Jaque Fourie might have won his arbitration case against the GLRU, and Louis Ludik and Willem Alberts have shown interest on moving to the Sharks, but everybody seems to be missing what is really wrong in this whole debacle.

No PROVINCE, CLUB or UNION is allowed to approach any player, or enter into negotiations with a player without the written consent of the current union of the approached player.

The only scenario where a player can be approached without consent, is if it’s within 120 days of the expiry of the player’s current contract.

This was not the case with Fourie, Ludik or Alberts.

At no point, did either Province or the Sharks, ask for written consent from the GLRU, and as SARU regulations stipulate, any Province approaching a player without written consent is in breach of SARU regulations.


 An intended Transferee who wishes to negotiate the terms and conditions of the movement of a Player contracted with an intended Transferor or before the Player’s contract has expired, shall in writing request permission from the intended Transferor to enter into negotiations with the Player concerned or his Agent. No negotiations, directly or indirectly, are permissible prior to obtaining the said permission.

An intended Transferee may negotiate the transfer of a Contract Player from an intended Transferor to an intended Transferee and may enter into negotiations with the Player concerned within a period of 120 days prior to the expiry date of a Player’s contract, without seeking any permission as set out above.

A Province, Club, Player or Agent may file a written complaint concerning the breach of these regulations to the CEO with notice to the alleged offender. It is the duty of a Province and Club to investigate, as soon as it is reasonably practicable, each and every alleged breach of these regulations within its jurisdiction and to report its findings to the CEO in writing.

Should any Province, Club, Player or Agent be in breach of any of these regulations, the matter shall be adjudicated in accordance with the provisions of the Disciplinary and Judicial Matters Regulations.

A Province, Club, Player or Agent which is found to have been in breach of any of these regulations, shall be guilty of an offence and subject to sanction as provided for in the Disciplinary and Judicial Matters Regulations.

Why the GLRU have not yet investigated or requested an investigation into this matter is a mystery. The Sharks and Province should, and must answer to a Judicial disciplinary and must be found guilty.

No regulations were followed and the integrity of the Sharks and Province must be questioned. At no point did they respect the regulations that was put in place for a reason. The GLRU, no matter what they do, always seem to get the blame for being unproffesional and incompetent. It does seem to raise questions why the Lions and Bulls, have managed to maintain a mutual relationship, in respect of loaning players, and contracting from one another. It’s done above board, and the system and regulations are respected.

Maybe it’s time for unions like the Sharks and Province to look at their own home and decide if they are acting in the true spirit of the game.

224 Responses to Province and Sharks should answer questions

  • 181

    Hi Sharky

  • 182

    176 – Carol,

    I do enjoy CoachPete. He only logs on now and again. Used to log on everyday about a year back.

  • 183

    Naand Sharky! Se jy nie geluk nie????

  • 184

    Carol #180 That Percy is geriatric 😉

  • 185

    SuperBul on Facebook Sarah is having a couple of rants about The Bulls each day poor love!!
    She dislikes them with a passion and I can’t help winding her up about them, she is very good natured about it though and is a very articulate blogger!

  • 186

    177 – Hello Sharky my brudda…. 😆

  • 187

    Hiya Sharky, see you and Puma ducking and diving about today….
    You ok my fishy friend?

  • 188

    176 – Carol its the selections of the Bok squad keeping everyone there too serious. Sometimes its just good to come here and have a laugh. No matter how much we go on about the selections they are there and that is it.

    Still have our main group of players which I am pleased about. Just wish we still had Frans Steyn and JdV.

  • 189

    Carol 185
    Make me enjoy our victories even more when the anti-bulls like Sarah rants and moans when they win!

  • 190

    doing good and you carol??

    puma i see grant is adament about brussow comming to the sharks

  • 191

    Thinking about Shark Cage diving? check this out…

  • 192

    Puma, now Percy is so old do you think Supa and I are in with a chance!! 😉

  • 193

    Im out guys…enjoy the rest of the Sunday evening!

  • 194

    lol supa the wp okes there always talk about the bad bulls supporters ???

    they far worse and arrogantly so

  • 195

    ciao supa have a good one mate , and congrats on your teams awesome season , they are south africa’s no 1 team

  • 196

    188 Puma, Frans and Jean were two of my favouourites along with Bakkies and Victor, after Percy left and I think it is madness to leave them out of the Bok squad just because they have moved ‘Up North’

  • 197

    and hopefully mine will take over now lol

  • 198

    190 – Sharky, I know G10 wont give up that Brussow is coming.

    Well to be honest wish I could believe him but for now I think it is a rumour. Read Supa’s post above 123 what Naka said. Who will be leaving Cheetahs and it is not Brussow.

    If it is it is one almighty secret for now until the contract gets signed.

  • 199

    carol , rugby is a long way from being professional, people here dont understand professionalism

  • 200

    thanks Carol , i enjoy it when they are so fanatic. Thats why i like Taci too

  • 201

    Supa – It is quite amusing to change from WP to the Bulls they are such different squads with such different fans.
    Robzim has forgiven me but thinks really I should be a Wp Stormers fan !! Grant just thinks I’m a bit nuts!

  • 202

    196 – Carol I would still have selected Frans at FB. He was just starting to play well there and get settled in that position. Crasy to ignore him cause he is playing up north. Also JdV.

    Think they should allow for 2 that can still get selected playing overseas. Gives us that bit extra to choose from. We do have huge talent here but those two are a huge loss to Bok rugby.

  • 203

    193 – Supa, nice to catch up here, have a good evening….

  • 204

    201 – Carol you made a good choice. Supporting a winning team full of stars (Boks)

  • 205

    193 – Supa

    Cheers Supa. Nice chatting.

  • 206

    190 Sharky – I have had a nice weekend, girls night out last night….bit of this and a bit of that!! You on Facebook? I have stuck up some pictures of me and ‘The Girls’ last night! My head still is a little ……you know!

  • 207

    200 superBul, have you been a Bulls fan since you were in short trousers?
    Have they always been such a dominant force?

  • 208

    One last comments from my side. I see Frans Steyn is playing outside center. So the jumping between positions continues!

  • 209

    208 – Damn shame man. Think he wanted to play inside centre.

    He should have stayed here. Sometimes I think the agents push them to go.

  • 210

    Puma, we were hoping GBS would have posted some pics…..Actually Sunday is a good family day for him, he has alot of catching up to do after a week with us!!

    No doubt he will be bck tomorrow with a ‘Great Blue Smile’ right across his face!!

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