Seeing that it’s my birthday and that I’m going to miss the game tonight, I thought I’ll give you a few of my thoughts about tonight’s game before I go out on the town with my gorgeous girlfriend.

I have an uneasiness bout tonight’s game. Let’s call it “areas of concern”.

No 15 Zane – He’s done nothing to deserve his place in my opinion. He can thank his lucky stars he played in a triumphant Bulls team this year. Judged on form of the past 4 games, he’s still behind Terblanche, Peterson and Ludick. We will miss Steyn’s big boot dearly tonight. Part of the Bok success story this year was the ability of Steyn to drive opponents back into their own corners, when the ball is kicked into his channel.

This gave our forwards an ideal opportunity to challenge line outs, boost the territorial advance feeling, rest while Steyn just brings the ball back to them time after time after time. Steyn was solid in defence too.

There could be no doubt that opposition feared every time they did not kick the ball out and Steyn received the ball anywhere from his own 10m mark and closer to the poles. Same with a long penalty.

It is my opinion that the class of Steyn at No 15 will be sorely missed. Zane is under pressure.

No 12 Adi- Adi is a player that will not let any side down, but he brings nothing special to a side. Average players don’t win games. A No 12 centre is the playmaker and our best playmaker at 12 is playing club rugby in Mud Island. I still have more trust in Adi at No 12 , than I have with Zane at No 15.

No 14 JP- JP’s been average for me and by that, I mean he has not been playing to his full potential. We learned from the World Cup that JP needs lots of psychological preparation to be able to perform at his best. When he loses his self confidence, he tends to fall apart. I worry about JP, BUT I certainly acknowledge the fact that he’s still our best No 14.

No 8 Kanko- Still needs to impress me in a Bok jersey. Still did not make that step up to competitive international rugby in my opinion. My ideal 8th man should be picked firstly for his ability to perform in tight games, and then only because of his “loose game” skills. Alberts for instance I think is the best tight playing 8th man in SA. Kanko is the best loose playing 8th man in SA and Spies beats both of them at their respective games.

If the game is going to be tight, Kanko will be the weak link up front.

No 3 John- captain ‘o captain – I will be holding my breath at the first scrum, let’s just leave at that!

These are my areas of worry, and therefore I pick the French to oust the Bokke by a small margin. It is also my prediction that should John Smit not stand his own tonight in the scrums, Bismarck would have run on the field for the last time in the starting 15.

Let’s hope individual performances come through for the Bok tonight that swing the game in our favour.

With SA Player of the year, Fourie du Preez, WP quick man Habana, Morné the Bulls prize fly half and consistently good performing WP centre Jaque Fourie there, one never knows……………….

29 Responses to The areas of concern

  • 1

    Concerned Jan

  • 2

    Wp quick man and good performing Wp centre??


    I will give you that seeing it`s your bday.

  • 3

    2@ Pilletjies – Janee, hy is vinnig om te ploeg mettie ander se kalwers by die WP… smaak my maar na pure desperaatheid.

  • 4

    Praat van die kuikens tel voordat die eiers nog by die hoener se poepol uit is!

  • 5

    Happy birthday Isigidi.
    A reasonable and balanced post.
    Now if you can NOT ask anybody the score tonight in front of your girlfriend and only concentrate on her then you are in for a good night, on the other hand Darren, if you can manage that difficult task then maybe you should get yourself checked out as you may have contracted a bad dose of Bafana Bafana disease!!!

  • 6

    Vir my is ‘n speler nognie ‘n Provinsie se speler tot hy nie daai jersey oor die kop getrek het vir sy eerste game daar nie… sooooo Habana is nog ‘n Bul en Jaque is nog ‘n Leeu… in my oge.

  • 7

    5@ Tight Head – Isigidi has vowed to plant a whole row of mielies tonight…. bwahahaha

  • 8

    Relax boys.
    Yanking your chain a bit.

  • 9

    #6 En reg is jy alweer.

    Hoop maar vir hul sake die WP curse tref nie altwee hul goue seuns nie. Die raak-kak-in-die-wp-trui curse!

  • 10

    On your birthday it’s your chain that should get yanked boet!!!

  • 11


    Volgende jaar kan jy dit maar invryf!

  • 12

    Hoop Habana en JF kry nog ‘n paar wenne in voor volgende jaar …

  • 13


    Ja van volgende jaar kan dinge taai raak.Dis moeilik vir n ryk man om in n arm man te verander.

  • 14

    I hope it’s not 2010 first season for WP, and 2011 sold to Southern Kings for half price!!!

  • 15

    Wonner of ek moet geld opsit vir die game….

  • 16

    13 Bulle gaan Habana kwaai mis, maar solank hy vir die Bokke speel ondersteun ek hom ten volle.

  • 17

    Hoe laat begin die krieket ? Kan wragtig nie weer teen die ingelse verloor nie !

  • 18


    My sentiments exactly.

  • 19

    Dink julle nie Habana se sukses is grootliks te danke aan Fourie du Preez nie… gaan kyk mooi… die steekskoppies, die aangee wanneer Habana kom insny het in die agterlyn op die loskakelkanaal naby die opponente se lyn…

  • 20

    17@ BiDiBiDi – Blykbaar 18:00… so oor 14 minute

  • 21


    Ja en nee.Sonder Fourie sou hy seker nie soveel vermag het nie, maar dit is n span sport.Habs is n goeie speler.

    Ek gee hom baie krediet.

  • 22

    Weet nie of Habana so goed gaan doen by weepie nie.

    Time will tell.

  • 23

    19: ons het eintlik nog nooit vir Habana sien speel sonder FDP en ander BB spanmaats nie (ook in bokopset), so op hierdie stadium weet ons nie hoe hy gaan doen nie. Sal moet sien volgende jaar in S14. Hy is so talentvolle speler, so hy sal altyd iets spesiaals na vore bring. Die vraag is net of die WP/Stormers hom gaan kan help daarmee of nie ?

    GBS, nou sit ons in ‘n groot dilemma: vir Bokke onthalwe wil ons hê Habana moet goed doen, waar hy ookal speel. Maar nou het hy oorgeloop na ons aartsvyande, nou wat nou ? 😉

  • 24

    #23 Ja dis n moeilike een. Soos om n konserwatief te verander in n kommunis.

  • 25

    23@ BiDiBiDi – Ag, ek wens hom voorspoed toe… behalwe teen die Bulle…

  • 26

    Flok, ek moes geweet het om nie daai laaaste sinnetjie ingesit het nie.


  • 27

    26@ IsiVerjaarsdagmaatjie – Ja, ek het ook omtrent so gesê op die Preview Thread, behalwe dat ek dink Zane behoort goed te vaar met sy Bulls maters rondom hom in die agterlyn…

  • 28

    26: goeie artikel, stem saam met jou besorgdhede … maar ek is nie ‘n drommel nie …

    Ons het goeie stutte op die bank, so ek is nie te bekommerd nie. Zane het my ook nie veel beindruk nie, en Adi hoop ek maar doen die ding.

    Geluk kan WO ook nog opkom.

    Hoop net ons voorspelers is aan die brand van die begin af, anders is daar moeilikheid.

    Weet nie hoekom nie, maar die Franse is altyd bo menslik gemotiveerd teen ons.

  • 29

    Isigidi – Many Happy Returns, enjoy your evening out and don’t keep looking at your blackberry for the score, it is very offputting!! 😆

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