The Bok-motivation is high!
The Bokke want this one!
The Bokke do not underestimate the French!

These 3 small statements says it all. We are in for an almighty scrap against France.

The French team aim for more consistency according to Captain and flanker Thierry Dusautoir.

Coach Marc Lievremont, who has used 68 players in his year-long tenure, named his 11th half-back pairing in Montpellier’s Francois Trinh-Duc and Julien Dupuy of Stade Francais, who gets the nod at scrum-half following his strong displays during the summer tour of Australia and New Zealand.

“The goal is to beat them a little more regularly and show that the France team can become a major rugby nation, not only thanks to its history but also to its performances.”

Scrum-half Dupuy said that while the Boks must be respected as world champions, France should not display fear at the thought of playing them.

On the other hand Peter de Villiers have a much more settled team. They know each other and they have beaten the best in the World this year. For them this game can complete the pack of cards. The Sringboks have a whole bunch of game breakers, certainly not a one man band.

If this is their attitude expect great games from Victor, Bismark, John Smit, Bakkies Botha and Heinrich Brüssow.

If the ball gets to Fourie du Preez , well he knows exactly what to do with it. Then you have other major players like Bryan Habana , Jaque Fourie and JP Peterson to do the necessary damage. Oh, never forget the sniper, Morne Steyn!

“France is one of those teams we respect and I expect them to come out with all guns blazing.” When asked whether he expected the intensity of Friday’s clash would match that of the high-octane series against the British and Irish Lions, de Villiers said he thought it might be yet “more severe”.

“We’re playing France in France and that’s another story. We know how passionate the people are here, we know how the players can get raw energy from the crowd. It will be really tough, but that’s exactly what Test rugby’s about.

“France are a very good side, especially the pack. They’re very physical and there are some hard-running backs,” he said.

De Villiers was in a bullish mood, saying: “I’ve had good experiences here with junior teams and also the Boks in 1997, when we last had our opportunity to beat France.

South Africa captain John Smit has downplayed any notion of being tired after a long season, insisting that his team were ready to maintain their high standards on their European tour.

“It’s been a good year,” said Smit, who will play prop when the Boks meet France at the Municipal Stadium here on Friday, before going on to play Italy and Ireland.

“These are the last three Tests of the year, and we’re playing three good teams.

“The challenge is great for us to come away from home and to be able to maintain standards.

“It’s not just another Test but it will determine how the year will end. We’re keen to maintain our form.”

64 Responses to Springboks DO take the last 3 Tests serious

  • 31

    #30 Onerb

    My point is that Adi can defend and that he makes his tackles and at his best is our best line breaker in our backline.

    On your statement that he did not have to defend his channel: according to the stats on the SARugby site Adi made 33 tackles in last year’s Tri nations and missed 3.

    If he didn’t have to defend his channel where do you suggest that he made these tackles?

  • 32

    31# Fender, this is not ‘last year’, this is ‘this year’!

  • 33

    #32 Supa,

    So Supa, last year he could tackle but this year he can’t, right?

  • 34

    Ek is meer geworied oor Zane se defending as oor Adi s’n!
    Skalla kan nog vir Adi uithelp, maar daar is niemand om vir Zane uit te help nie!

  • 35

    Wel, kom ons hoop almal Adi speel ons stil. As hy goed verdedig en mooi gapings slaan, is ons weer gelukkig. WO is wel daar om te red, maar hy kan nie wonderwerke verrig as hy net die laaste 20 opkom en dan skielik alles moet omkeer nie. Hopelik kan hul mekaar motiveer en aanvul.

  • 36

    #33 Players lose form! Do you reckon if a guy misses three tackles in 2008 he is gonna miss only three tackles in 2009???
    Anyway, Adi played brilliantly last year, on attack, and he did more than his part on defense. He proved me wrong. But he hasn’t been the same player this year. Not on attack or defense.
    For me, its not always only about missing one-on-one tackles. Its about momentum. When a big center runs at Adi, he get way over the advantage line with ease, even if Adi eventually makes the tackle, the opposition still gained lots of metres. Always been like that, because he is smaller than for example JDV. Last year he made up for that ‘weakpoint’ by running great lines, breaking the line and scoring tries. This year his has done that.
    I would prefer a center that stops their momentum. I dont think Adi will suddenly miss 10 tackles in a match, some others might get carried away with his defensive vunerabilities, but he gives the opposition to much momentum. Wynand has been in better form imo.

