Jaque Fourie might have won his arbitration case against the GLRU, and Louis Ludik and Willem Alberts have shown interest on moving to the Sharks, but everybody seems to be missing what is really wrong in this whole debacle.

No PROVINCE, CLUB or UNION is allowed to approach any player, or enter into negotiations with a player without the written consent of the current union of the approached player.

The only scenario where a player can be approached without consent, is if it’s within 120 days of the expiry of the player’s current contract.

This was not the case with Fourie, Ludik or Alberts.

At no point, did either Province or the Sharks, ask for written consent from the GLRU, and as SARU regulations stipulate, any Province approaching a player without written consent is in breach of SARU regulations.


 An intended Transferee who wishes to negotiate the terms and conditions of the movement of a Player contracted with an intended Transferor or before the Player’s contract has expired, shall in writing request permission from the intended Transferor to enter into negotiations with the Player concerned or his Agent. No negotiations, directly or indirectly, are permissible prior to obtaining the said permission.

An intended Transferee may negotiate the transfer of a Contract Player from an intended Transferor to an intended Transferee and may enter into negotiations with the Player concerned within a period of 120 days prior to the expiry date of a Player’s contract, without seeking any permission as set out above.

A Province, Club, Player or Agent may file a written complaint concerning the breach of these regulations to the CEO with notice to the alleged offender. It is the duty of a Province and Club to investigate, as soon as it is reasonably practicable, each and every alleged breach of these regulations within its jurisdiction and to report its findings to the CEO in writing.

Should any Province, Club, Player or Agent be in breach of any of these regulations, the matter shall be adjudicated in accordance with the provisions of the Disciplinary and Judicial Matters Regulations.

A Province, Club, Player or Agent which is found to have been in breach of any of these regulations, shall be guilty of an offence and subject to sanction as provided for in the Disciplinary and Judicial Matters Regulations.

Why the GLRU have not yet investigated or requested an investigation into this matter is a mystery. The Sharks and Province should, and must answer to a Judicial disciplinary and must be found guilty.

No regulations were followed and the integrity of the Sharks and Province must be questioned. At no point did they respect the regulations that was put in place for a reason. The GLRU, no matter what they do, always seem to get the blame for being unproffesional and incompetent. It does seem to raise questions why the Lions and Bulls, have managed to maintain a mutual relationship, in respect of loaning players, and contracting from one another. It’s done above board, and the system and regulations are respected.

Maybe it’s time for unions like the Sharks and Province to look at their own home and decide if they are acting in the true spirit of the game.

224 Responses to Province and Sharks should answer questions

  • 61

    #46 Willa

    As sy vorige kontrak geldig was tot 31 Oktober 2009 is hy binne 120 dae genader. Ons weet nie presies wat in sy “kontrak” staan nie, ons weet ook nie presies wanneer hy genader is nie. Ons gaan maar op wat die pers se of wat n inisde vriende dalk iewers gehoor het. Net JF weet. Ons weet wel belangrike dele is uitgelaat en is dus ongeldig.
    Die GLRU het lelik droogemaak. Hulle het net soveel skuld. Maar anyway, dink jy “flog a dead horse”, die dinge is nou al weke discuss. Mossie gaan, en enige ou wat n soortgelyke kontrak getekn het by die Leeus kan ook gaan.

  • 62

    quiet meant quite. Just ignore my mistakes. I make plenty 😀

  • 63

    Where is GBS, is he not supposed to report from the press box?

  • 64

    55 @ Superbul – Ek dink die Sharks was swak hierdie jaar. Hoe ons bo op die CC log geeindig het is ook vir my onverstaanbaar. Die Sharks kan baie beter speel as die jaar en hulle is te inconcistent. Verloor teen swakker spanne op ‘n gereelde basis.

    Dit kan net beter gaan volgende jaar (ek hoop).

  • 65

    55 – Super

    That is right and that was because of ‘burnout’ that causes injuries. Boerboel probably right. Too much playing causes injuries. Probably need to rotate some players until world cup to keep them fit for then.

  • 66

    GBS just sent us a mail. He is alive. He will post some pictures of the final or RT tonight.

  • 67

    SB #60 Ons gesels dan nou so lekker hier! Of wil jy gaan brag? Jy mag maar brag, doen dit sommer hier!

  • 68

    63 – Boerboel

    Still waiting for GBS. Really want to hear how it went there yesterday. He was going to take pics for us too and put them up here.

