Watch this video… well let it “buffer” well, otherwise it plays in fits and stops and starts often… oh and by now you all should have Adobe Flash Player installed on your PC’s, if not download it from:

It’s free and perfectly safe!


153 Responses to British Humour is farking hillariousssssssssss

  • 31

    Puma you guys can come in numbers, but what are you going to do with the choking problem? Just wonder if that NZ coach did not bring that virus with him from NZ?

  • 32

    Lol,no problem,I get chirped about it all the time 🙂 But I am trying to change the perception that Accountants are boring,am getting there.

  • 33

    Evening All….. 😳 Hope the humour is not to OTT !!

    Must ask Irish Devil if it is Northern Ireland (Part of the British Isles) or Southern Ireland!!

  • 34

    29 – Winston, I know so Ntini will start. He has served SA well but has slowed down now. He will start. I would have then dropped him for Parnell anyday of the week really.

    Not sure who it will be then between De Wet or Morne. One of those will be dropped if D. Steyn can start. Think De Wet needs another chance after bowling so well on Sunday. I too rate Morne just not taking enough wickets.

    Parnell for me is well suited to the Durbs pitch. Will be daft to leave him out. WP told me he had been dropped though. Crazy.

  • 35

    31@ SuperBul – Mail na jou gestuur…. check

  • 36

    Hello Carol, Our resident Brit. :wink:. Carol thanks for that. Was a great laugh. We need that sort of thing during the festive season to get us through until the rugga starts again.

  • 37

    33@ Karlien Cotswolds – Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo from afar!

  • 38

    Its a bit odd Puma,maybe he did something to upset the big 3 in the team because I think he is a gem of a player. I’m watching the local cricket now,I rate this Rilee Rossouw,think he is the next big thing..

  • 39

    Welcome Winston…..I’m sure not all accountants are ‘boring’ 😉

  • 40

    31 – Super we going to sort out the choking this year…..hehehe. With our kiwi coach and all. Watch now that I am not expecting much from my team they will surprise me next year.

    Yip, quite a few of us Sharkies here now blogging.

  • 41

    Hi Carol,no not at all,we’re far from it..

  • 42

    39@ Karlien – “Bean Counter” is boring…. he supports the Tjarks…. that alone tells a story….

  • 43

    Puma, this clip was interesting because it is not mainstream TV yet?

    Lots of our humour must have made it over to you by now ‘Gavin and Stacy’ probably most amusing recent tv comedy.

    I know some of you have seen Harry Enfield ‘Pik’ the South African sketch! If not you have to You Tube it!

  • 44

    38 – Winston, Not sure why he was dropped. WP said they wanted him to play some more domestic cricket to get ready for tests? For me that is nonsense he is ready now. So really not sure what happened.

    I don’t watch too much domestic crici. Strange somehow support the Cobra’s and they are from Cape Town. Then should change and support our side here.

  • 45

    37 GBS, do you have somewhere I could warm my hands????????? 😉

    It is FFRREEEZZZING still here!

  • 46

    I dont want to start taking liberties at the big boys on the site but us Sharkies will clean the Blue Bulls any day of the week 🙂

  • 47

    43 – Carol, Will have to You Tube it. Have not seen it yet.

    GBS should get some more of that from you. I had just sat down with a coffee, very hot coming back from the mall. Brought my dinner too the study and almost choked, I laughed so much.

  • 48

    41 – Winston, it is great for Puma to have another Sharkie here, you may have gathereed this site is quite ‘Blue’!!

  • 49

    He’s too good to leave out so its a matter of time before he plays test cricket.

  • 50

    46 – TELL them Winston…..hahahaha.

  • 51

    GBS – I will not say a word about condensed milk, chewy sweets, vile sweet drinks, excess alcohol, copious amounts of biltong……..until 2010…That’s a promise!

  • 52

    49 – I hope so Winston, he was bowling well to start with. Hey, maybe they surprise us and play him in the test in Durbs. The Brits commentators thought we were crazy to leave him out. I agree with them.

  • 53

    I dont really care who they support,I’m just for some interesting conversation about rugby and cricket without getting into an insult contest.:-) But I do enjoy a bit of banter.

  • 54

    48 – Carol, there are a few of us here. Snoek, Sharky, Puma, Pokkol, Sharkgal and Winston. We are growing in numbers soon to be too much for the bully boys 😀

  • 55

    53 Winston – GBS once opened an insults thread as we were all being too ‘nice’ to each other!!

    It was very funny…….. 😆

  • 56

    Yeah,he would compliment Steyn and Morkel well and Harris can tie up and end with Kallis coming in with his golden arm but its not meant to be at the moment.

  • 57

    53 – Winston you will only get banter here and nothing more the way it should be.

    Some great articles from Morne and Tighthead too. Also Tim Noakes. They are away now on leave I think but write here on a regular basis.

  • 58

    54 – Puma remember there are some ‘Bully Girls’ too EEE, me….who does Looserer follow, we have not heard from her for a while, hope she is ok!
    You have Treehugger too!

  • 59

    Carol, we get Blackadder and Monty Python here in SA….

    I wonder what the Afrikaans rendition of Moty Python would be….. must be something like “Louis Luislang”…. hehehe

  • 60

    56 – Winston, Pity. Also have no idea why Ntini bowled that last over on Sunday. Was crazy. Should have given it to De Wet he was in fire at that stage. Ntini was never going to take a wicket then.

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