SixNations officials have confirmed to the Irish Rugby Football Union that none of a number of referrals made by South Africa against Ireland players have been upheld by the independent citing commissioner that was present at the game between Ireland and South Africa in Croke Park on Saturday 28 November.

The Ireland management say that they are “very disappointed” that the name of an Ireland player was subsequently associated with eye gouging in the media as a result of one of these “unsubstantiated referrals”.
South Africa claimed that Jamie Heaslip had been involved in an eye-gouging incident with Springbok flanker Heinrich Brussow in the first half of Saturday’s Test.
The Springboks had issued a request to match citing commissioner Douglas Hunter to investigate their claims after lodging a complaint within the specified 12 hours from the final whistle of the match.
Hunter then had 48 hours to decide whether or not to cite any player but found that there was no wrongdoing.

The Ireland management issued a statement saying that they fully support and believe in the integrity of the citing process in place but believe that any referrals in this process should be made only when they are material and substantial.

The Ireland management stated that they will be making no further comment and consider the matter closed.

156 Responses to Heaslip cleared, Irish now furious at SA

  • 61

    Hello pragtige blou ooogies :mrgreen:

  • 62

    # 58 – Treesexual – thanks man oops lassie – you are too kind – It is an excuse to crack one more than usual every night. I can find out the consumption for you if you want 😉 We are just a happy nation and according to world survey the nicest country to live in. Yes it is – all welcome.

  • 63

    or should i say baboon bait 😆

  • 64

    Eish Irish behave it is not Friday 😆

  • 65

    Hallo TH…..

    Irish I know, but sorry, eldest got married this year and my 2nd is probably getting married next year, has apparantly founf ‘the one’ hehehehe

  • 66

    #64 – Treehugger – knew you could handle it… 😆 Well I hope so…

  • 67

    Still want to know how that Irish block managed to get his shirt ripped nearly right off his body, and as for the citeings very bad form if it was just for petty reasons.

  • 68

    # Trips – Sure you would have preferred me as a son-in-law. 😉 hmmm probably not.

  • 69

    founf=found DAMMIT

  • 70

    59@ Oirish – Let me tell you something, Tripples was a “hot bod” at school, far to good to go out with us mere mortals then…. her girls take after her…

  • 71

    #67 Treehugger – Brussouw just said “Take that white jersey off or I will rip it off – we like green” I heard him say so 😉

  • 72

    Tripples, well at least they not getting married in there teens 😉

  • 73

    #68 I can guarantee I would’ve….cos you love rugby!!!! hehehehe, “the one” is an Israeli and is only learning all about rugby now since he started dating my daughter…….

  • 74

    Hello RT’s, howzit?

    Irish, in case you missed me after the game, congrats barrister, your team played great and made Eyre proud.
    Well done mate, no complaints from Pietman, you were better and sharper than us.

    I am sitting on the porch, sipping a beer, looking at the ocean…..wondering if my busted knee would make it thru, swollen like a melon it is, after this morning’s beach run….eishhh, maybe I am getting too old for this shyte, the heart is there, the knees ain’t…..perhaps I should move over to the pub and moer them locals at pool rather (my wife’s advice), hobbling around the pool table beats jogging by far.
    But anyways, life is good…..

  • 75


    Ja i can only guess all the Soapie drama that is going on at that Hotel. Hehehe

  • 76

    # 69 – Trips – You suffer the same disease as Puma! hehehe

  • 77

    Irish – lol

  • 78

    #70 ja but something went wrong somewhere down the line hahahahahaha

  • 79

    74@ Pieta – Fark man, why run.. we use cars in SA!!

  • 80

    #70 GBS – I can see that from her pics. Hmmmm hot one that. Must have Irish blood.

  • 81

    #76 Yep dyslexic fingers hehehehe

    TH yes theres that………but now my eldest wants to wait till she is 30 before giving me a grandchild, what nonsense!!!! hehehehe

  • 82

    Hey Pietman.

    Did you read the stuff on Voldy today?

    They thought you made a comeback.

    Just read it about an hour ago. What a crack up those moepels are.

  • 83

    #74 Hallooooooooooooooooooooo Pietman,

    Shame not nice having a busted knee but as GBS says, why run when you can drive ?

  • 84

    #82 What did they say now again?

  • 85

    #74 – Thanks great man! True Sportsman. To be sure.

  • 86

    #84 They thought Pietman came crawling back to Voldy!!

  • 87

    Nou waaa’s die ander fokkers nou heen….

  • 88

    Hello Pietman, you have been missed 🙂 how you going to run that long race with hurt knee.

    Rather do the Argus, the hub did it a couple of years back, he borrowed a mountain bike from a friend, did not train even 1 km did it with my father and brother inlaw. Only complaint was a very sore bum afterwards. He did it cause of a bet that it was easy and you didnt have train for it. He was right. 🙄

  • 89

    86@ Pille – Flok, what for…. maybe wishful thinking??

  • 90

    @79 Saving gas bru!
    It is election day here in my village, doctors/pharmacies/sangomas all closed, so I am on the ‘yellow liquid’ for the pain.
    Can’t stay long, cousin’s pc battery running low, lots of messages for him coming in from the office.
    Check you later bru.

    @82 Pilman.
    Ek weet niks van daai lot nie, het 25 Julie laas daar geblog.
    Praat later broer,op geleende pc hier.
    Sien jou.

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