Jaque Fourie might have won his arbitration case against the GLRU, and Louis Ludik and Willem Alberts have shown interest on moving to the Sharks, but everybody seems to be missing what is really wrong in this whole debacle.

No PROVINCE, CLUB or UNION is allowed to approach any player, or enter into negotiations with a player without the written consent of the current union of the approached player.

The only scenario where a player can be approached without consent, is if it’s within 120 days of the expiry of the player’s current contract.

This was not the case with Fourie, Ludik or Alberts.

At no point, did either Province or the Sharks, ask for written consent from the GLRU, and as SARU regulations stipulate, any Province approaching a player without written consent is in breach of SARU regulations.


 An intended Transferee who wishes to negotiate the terms and conditions of the movement of a Player contracted with an intended Transferor or before the Player’s contract has expired, shall in writing request permission from the intended Transferor to enter into negotiations with the Player concerned or his Agent. No negotiations, directly or indirectly, are permissible prior to obtaining the said permission.

An intended Transferee may negotiate the transfer of a Contract Player from an intended Transferor to an intended Transferee and may enter into negotiations with the Player concerned within a period of 120 days prior to the expiry date of a Player’s contract, without seeking any permission as set out above.

A Province, Club, Player or Agent may file a written complaint concerning the breach of these regulations to the CEO with notice to the alleged offender. It is the duty of a Province and Club to investigate, as soon as it is reasonably practicable, each and every alleged breach of these regulations within its jurisdiction and to report its findings to the CEO in writing.

Should any Province, Club, Player or Agent be in breach of any of these regulations, the matter shall be adjudicated in accordance with the provisions of the Disciplinary and Judicial Matters Regulations.

A Province, Club, Player or Agent which is found to have been in breach of any of these regulations, shall be guilty of an offence and subject to sanction as provided for in the Disciplinary and Judicial Matters Regulations.

Why the GLRU have not yet investigated or requested an investigation into this matter is a mystery. The Sharks and Province should, and must answer to a Judicial disciplinary and must be found guilty.

No regulations were followed and the integrity of the Sharks and Province must be questioned. At no point did they respect the regulations that was put in place for a reason. The GLRU, no matter what they do, always seem to get the blame for being unproffesional and incompetent. It does seem to raise questions why the Lions and Bulls, have managed to maintain a mutual relationship, in respect of loaning players, and contracting from one another. It’s done above board, and the system and regulations are respected.

Maybe it’s time for unions like the Sharks and Province to look at their own home and decide if they are acting in the true spirit of the game.

224 Responses to Province and Sharks should answer questions

  • 91

    Supa, ek gan nou die hele aand hieroor praat nie.

    WP het Jaque genader in 2008 al. Ver buite die 120 dae. Ek weet wat in die kontrak is, ek weet wat daar staan, en ek weet hoekom hy ongeldig verklaar is. Help om mense te ken wat mense ken. 😀

  • 92

    88 – Supa

    Damn if Bulls get their scrum right they will be lethal. They are at the moment and playing tired and still winning everything. Bulls Boks have played almost non-stop all year. Huge credit to those players. They deserve everyone to turn out tomorrow in Pretoria to support them in their street parade.

  • 93

    Supa vanmiddag weer bietjie die game bekyk, daai lopie van Pierre Spies was vir my die mooiste, n hoogtepunt. Man ek sal like as ons hom meer aan die hardloop kan sit. Hy hardloop reguit en hard. Nie so rankerig soos Kanko nie.

  • 94

    84 – Super

    CC is huge for me too but in a wc year something has to give. It will have to be the CC or no Tri-Nations that year. One or the other.

  • 95

    Willa, inside info is al soveel keer verkeerd bewys. As die GLRU wat WEET wat in die kontrak staan, niks daaraan doen nie, weet hulle duidelik hulle het nie n sterk voet om op te staan nie.
    Die GLRU het julle leik gedrop met die opstel van daai kontrak, nou is alles ongeldig en kan die spelers vrylik gaan soos hulle wil.
    Anyway, dis my laaste se hieroor. Die GLRU doen niks hieraan nie, so ek neem aan hulle besef hulle het n drooggemaak.

  • 96

    83 – Snoek

    Yes Sharks played far better without their Boks.

    Adi for me is just not the player he was. Needs to get that form back quick.

  • 97

    83 – Snoek

    Sharks also missed Frans Steyn huge at centre. Huge loss to lose such a talented player.

  • 98

    #91 Willa
    Jy sal seker weer volgende week n artikel skryf oor die Mossie-saak. Dan sal ons verder praat… 😆

  • 99

    92# Puma
    Our scrum is costingg us big time! It cost us 7 points, 2 penalties, 2 free kicks and loads of momentum. We will be much better if we can fix that.

  • 100

    Supa let it go, jy weet hou moerig ons was oor die Bernie Habana sage. Maar soortgelyk. Baie ouens , veral die WP manne, het gese ons moet Bakkies laat gaan hy gaan tog nie nou sy kant bring vir die Bulle nie. Die res is geskiedenis.

