, daai ou sou dalk kon inpas daar man…. en vir homself helse naam bou by die Bulls.
GBS – Realisties waar sien jy die bulle eindig hierdie jaar?
Sal later opvang, moet nou eers waai.
12 @ Snoek – Eishhhhhhhh my hart sê bo… my brein sê tussen 3 en 8 somewhere
Daar is geen rede hoekom die Bulle nie weer bo kan eindig nie.
15@ Blouste – Dis moontlik…. maar om laasjaar te herhaal sal taai wees….
Dis waar.
Maar gelukkig nie onmoontlik nie.
As daar een ding is wat lyk of dit reg is by die BULLS kamp is dit “attitude”.
En daarmee bedoel ek ‘n positiwiteit wat seker ook getranslate kan word in die regte houding, approach ens.
Klink of dinge en senior spelers se koppe op die regte plek is, selfs na laas jaar.
Ons het al baie gese…. om die S14 te wen het mens diepte nodig… en baie KARAKTER !!!
Ons is nie soveel slegter af as laas jaar nie, hier een verloor, daar een by gekry ens…
Ek groet eers vir ‘n wyle… die Kwotasies en fakture kakkas roep my hard…. en daar’s dringende PC’s wat ek mee besig is….
Habs is ‘n groot verlies, ek stem.
Maar as die besluit by my was sou ek hom ook laat gaan het.
Watter boodskap stuur dit vir die res van die senior spelers as hy ewe skielik om en by R1 mil meer as hul verdien…
Op die ou ent kan sy sighning baie duur word as dit uitkring na ander spelers…
In dieselfde asem, watter boodskap stuur sy sighning vir “die hard” spelers soos Schalk by die Stormpies, gaan hulle almal ook opgradeer word in die toekoms, wat die unie BAIE geld gaan kos.
As mens na die hele situasie kyk en al die moontlike repurkussies in ag neem, glo ek die Bulle het die regte besluit geneem.
# 18-gbs
Tjorts !!!
Dink die feit dat die Bulle die jonger spelers “back” en kans en ondervinding gee gaan ook hul vrugte afwerp in so 3 seisoene of so…
Regte mengsel van ervaring en nuwe bloed…
GO BULS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
snoek @ 5
sies man! dis ñ ordentlike blog dié!!
Rather Spies rests and gets over that injury otherwise it could become chronic. NO WAY do we want that, he is a BOK after all. 😀 Not only do Bulls need him the Boks do too.
This is only a warmp up game so no need to take risks.
Ag, sorry another typo. warmp meant warm
Een van die dae “field” die Stormpies ‘n R 90 mil span… 😯
Speel bankrot en laat ‘n plekkie vir die Kings 😆
Spies is turning into a sick note. Anyone remember Joe Van Niekerk?
Nee, wat.
Spies word net “under cover” gerus, op aandrang van P.de Villiers…
Smaak my hier werk almal net tot 16:00…
Dis mos wanner die meeste mense tyd het om te blog…by die werk 😆
daar moet darem ook mos voordele aan “werk” wees!!
Raar, maar waar !!!
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