    Maybe he is ‘burnout’ too much party from the win 😆 I will forgive him…hehehe

  • 69

    Pume #65 by rest I mean rest, like in minimum 3 weeks off.

  • 70

    Okay, Bulle is s14 en CC kampioene!!!

  • 71

    66 – Ook seker maar net oorleef. Die partyjie was seker groot.

  • 72

    66 – Supa.

    Great. We are waiting but we understand. He must have had a great, great time.

  • 73

    71 Snoek
    Blykbaar het hy hom nogal mooi gedra…hehe

  • 74

    72 Puma
    He had a family gathering the whole day today. Patience boet.

  • 75

    Puma #72, if he is not reporting he is neglecting his job!

  • 76

    69 – Boerboel

    Yes that way too but then that does let form go. Play one week rest the next maybe better. Or play two weeks and rest the next to keep form too.

    No CC should be played in the WC year for the Boks. Maybe not next year either.

    The best domestic cup in the world though and missing our top players would be huge but I would sacrifice that for another world cup win.

  • 77

    73 @ Supa

    As jy die CC wen is dit license om so bietjie uit te haak. Ons het laas jaar toe ons gewen het groot gegaan.

  • 78

    Puma #76, I agree I would sacrifice a lot for another WC! It gives you bragging rights for 4 years!

  • 79

    Wel ek verskil van julle oor die Sharks se val. Vir my het julle goeie kombinasies gehad in die voor seisoen en toe nie julle Bokke reg terug gebring nie. Kanko, het n groot lostrio eerder verbreek as versterk. Ja hy het soos n wafferse Bekker op senter rondgehol maar daai kombers waaronder die Sharks gespeel het was skielik weg.

    Dan was die tekens nie reg gelees oor die voorry nie. Daai manne was gedaan en moes glad nie tot met die semi ingebring word nie. Kyk lets face it die Bok voorry het sy gat afgewerk die jaar, Leeus x 3, All Black x 3 en n baie goeie verbeterde Australie x 3.

  • 80

    75 – Boerboel we will have to sort him out pronto…hehehe. He must be busy. Okay see Supa’s post now .

    74 – Supa we will forgive him. Only because he is a Bull..hehehe and double Champions. S14 and CC.

  • 81

    78 – Boerboel

    Forsure. Nothing compares to winning the World Cup.

    Always wonder if we never let Teich go and replaced him with a injured Skinstadt would we have won the 1999 wc too?

    We may have. Should never have played a injured Skinstadt that year and dropping our captain. May have had 3 in the bag now.

  • 82

    Puma #80 Won’t forgive GBS, he must do his job. I had to read bloody JJ Harmse in Rapport today!

  • 83

    79 @ Superbul

    Snaaks genoeg, die Sharks het beter gelyk sonder hulle bokke die jaar. Maar toe was daar geen ander bokke in die ander spanne ook nie, so dit is seker nie ‘n regverdige statement nie.

  • 84

    Puma nee nee nee , tipies anti Bul komentaar daai. Nee man julle sal ons doodmaak in Pretoria, Curriebeker is amper heilig , kan nie sonder hom nie.

  • 85

    Sien julle later, miskien…

  • 86

    79 – Super

    Sharks played better without their Boks in the CC. Then we messed up a bit. Ruan giving away a run a way try and Adi giving away a penalty in the end. Also those stupid, stupid drop kicks. Just never works unless you have Morne Steyn in your side. Othewise just forget the droppies.

  • 87

    85 – Boerboel


  • 88

    Snoek, Puma
    Ja, the Bulls earned us braging rights big time this year! Both Cups…still cant believe it!
    You know what is the best part for me, I believe the are lots of room for improvement still. Our scrum is pathetic, if we can get that right, we wil have more oportunities to attack.
    Bulls wil sbe competitive untill 2011. After that, there should be a transition period when Matfield, Rossouw, Bakkies retires.

  • 89

    Kyk manne ek is nie so erg oor die WB nie, maar daaroor kan ons debateer in 2011. Ek weet as ek nog lewe sal ek dit beveg en lyk my my 2011 skietgoed gaan beter wees. Vir my is die konstante wen van toetse die in ding. Die rekord wat PdV nou opbou is vir my die ware Jakob.

    Wereld kampioen teen Wereld beker wenner is my redenasie. Maar dis n fight vir 2011.

  • 90

    82 – Boerboel 😆

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