Jaque Fourie might have won his arbitration case against the GLRU, and Louis Ludik and Willem Alberts have shown interest on moving to the Sharks, but everybody seems to be missing what is really wrong in this whole debacle.

No PROVINCE, CLUB or UNION is allowed to approach any player, or enter into negotiations with a player without the written consent of the current union of the approached player.

The only scenario where a player can be approached without consent, is if it’s within 120 days of the expiry of the player’s current contract.

This was not the case with Fourie, Ludik or Alberts.

At no point, did either Province or the Sharks, ask for written consent from the GLRU, and as SARU regulations stipulate, any Province approaching a player without written consent is in breach of SARU regulations.


 An intended Transferee who wishes to negotiate the terms and conditions of the movement of a Player contracted with an intended Transferor or before the Player’s contract has expired, shall in writing request permission from the intended Transferor to enter into negotiations with the Player concerned or his Agent. No negotiations, directly or indirectly, are permissible prior to obtaining the said permission.

An intended Transferee may negotiate the transfer of a Contract Player from an intended Transferor to an intended Transferee and may enter into negotiations with the Player concerned within a period of 120 days prior to the expiry date of a Player’s contract, without seeking any permission as set out above.

A Province, Club, Player or Agent may file a written complaint concerning the breach of these regulations to the CEO with notice to the alleged offender. It is the duty of a Province and Club to investigate, as soon as it is reasonably practicable, each and every alleged breach of these regulations within its jurisdiction and to report its findings to the CEO in writing.

Should any Province, Club, Player or Agent be in breach of any of these regulations, the matter shall be adjudicated in accordance with the provisions of the Disciplinary and Judicial Matters Regulations.

A Province, Club, Player or Agent which is found to have been in breach of any of these regulations, shall be guilty of an offence and subject to sanction as provided for in the Disciplinary and Judicial Matters Regulations.

Why the GLRU have not yet investigated or requested an investigation into this matter is a mystery. The Sharks and Province should, and must answer to a Judicial disciplinary and must be found guilty.

No regulations were followed and the integrity of the Sharks and Province must be questioned. At no point did they respect the regulations that was put in place for a reason. The GLRU, no matter what they do, always seem to get the blame for being unproffesional and incompetent. It does seem to raise questions why the Lions and Bulls, have managed to maintain a mutual relationship, in respect of loaning players, and contracting from one another. It’s done above board, and the system and regulations are respected.

Maybe it’s time for unions like the Sharks and Province to look at their own home and decide if they are acting in the true spirit of the game.

224 Responses to Province and Sharks should answer questions

  • 31

    Supa, ek het geweet iemand gan probeer slim wees. 🙂

    WP het Jaque approach om vir hulle te speel in 2008 al. Sy kontrak was geldig tot 31 Oktober 2009. Dit was buite die 120 dae.

    Hulle het die reels en regulasies gebreek. Onthou dat net Fourie se 2010 deel van sy kontrak ongeldig verklaar is. So, WP het hom genader toe hy nog onder n geldige kontrak was.

  • 32

    Puma in all honesty i cant see what the Sharks try to achieve buying these players, they dont need them. They have a great lot of players already in all those positions, at a certain stage i feared them , i really dont know who is a weak link there. Sometimes you can have too many and the rotation of players let them lose form. You tell me who would you like to see disappearing in the current Shark squad.

    If they bought locks yes that would make sense, Muller is not that good.

  • 33

    32 – Super

    Think Muller is not the same player anymore. Really we have some great players and we can choose from our U21’s too.

    We do need centres. There is a problem there.

    Not sure if we are going to get those players from the Lions. Have to wait and see once the ink has dried on the contract or see them in a Sharks jersey. Wont believe it until then. For me now it is just rumours.

  • 34

    Hier word lang trane gehuil vir wat? Ek kry niemand jammer nie, mense voer hulle keuses uit en dis hul reg. Get over it!

  • 35

    Puma, and it seems like Murray is either going to the Lions or Bulls.

  • 36

    31 Willa
    Ek wil graag he JF moes by die Leeus gebly het. Die punt wat ek net vir jou prbeer maak is: JF se kontrak is ongeldig verklaar, dus is daar geen kontrak nie, dus is daar geen 120 dae tydperk nie.
    Party unies sou dit dalk respekteer het omdat hulle weet JF word betaal en speel eintlik vir hulle, maar wettiglik was daar geen kontrak nie en mag WP JF genader het.
    Persoonlik voel ek JF het deur sy doen en late gewys dat daar n stilswyende kontrak is. Hy het sy betaling ontvang en vir die Leeus uitgedraf. Maar die loophole is uitgebuit, en ja, die WP moes dit nie gedoen het. MAar die Leeus unie was net so nalatig.
    Julle moet dit maar net begin aanvaar, help nie om weke daaroor ongelukkig te voel nie.

