The Bok-motivation is high!
The Bokke want this one!
The Bokke do not underestimate the French!

These 3 small statements says it all. We are in for an almighty scrap against France.

The French team aim for more consistency according to Captain and flanker Thierry Dusautoir.

Coach Marc Lievremont, who has used 68 players in his year-long tenure, named his 11th half-back pairing in Montpellier’s Francois Trinh-Duc and Julien Dupuy of Stade Francais, who gets the nod at scrum-half following his strong displays during the summer tour of Australia and New Zealand.

“The goal is to beat them a little more regularly and show that the France team can become a major rugby nation, not only thanks to its history but also to its performances.”

Scrum-half Dupuy said that while the Boks must be respected as world champions, France should not display fear at the thought of playing them.

On the other hand Peter de Villiers have a much more settled team. They know each other and they have beaten the best in the World this year. For them this game can complete the pack of cards. The Sringboks have a whole bunch of game breakers, certainly not a one man band.

If this is their attitude expect great games from Victor, Bismark, John Smit, Bakkies Botha and Heinrich Brüssow.

If the ball gets to Fourie du Preez , well he knows exactly what to do with it. Then you have other major players like Bryan Habana , Jaque Fourie and JP Peterson to do the necessary damage. Oh, never forget the sniper, Morne Steyn!

“France is one of those teams we respect and I expect them to come out with all guns blazing.” When asked whether he expected the intensity of Friday’s clash would match that of the high-octane series against the British and Irish Lions, de Villiers said he thought it might be yet “more severe”.

“We’re playing France in France and that’s another story. We know how passionate the people are here, we know how the players can get raw energy from the crowd. It will be really tough, but that’s exactly what Test rugby’s about.

“France are a very good side, especially the pack. They’re very physical and there are some hard-running backs,” he said.

De Villiers was in a bullish mood, saying: “I’ve had good experiences here with junior teams and also the Boks in 1997, when we last had our opportunity to beat France.

South Africa captain John Smit has downplayed any notion of being tired after a long season, insisting that his team were ready to maintain their high standards on their European tour.

“It’s been a good year,” said Smit, who will play prop when the Boks meet France at the Municipal Stadium here on Friday, before going on to play Italy and Ireland.

“These are the last three Tests of the year, and we’re playing three good teams.

“The challenge is great for us to come away from home and to be able to maintain standards.

“It’s not just another Test but it will determine how the year will end. We’re keen to maintain our form.”

64 Responses to Springboks DO take the last 3 Tests serious

  • 1

    Goeie span vir die Bokke, dink ons gaan die een vat maat net as ons kophou en ons game speel

  • 2

    Ek hou van die attitude , hulle gaan nie op n bou toer nie, al die groot kanonne is saamgevat. Net die weglopers is uitgelaat.

  • 3

    This is a very good Bokke Team with the exception of Adi Jacobs…

    But…. the French have a very big and strong pack of forwards… and on the right day can run any team in the world ragged…

    With the big and strong French pack, I’m worried about Kanko and our front row… and extremely worried about the light-weight or should I say, light-in-the-pants beanpole CENTRE…. Andries Bekker

  • 4

    at least we’re not hearing about the “spirit in the camp”. from listening to previous bok coaches … thats the dangerous one (for sa supporters at least) to look out for!!

    GBS @ 3
    hmmmmm, are you willing to eat your words?

  • 5

    4@ Asbakkie – Eat my words about what?? About that “boks”, Bekker??…. come on, the guy is hyped up to be what he’s not… we clearly saw it again on the 6th against the Tigers…

    Can’t scrum
    Can’t play centre
    Won’t participate in his primary tasks
    But he “shines”, like Luke, because he hunts glory ball….

    Neewat, die 9de wonder in die wêreld beindruk my nie… hoekom is hy die 9de wonder…. want hy is verseker die langste drol wat regop kan staan.

  • 6

    Boks will be up for this one. They win these last 3 tests then we creamed the lot this year. Not many Boks sides have done what this Bok team has done.

