Jaque Fourie might have won his arbitration case against the GLRU, and Louis Ludik and Willem Alberts have shown interest on moving to the Sharks, but everybody seems to be missing what is really wrong in this whole debacle.

No PROVINCE, CLUB or UNION is allowed to approach any player, or enter into negotiations with a player without the written consent of the current union of the approached player.

The only scenario where a player can be approached without consent, is if it’s within 120 days of the expiry of the player’s current contract.

This was not the case with Fourie, Ludik or Alberts.

At no point, did either Province or the Sharks, ask for written consent from the GLRU, and as SARU regulations stipulate, any Province approaching a player without written consent is in breach of SARU regulations.


 An intended Transferee who wishes to negotiate the terms and conditions of the movement of a Player contracted with an intended Transferor or before the Player’s contract has expired, shall in writing request permission from the intended Transferor to enter into negotiations with the Player concerned or his Agent. No negotiations, directly or indirectly, are permissible prior to obtaining the said permission.

An intended Transferee may negotiate the transfer of a Contract Player from an intended Transferor to an intended Transferee and may enter into negotiations with the Player concerned within a period of 120 days prior to the expiry date of a Player’s contract, without seeking any permission as set out above.

A Province, Club, Player or Agent may file a written complaint concerning the breach of these regulations to the CEO with notice to the alleged offender. It is the duty of a Province and Club to investigate, as soon as it is reasonably practicable, each and every alleged breach of these regulations within its jurisdiction and to report its findings to the CEO in writing.

Should any Province, Club, Player or Agent be in breach of any of these regulations, the matter shall be adjudicated in accordance with the provisions of the Disciplinary and Judicial Matters Regulations.

A Province, Club, Player or Agent which is found to have been in breach of any of these regulations, shall be guilty of an offence and subject to sanction as provided for in the Disciplinary and Judicial Matters Regulations.

Why the GLRU have not yet investigated or requested an investigation into this matter is a mystery. The Sharks and Province should, and must answer to a Judicial disciplinary and must be found guilty.

No regulations were followed and the integrity of the Sharks and Province must be questioned. At no point did they respect the regulations that was put in place for a reason. The GLRU, no matter what they do, always seem to get the blame for being unproffesional and incompetent. It does seem to raise questions why the Lions and Bulls, have managed to maintain a mutual relationship, in respect of loaning players, and contracting from one another. It’s done above board, and the system and regulations are respected.

Maybe it’s time for unions like the Sharks and Province to look at their own home and decide if they are acting in the true spirit of the game.

224 Responses to Province and Sharks should answer questions

  • 121

    #117 Damn, R8 million?! Wonder wether thats true…thats way more than he gets there I believe. And he is getting older. Didnt Carter only get like R6million?
    Ronaldo gets paid 255 millions pounds a week! And his transfer fee was 80 million pounds…no player is worth that much…ridiculous!

  • 122

    One thing the WP must not try is to rest Habana too much. With all those wings they have some will lose form thats for sure.
    Nakelavuki is still contracted for the S14, any bets he will play?

  • 123

    Puma, quote from Naka after the match:
    ‘We’ll take confidence into the 2010 tournament,’ he said. ‘We have a good draw with our first six matches in Bloemfontein, and we have to capitalise on that.

    ‘We’ve secured all our key players, except Richardt Strauss, whose going to Ireland, and Jacques-Louis Potgieter [Bulls] for next year. We’re also losing Fabien [Juries] to Western Province, but he wouldn’t have featured as a starting player. So that’s encouraging from our perspective.

  • 124

    115 – Supa, You must go to those games first. Enjoy what you can over there while you are there. Home will always be here for you.

    It will also be hot in those areas you mentioned. Then you know the weather here that time of year. It is great outdoor weather.

  • 125

    Puma, I get to meet Supa Die Bloubul for the first time at the Babaas v AB Match!!

    Hey Supa, are you doing the Schalk Burger ‘Thingie’? I have a mate who is thinking of coming with me!

