Watch this video… well let it “buffer” well, otherwise it plays in fits and stops and starts often… oh and by now you all should have Adobe Flash Player installed on your PC’s, if not download it from:

It’s free and perfectly safe!


153 Responses to British Humour is farking hillariousssssssssss

  • 121

    Is everyone shopping?

  • 122

    …or on leave

  • 123

    Will pop back later.

  • 124

    No farking shopping for Christmas for me… I hate the shops this time of year!

  • 125

    In case I get lost under the mistletoe with the egg nog … a very Safe & Merry Christmas to one & all. I hope you get what you wished for – assuming of course you were on the list of “good” boys & girls 😉 Opting for a traditional Christmas I am in Beijing where temps will range from -12 to a balmy -2 Celcius BEFORE taking into account the wind chill factor 😯

    & a little Christmas humour :

    Santa Claus, like all pilots, gets regular visits from the Federal Aviation Administration, and it was shortly before Christmas when the FAA examiner arrived. In preparation, Santa had the elves wash the sled and bathe all the reindeer. Santa got his logbook out and made sure all his paperwork was in order. The examiner walked slowly around the sled. He checked the reindeer harnesses, the landing gear, and Rudolf’s nose. He painstakingly reviewed Santa’s weight and balance calculations for the sled’s enormous payload. Finally, they were ready for the check ride. Santa got in, fastened his seatbelt and shoulder harness, and checked the compass. Then the examiner hopped in carrying, to Santa’s surprise, a shotgun. “What’s that for?” asked Santa incredulously. The examiner winked and said, “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but you’re gonna lose an engine on takeoff.”

  • 126

    Top ten things to say to those HORROR gifts you receive :

    10. Hey! There’s a gift!
    9. Well, well, well …
    8. Boy, if I had not recently shot up 4 sizes that would’ve fit.
    7. This is perfect for wearing around the basement.
    6. Gosh. I hope this never catches fire! It is fire season though. There are lots of unexplained fires.
    5. If the dog buries it, I’ll be furious!
    4. I love it — but I fear the jealousy it will inspire.
    3. Sadly, tomorrow I enter the Federal Witness Protection Program.
    2. To think — I got this the year I vowed to give all my gifts to charity.
    And the Number One Thing to say about a Christmas gift you don’t like:
    1. “I really don’t deserve this.”

  • 127

    Lyk my almal is weg !!!

    Net die lot van ons arm gatte soos ek wat moet werk… 😆

  • 128

    127@ Blouste – Ek’s nooit weg nie… ek’s altyd in my vel…. hehehe

  • 129

    @ 128

    Ja, as ‘n ou uit hou vel is gee jou vrou jou gewoonlik moeilikheid… he he he

  • 130

    125@ Rugby_Princess – Dizzy, Hope you have a good Festive Season….. but hey, there will be a Christmas Thread for all the well wishes ect…..

  • 131

    129@ Blouste – Neeeeeeeeeee man, as ek “Uit my Vel is”, het my vrou moeilikheid….. hehehe

  • 132

    @ 129

    Ook waar… 😆

  • 133

    @ 131 – sorry

  • 134

    122 – Irish, Howzit mate,

    Yip, last minute shopping NOW HOPE IT IS THE LAST OF THAT…HAHA. Hate shopping it is tiresome for me to say the least. Hope that is the last bit. Very humid here too. Not pleasant to shop in this heat. Overcast today but hot.

    Great video enjoyed it. Carol sent it to GBS for us. Had a good laugh.

  • 135

    125 – Rugby Princess, Have yourself a great Christmas and New Year. Enjoy.

    Damn freezing where you are. Hot here in Africa though 😀

    Thanks for some great articles here on RT by you too. Enjoyed them.

  • 136

    Hi Boys and girls I finally made it here 🙂
    Happy Christmas to all

  • 137

    Hi Princess. Puma good to see you too

  • 138

    Coach, so delighted you have signed on here…..
    I expect you have closed down for the festive period now!
    Shame we don’t have any SH rugby going on, lots of rugby up here with us tho!! 🙂

  • 139

    Princess one more to add to your list.
    F@*k!!!! What were you thinking??

  • 140

    Hi Carol
    Yes we have its still slow here.
    Well I could always watch some NH rugby if I need to fall asleep quickly
    Just kidding its still rugby/
    You ready for Xmas?

  • 141

  • 142

    Ok gotta get to shopping malls. Going to be one big Maul

  • 143

    Coach, I had been watching lots of SH rugby before I went to the Guinness Final at Twickenham last year and it seemed SOOO slow compared to the Super 14 stuff, it was like watching paint dry.
    Have seen Wales play this season against the AB’s and that was more action packed!
    I am not ready really, have a huge list to get through tomorrow…..but tonight I am moving NOWHERE!! It has been a long day!

  • 144

    Coach, adopt the Bakkies ruck clearing move……It has quite an effect in moving folks.
    Poor Adam Jones is only just thinking about playing again after his June meeting with Bakkies!! 😐

  • 145

    GBS – Wrapped my present yet? 😉

  • 146

    GBS have you got my pictures yet, I have just sent them?

  • 147

    Yes Carol its different rugby for sure.
    Well its midday here so still have to brave S/mall for some gifts

  • 148

    Coach, go steady and we hope to see you here again really soon….. 🙂

  • 149

    145@ Karlien – Uhmmmm, uhm….. what present?

  • 150

    146@ Karlien – No, I’m in the house… on the little Notebook, will check mail in the morning.

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