    A few missing from the Lions and 3Nations. JdV, Fransie, Juan and Spies. So hoping the ones that have filled their places do the job.

    Worried about a centre channel with their huge 105kg centre.

    Not worried about our scrums. If the ones that start don’t do it we have a full front row on the bench.

    Wish Deysel was on the bench to cover for Burger though. Danie should cover for Bakkies and not Bekker. Bekker is a 5 not a 4.

  • 7

    Boks are weak at 15, 12, 8, 3 and 1. The benck picks itself.
    Loosehaed is a little weary about this test.

  • 8

    Puma big guys fall harder, and they somehow dont like to fall too often. Look what that little Joe Peterson did in the CC, he brought down everything that came his way. I would have felt easier if WO was in the starting line up, but maybe Adi silences us all.

  • 9

    gbs @ 5
    versigtig nou! ek sou jou aanraai om die sinnetjies maar kort te hou … baie makliker om te eet, hehehe

  • 10

    5# GBS
    😆 😆

  • 11

    #6 Ja Puma
    That’s a big inside center hey?

  • 12

    loosehead @ 7
    i’d say theres question marks around 15 and 12. 8 should not be a problem, because its the incumbent thats starting there … time for him to step-up and show that he deserves to be there. adi and kirchner might be … lets repeat that …. might be …. i think i’ll do that once more … might be … weaknesses,but they might also silence their critics.
    this is, apart from 8, 12 and 15, the same team that lost once during the home and away leg of the 3n

    so its time for pdv to make history once again!!

  • 13

    puma @ 6
    yes, forgot about juansmith there for a moment, but his replacement (schalk) aint too bad, is he? 😉

  • 14

    Tydens die oorlog lê die boer en sy seun in ‘n loopgraaf.

    Seun: Pa, hoeveel is ons?

    Pa: 50 manne

    Seun: En die Ingelse?

    Pa: 10 000

    Seun (na ‘n rukkie): Fok, ons gaan weer laat klaarmaak vandag …………

  • 15

    Kyk, as dit ook nie vir goed was soos beserings, vuilspel en misdaad nie … sou ou Snorre dalk nooit die BIL en 3N gewen het nie, a.g.v. swak spankeuses.

    RP beseer: MS kom in
    Schalk se vuilspel en Danie se besering: Brussow kom in
    Januarie se misdaadloopbaan: FH en HA in
    Beserings aan Jannie, Chile, Guthro: vrystaat ysters kom in

    Wonder wat gaan arme Adi en Bekker nog tref die naweek, sodat WO kan inkom, en, ons vir Dewald of Deysel op die bank kan kry ?

  • 16

    12- Ash I certainly hope that he does.

    Kanko will dissapear when things get roff en onbeskof upfront.

  • 17

    15@ BiDiBiDi – Adi en Bekker gaan in mekaar vashardloop in die senters… wanneer Adi kant toe hardloop in plaas van vorentoe…. Adi gaan ‘n hoofbesering opdoen en Andries ‘n kopbesering… dis mos omtrent die lengteverskil, nie waar nie.

  • 18

    Kan ons die een wen? Natuurlik

    Is ons favourites om te wen in Frankryk? Nee

    Hoekom nie? Kyk maar na ons onlangse track rekord teen hulle

  • 19

    14: ja, en as hul by die huis kom, moet hul regmaak vir die grootste geveg vir die dag:

    Ma (koekroller in die hand): al weer laat vanaand, die kos is al koud !

  • 20

    17: kyk, as Snorre sy span wil laai met senters, goed so, maar laai die span dan met goeie senters. Ons het dan reeds goeie senters soos JF en WO, met Matfield ons derde beste senter op toer, as nodige ‘back-up’. Bekker en Adi is onnodig, kon albei uitgelaat het en Dewald/Deysel en FH op die bank gehad het.