  • 126

    119# Super

    Dink jy hulle gaan Wynand 13 toe skuif? Ek glo nie. Hy het juis gese hy wil die no 12 Bok trui syne maak.
    Ek dink dit gaan wees: FDP, Morne, GVDH, WO, Jaco, Akona, Kirchner.
    Maar ek hoop dis: FDP, Morne, GVDH, WO, Hougaardt, Akona, Jaco VDW.

  • 127

    Sorry I should have said Supa, at the Sacacens V Bok match!

  • 128

    123 – Supa, I don’t think Brussow is coming to Sharks. For me it is a rumour or a huge great big secret which I don’t think it is. Brussow will stay by Cheetahs.

    Loosehead said he did see Brussow at the Sharks on E-TV. What he was doing there I have no idea.

  • 129

    126# Carol
    Evening. Im considering going to the Saracens match, but I’m not into wine tasting and stuff, so dont think I will do the Burger wine thing.
    Hope I get so see some players though and have a chat. Like to hear their thoughts on die CC and s14 double.

  • 130

    125 – Evening Carol.

    Good you all must get together and enjoy the game.

  • 131

    That try must be remembered as the wake up call for the Bulls. He was never attacked by the Bulls defense, they all stood and waited for someone else to do the job.
    I love that try, but it meant nothing for the Cheetahs, it was the best thing that could happen to the Bulls.

  • 132

    #128 What is Loosehead doing watching E-TV??! 🙄

  • 133

    122 – Super

    Agree Super, Think Habs needs to keep form. Otherwise he could lose it. What a pity he is leaving Bulls. Just can not imagine him in a WP/Stormer jersey. Can only see Habs in Blue.

  • 134

    132 – Not sure Supa. Just read it here a few days back.

  • 135

    SA has only one really good wing. Habana. He is the only wing that goes LOOKING for work all the time. The rest have their flashes of brilliance when the ball comes to them. But Habana make things happen. Bulls will miss him.

  • 136

    129 – Supa, how will you get anywhere the players, thought they were kept well away from ‘the Public’!!

    If I don’t meet Percy this tour then I think I should give up……
    I need someone to ‘pull some strings’ !! 🙂

  • 137

    #134 He was probably looking for the Saturday night ‘movie’…hehe

  • 138

    You dont have space for JL Potgieter?

  • 139

    130 Puma, 4 man is good at getting us together. I met some of the London Keo group for the Guinnesss Premiership Final. That day the Fox in Twickenham was nearly drunk dry!!4man, JL1, PaulD and another guy called Eden, who’s brother was going to play for WP this season had quite a thirst on them!!

  • 140

    #136 Havent been to a game here, so I dont really know. But Im hoping because its a week game, it might be more informal and the real Boks are around while the second stringers play. Will have to wait and see.

  • 141

  • 142

    138 Super
    Nope, only when Morne is injured. I wouldnt mind seeing JLP at 12 and WO at 13. But WO will in all probability stay at 12.

  • 143

    139 – Carol,

    It sounds like it will be another great day at the rugby for all of you.

    E-TV is a tv channel here and a 24 hour news channel.

  • 144

    140 supa- Wembley being a football ground will have barriers everywhere, will be difficult to make it into the players lounnge!! 😉

    I thought about storming the pitch and tackling Percy to the ground at the last Barbarian Match but the wire barrier and the security guard made me think again!!

  • 145

    I thought with the exclamation about Loosehead watching it, it might be ‘Erotic TV’ or something like that!! 😳

  • 146

    144 – 😀 Carol by the time you get to meet Percy he is going to be way too old…hehehe.

    He used to live in the estate I do in Umhlanga. Used to see him and the wife and children almost every sunday at the clubhouse.

  • 147

    141# Just a free TV channel here. But is crap. They show old movies and stupid soapies and stuff. In my varsity days they were famous for their late night ‘adult’ movie on a Saturday, not sure wether they still have it, but anyway, I dont know why someone would watch E-TV, cause there is only crap showing 24/7!

  • 148

    145 – Nope Carol a real 24 hour South African news channel 😀

  • 149

    #143 Puma
    If you want to watch the news, watch CNN and all those other news channels on DSTV. Much better!

  • 150

    147 – Supa

    E-TV now has a 24 hour news channel like Sky and CNN. Actually quite good. Think that is where he saw it on.

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