  • 37

    Trying to get my head around the selection of Adi Jacobs for this tour to the NH in their winter on slow and heavy underfoot conditions.

    Bok teams of the past often had contrasting types of centers as combinations. Solid hard tackling centers in combination with a smaller fast and fleet footed partners. Dave Stewart and John Gainsford, Peter Whipp and Johan Oosthuizen, Eben Olivier next to a bigger stronger partner, and many others spring to mind.

    Those were the amateur days when players (and opposition) from 1 to 15 were generally substantially smaller than today. These days however, defensive patterns, attacking strategies, phase play etc. have changed beyond recognition.

    Players like Gio Aplon and Joe Pietersen showed during the game between WP and Griquas and in other games, that they can excel in defense and attack even in wet muddy conditions, so what is the right selection strategy?

    Would Jacobs be a better bet than WO in slow, wet and muddy conditions that limit open space running opportunities? Would there not be a more rational case for Jacobs in dry conditions with firm underfoot pitches, and WO in NH winter conditions?

    My vote would be in favour of WO. He is a solid defender and no slouch on attack. He also does not have to worry about an injured shoulder. My humble opinion.

  • 38

    34: as Zane moet verdedig … dan beteken dit Adi het weer gemis.

  • 39

    Meisiekind het maar power gelyk teen die Tigers, en was seker die mees patetiese kaptein wat nog ooit ‘n Bokspan gelei het! Ek weet nie of hy die antwoord is nie, lyk my nie hy kan die step-up maak na Bok rugby nie?

  • 40

    37: wel, ek dink jou opinie ‘is spot on’. Adi was goed gewees, niemand betwyfel dit nie, maar hierdie jaar het hy heeltemal uit die bus geval, en dalk sit hy nog met ‘n seer skouer ook, en dit alles terwyl die op vorm speler, WO die bank moet warm hou. Maak nie sin nie.

  • 41

    En as ek reg onthou was sy juis Jacques Fourie se sentermaat in daai skandalige 49-0 wedstryd toe die Ozzies ons mal gehardloop het?
    Nee wat, ons moet maar hoop JdV kom vroeer terug of dat daar iemand deurkom wat ‘n goeie binnesenter is!

  • 42

    #36 Supa,

    Tackling is not something I would readily associate with form. On the other hand, running lines and breaking tackles, I would. Tackling lies firstly in the heart, but is also dependant on what other are doing around you defensively.

    I can’t immediately recall where this supposed opposition momentum (due to Adi’s lack of size) cost us points, but I can recall a number of plays where Adi’s creativity brought the Boks points.

    But overall, I reckon we’re about as close as we’re gonna get in terms of agreement. His form certainly is not where it was last year this time…

  • 43

    41 KP

    Ja goeie punt KP, my betoog is ten opsigte van die ouens wat op nou toer is en hulle vorm die afgelope seisoen

  • 44

    Fender, last year he played at 13 not 12.

  • 45

    Nie Adi of Wynand of Juan of Bosman het vir my die selfde slaankrag as JdV nie.

  • 46

    39/41: KP, as WO die geleenthede kry wat iemand soos bv RP gekry het, om dus te ‘settle’ in die span, sal hy ons trots maak, in die afwesigheid van JDV. En nou dat Snorre die geleentheid het om WO langs sy BB maats te laat inkom, gebruik hy dit nie. WO was nie goed in 06/07 nie, maar hierdie jaar het hy opgestaan en in ‘n baie goeie senter ontwikkel, ten minste beter as Adi op hierdie stadium.

    Laat ek jou so vra, sou jy ongelukkig gewees het as die Stormers/WP se senterkombinasie volgende jaar WO en JF was ?

  • 47

    45 KP

    Stem saam. Adi het in die verlede goed vertoon op 13 wanneer hy van JdV se skouer af goeie lyne gehardloop het. Wanneer laas en in watse wedstryde het hy 12 gespeel?

  • 48


    Wynand het geen tackles gemis vrydag nie en het amper nooit die bal gesien nie. Dat hy ‘n swak keuse was vir kaptein is gegewe, hulle moes eerder vir Potties kaptein gemaak het.

    Maar hy verdedig soos ‘n yster die jaar en dryf die ouens terug, iets wat adi nie kan doen nie.