  • 101


    Daar gan phokkol an by die Leeus. Al wat daar is om oor te skryf. 😀

    O ja, geluk met jou span. Gister groot BLOU geskree.

  • 102

    #93 Super
    Spies was flippen goed Saterdag. Daai bal wat hy so uit die lug uitgepluk het en mee gehardloop het was vrek goed. Dit het aanleiding gegee tot Hougaardt se drie. Maar elke bal agter die skrum is n gesukkel oor ons agteruit gaan. Imagine ons srkum gaan vorentoe hoe lekker sal hy hardloop van daar af.

  • 103

    Maar n paar van ons skrums het goed gelyk of het ek gedroom?

  • 104

    101 Willa
    Dinge is besig om te gebeur daar, dis wat saak maak. Dick is klaar beter as Loffie en julle het reeds n paar nuwe spelers by. Julle 0/21’s was weer n slag in die finaal. Julle het die Sharks amper en die WP gewen die laaste twee games. Julle gaan sterker wees volgende jaar.

  • 105

    103 Super
    Ons het een skrum gedraai. Dis omtrent dit. Jy kan altyd sien wie kry swaar deur na die agsteman te kyk. Cheetahs se bal het vinnign uitgekom om meer te speel. Bulls se bal was elke keer n getjommel om uit te kry.

  • 106

    104 – Supa

    Lions will be far better under Muir. Reading on the otherside earlier or yesterday. Someone said that Muir was overseas. So he must be scouting for Lions there too. Maybe bring back some of the saffas playing in NH. That would be great.

  • 107

    Ag nou wel die Bulle en die Bokke verloor die skrums maar die jaar darem amper al die games, maybe you cant have it all.
    Hoop die Bulle se nuwe aanwinste is meer lus vir skrum.

  • 108

    101 Willa

    Sien nou eers jyt Bulle geskree! Mooi man…dink jy was een van die min “neutrale” ondersteuenrs wat vir die Bulle geskree het.

  • 109

    106# Puma
    Ja, would be good for the lions. To be honest I hope they keep Ludik and Alberts and the Sharks dont get them. Lions need a good squad, not just 15 or 20 players. They need more experience. Maybe Dick can get one or two good buys there in Europe.

  • 110

    Supa what is the weather like in London? Have a mate sitting at the airport going to London tonight. The plane is 5 hours late…hahaha. Poor bugger is really mad. Hope the weather not too bad over there.

  • 111

    110# Puma
    Today was a bit rainy and windy. Day to stay INSIDE! I will be in SA in about 5 weeks for Christmas and New years. Cant wait.

  • 112

    109 – Supa

    Not sure if Sharks will get those players. For now it is a rumour. Then if we do. I think Dick will sort it out and get some great players. From what I heard he is over in Europe right now and probably speaking to players over there. Now that could also be a rumour. It is what I read on the otherside. So not too sure.

  • 113

    111 – Supa, My mate only going over for a week. So maybe the weather wont bother him too much.

    You will be looking forward to the good weather here when you come. Hot that time of year.

    Do you go to Pretoria then? If so Pretoria very hot then. Swimming and braai weather you will enjoy it.

    When I lived in Holland always came back home for Christmas. Always looked forward to it too. Especially the weather.

  • 114

    112 Puma
    Heard rumours regarding BOD joining the Lions…but lets see.
    About Brussouw, Sharky said he might go to the Sharks, but Naka said yesterday that the only players leaving is Juries (to Western Province), JL (to the Bulls) and Richardt Strauss (to IReland).

  • 115

    114 – Supa

    It is Grant10 on the otherside that is so very sure that Brussow is coming to Sharks. He says he knows someone there that is very confident about this deal.

    Well I will have to see Brussow at Sharks first to believe it. For now for me it is a rumour.

    F. Juries to WP? If it is him he is a superb player.

  • 116

    113 Puma
    I actually grew up on the East Rand. Kempton Park/Benoni area. So I will be going there and also visit my parents in Memel and brother in Standerton. OVer Christmas we are going to relatives farming near De la rey ville. My wife family are all from there.
    Will braai many times! Cant wait. But first we are going to the Babaas/AB match and maybe also the Boks/Saracens match.

  • 117

    114 – Supa

    Also heard rumours about BOD that may go to Lions. If They do get him then probably they wont miss JF too much.

    Read on the otherside BOD wanting R8 million to come. Will Lions pay that? I wonder.

  • 118

    115# We will have to see about Brussouw, if its true, Naka n=knows nothing about it, because he was qouted directly.
    Yes, WP bought Fabian as well, Rassie has a long shopping list…

  • 119

    Supa hoe lyk die agterlyn vir die Bulle in 2010
    Seker FdP, Steyn, GvH, JLP , WO , FH en Zane. Met Pretoruis moontlik op 14

  • 120

    118 – Supa Fabian is a great buy for WP. Just remember that great try against the Bulls I think. For me that was the try of the CC season.

    Brussow as far as I know has signed for Cheetah until 2010. Then you know contracts here don’t mean anything it seems.

    I think for now Brussow will play for Cheetahs next year. If we have heard nothing now and only rumours don’t think he will be coming to Sharks.

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