    18: Stem saam, maar die feit dat ons wêreldkampioene is, maak die speelveld gelyk. Ons het in 1997 laas daar gewen, en goed ook (telling?). Wanneer laas het ons die Franse in SA gespeel ? Het ons nie toe die reeks 1-1 gedeel nie ?

  • 21

    bdb @ 15
    gaan kyk die rekord op enige site
    jy gaan beslis nie “as dit nie was ..” langs pdv se rekord sien nie
    “as dit nie was … ” vir morné se laaste skop teen wp op nuweland nie, was julle nie s14 EN cc kampioene nie …
    die rekordboeke (en ek) het nokkol met “as dit nie was …” te doen nie,
    ek suggest jy doen dieselfde!!

  • 22

    I don’t have strong positive or negative feelings about Andries Bekker.

    He certainly doen’t manage to get me foaming at the mouth with hatred, or jumping up and down with adulation either. Let’s say that I am emotionally untouched by Andries Bekker.

    My thoughts on him are:

    He is not a number 4 lock and should not replace Bakkies as PdV likes to do

    He is a number 5 lock, is very good in the lineouts, but has been known to play too loose

    He played much tighter against the Tigers, did his job in the physical department, and was more of a factor in all aspects of the game than Danie Rossouw. In fact, he was the only tight forward who seemed prepared to put his body on the line.

    As far as his scrumming is concerned, I do not have an instrument at my disposal to measure how hard he pushes in the scrums, and I have not spoken to the props he he binds to, but against the Tigers, visual evendence seemed to indicate that the prop on Danie’s side was suffering more than the prop on Andries’ side. Suffering is perhaps an understatement.

    Should he take the field as a sub against the French? I don’t think so. Danie Rossouw? He better pull his finger if he does, as his performance against the Tigers was not good enough.

  • 23

    8 – Super

    You could be very right boet. Who will tackle him though? J. Pietersen defence is actually good. Adi’s defence not very good. Lomu was never good in defence and we worked him out. So hoping we work this huge centre out too. I have never seen him play so have no idea just know he is damn huge for a centre.

  • 24

    22 – SAB

    Agree there Bekker is fine at 5 but he is not a 4. We need a real enforcer to come on for Bakkies after 65 min when he goes off. Danie should replace Bakkies and we should have had Deysel on the bench. If Burger gets injured Deysel the ideal player at 7. Hard as they come.

  • 25

    21: Dit issie sommer net van ‘as’ is nie belangrik nie. As dit nie vir ‘as’ was nie, was jy net ou ‘ley’… of sommer net ‘n ‘bak’ … 😉

    22: SAB, ek dink die groot vraag aan Snorre moet wees: hoekom Danie EN Bekker op die bank ? As hy vir ons daardie vraag kan antwoord, sal dit ook baie help.

  • 26

    24 Puma

    Yep, I agree Deysel would have been a better sub than Bekker, and would have given the bench more balance and options

  • 27

    25 bdb

    Stem saam met jou daar bdb, sien my 26

  • 28

    Ouens, this story about Adi’s defence….

    I remember that last year people were saying the same thing. Stuff like Ma’a Nonu (that non-tennis playing Williams sister…) was going to walk all ober him and Mortlock is going to do this or that to him.

    Nothing like that happened and Adi went on to be our most potent line-breaking weapon.

    So was he poor defensively – not as I recall. Is it impossible for him to repeat that defensive performance – no, its not. Its the size of the heart that matters, not his shoe size…

    My actual concern is not his defence, but the fact that he has not replicated his attacking form of last season.

  • 29

    I cant help but think back to the first B&I lions test when Piet took Jean off and shifted Adi to 12, they came back to within a score to win that match and were running at Adi and crossing the advantage line with ease.

    Please let it not be the case again.

    Does anyone know why Pdiv doesn’t rate Wynand? He is a powerful defender and competes for the ball once he tackles too, plus he has the best pass in the team after du preez.

  • 30

    Fender, last year he did not have to defend the 12 channel. Big difference there. The loosies have more time to cover 13 than 12 channel.

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