    Fender, ek se weer – Adi het laas jaar 13 gespeel. ‘n 12 moet meer duikslae uitvoer as ‘n 13 want die los voorspelers en in die franse se geval, die 105kg senters, hardloop in daardie kanaal. Op 13 het ek nie ‘n probleem met Adi nie, dis op 12 waar hy getoets gaan word op verdediging.

  • 49

    #44 Onerb

    No, I got yoy the first time on that 12/13 theory of yours. You still have not responded to my #31 post.

  • 50

    #44 Onerb

    No, I got you the first time on that 12/13 theory of yours. You still have not responded to my #31 post.

  • 51

    Sorry ’bout the double post, guys…..missed a tackle there!

  • 52

    Die geheugens is maar kort hier, ironies die provinsiale onnerokke hang skoon teen die grond. Teen Leeus was baie gepraat oor JDV se swak verdediging, ja gaan kyk maar terug. WO was kwaai aangeprys oor sy spel in die S14 , ja kyk weer, selfs die WP manne het hom krediet gegee.
    Die feit is tussen die twee, Adi en Wynand het WO net bietjie meer van alles, vir my selfs beter as JDV. Maar Adi het nog nie vir PdV rede gegee om hom te los nie, en Peter het hom in sy kop as no. 1.

  • 53

    Om WO met JdV te wil vergelyk is nie net ‘n provinsiale onderrok wat op die vloer sleep nie, maar sommer ‘n bloomer ook!

    WO is die beste 12 (in die land) op die oomblik, maar 2 de beste na JdV – spelers se speler van die jaar onder andere

  • 54

    Mag ek nie ook maar uit n provinsialistiese oogpunt MY mening gee nie. EK voel so en basta.

    Die BIL het darem flippen baie driee gedruk teen ons en dinge was beslis bespreek.

  • 55

    Ek sal JDV kies as hy beskikbaar is (met WO op die bank), vir sy ervaring, flair, oog vir ‘n gaping, onderskepkoning, ens. Maar, wat twee aspekte van die spel betref, is WO hierdie jaar myle beter as JDV: verdediging en sy aangeë om buite-spelers weg te stuur.

  • 56

    I said he did not have to defend the 12 channel because he was playing 13.

    “Fender, last year he did not have to defend the 12 channel. Big difference there. The loosies have more time to cover 13 than 12 channel”

    I was not saying that he wasn’t defending his channel last year, he did and surprised all of us, but that was at 13. Now they are playing him at 12 which is a totally different proposition.

  • 57

    54: ja, jou eenogige ondersteuner, vir wie skree jy, seker vir die Bulls ? 😉

  • 58

    Wat Adi aanbetref… laasjaar was hy kookwater en het ons almal verbaas… dis ‘n feit.

    Maar hierdie jaar was hy vir rukke beseer en sy skouer wat beseer was is steeds dicey… mens kan sien met sy skuinshollery dat hy bang is vir kontak op daai skouer…

    Dit affekteer sy aanvalsvermoë, sy verdedigingsvermoë, sy selfvertroue… en ultimately affekteer dit sy spelers buite hom wat met die skeefgehardlopery kantlyn toe gedruk word en so min of geen spasie het nie.

    Met die dat hy sku is vir die skouer kan ons verwag dat die Franse vir hom gaan kom, time and again.

    In Wynand Olivier het mens ‘n true binnesenter wat verdedig soos ‘n Trojaan, saam met klomp spelers speel waaraan hy gewoond is (Morne, Fourie du Preez, Habana, Zane)… en die enigste senter was benewens Jean de V wat die lyn kan breek wanneer hy wil… o ja, ook die ENIGSTE senter wat elke game uitblink wanneer dit kom by grondballe steel, let bietjie op daaroor.

    Mens sal hierdie Franse moet afbreek met spel wat hulle op die agtervoet plaas en ek kannie sien dat Adi op huidige vorm, daai speler is nie… eerlikwaar nie.

  • 59

    Hallooo almal,

    GBS ek stem 100% saam met jou…..ek dink ons gaan sukkel met Adi daar op verdediging!!!

  • 60

    Hellooooooooo Tripples.

    By the way, het jy die mail van Lizanne gekry oor die reunie-braai volgende jaar Januarie… dink dit is 20 of 21 Januarie, by die rugbyklubhuis by Varkies… ek bedoel Parkies.

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