  • 37

    Boerboel, daar moet gevolge wees as daai besluite buite die reels is.

  • 38

    32 – Super

    Two ways at looking at it. Rotation YES does allow players to lose form and on the other hand it keeps them from burning out.

    I would play them and keep them playing with each other. Rather than lose form.

    Remember Dick Muir last year? He kept rotating players and it never worked. Just like when we took off the 7 players almost straight after half time in the 1st test against the Lions. We fell apart once we changed the team so quick then. Still think that was a Muir move that day and not PdV’s idea thinke PdV took the rap for it. Going off the subject now but yes, rotation does cost a team.

  • 39

    35 – WL

    Well according to G10 on keo. Murray is going to the Lions.

    Not too worried to lose Murray he has not played that well of late. Then he was injured for a long time. In 2007 he had a great season then also had Barritt next to him.

  • 40

    Willa #37, Sure moet daar gevolge wees en daar was, daar was ‘n regsaksie en daar het niks van gekom nie. Daar kan nie meer gevolge as dit wees nie. Case closed.

  • 41

    Naand Boerboel
    Dis die beginsel.
    Hoe kan n afrigter span bou as mense waarmee hy bou sommer so verdwyn. Ja die kontrak storie is deurmekaar maar die spelers moet ook besef dat vir hul eie beswil is, en dit better is om te bly. Kyk daar is 15 Blou Bulle wat kan getuig dat jy selfs as n reserwe raak gesien kan word as jy in n wenspan ontwikkel.

    Ek moet byvoeg party keuses slaan my ook maar dronk ek sou enige dag Maku en Stegman omruil in daardie 15.

  • 42

    If Sharks do get Brussow our loose trio going to be lethal. Also if we add Alberts to that mix.

    Well for now that is only a big if. Have to wait and see who Sharks sign and maybe they are not signing anyone. Rumours so far.

  • 43

    dweeper @ 25 – Plesier, en watse stelling verwys jy na, of is dit ‘n swak poging na sarkasme?

  • 44

    Yes Puma. I would like to support rotation as it makes good sense. Unfortunately it seems not to work in SA, therefore we play players into the ground until they are injured and then urgent plans are made

  • 45

    Puma kyk byvoorbeeld die manier hoe die Bulle hul reserves gebruik, hulle bly langer op , Spies word byna nooit vervang nie. FdP ook nie, dit maak eintlik Adams se keuse as Springbok skrummie belaglik. Victor speel hele games. Werner Kruger en Gurthro ook byna altyd, nee die Bulle ruil net n paar manne.

    Bakkies word wel altyd vervang na 50 minute want Danie is net so goed.

  • 46

    Boerboel, gevolge nie teenoor die spelers nie, teenoor die unies wat buite die reels speel.

    Supa, lees weer my comment #31. Die kontrak was geldig tot einde 2009. So daar was n 120 dae. En ek huil nie, hy moet waai, die laaste 2 jaar het hy maar 8 wedstryde vir ons gespeel. Dit gan oor unies wat reels aanhou breek en aanhou wegkom daarmee. Of vat hulle an, of vat die reels heeltemal weg.

    Puma, yeah, it seems that the fact that DM is there, made him go to the Lions. With some more game-time, I think he can get back to his best. 2007 he was under Muir, now again he will be under Muir. Some coaches just brings the best out of you.

  • 47

    SB #41 Naandsê. ek stem saam oor die beginsel en al daardie wonderlike goed, maar hier word ‘n dooie perd dood geslaan! Elke organisasie het sy vrot appels, noem nou maar JF een en kry klaar. Iemand moes die man baie die moer in gemaak het dat hy so desperaat is om te loop!

  • 48

    44 – Evening Boerboel

    Yip, that is what I said burnout is a big thing. Then like Super said Rotation also makes players lose form.

    Muir done it with the Sharks in 2008 and we were never that good. Then this year hardly any rotation and burnout towards the end of the tourney. We also only had our bye in the S14 very late. Maybe should have rotated players this year because of that.

    Also ijuries also come from not enough rest. So I suppose a bit of both works well.

  • 49

    Willa #46 Nou wat stel jy voor moet gebeur? Hoe moet die unies vervolg word?

    As daar iets was om te vervolg sou dit gebeur het. Daar is niks, dit is ‘n ballon vol lug wat jy jaag. Maak vrede en gaan aan.

  • 50

    I hope that the Bulls Boks have a good rest now before joining up with the Boks. They will be very, very tired. Very long season for them.

    Hoping Boks are ready for France.

  • 51

    Agree puma,

    We have not signed anyone yet, its all rumours until the Sharks confirm it. But it’s nice to have something to bitch about when it comes to the opposition, thats why i don’t take other opinions to serious.

    I might have some opinions about other provices that their supporters might not agree with, and thats fine with me. At the end of the day there is more than one way to look at any scenario.

  • 52

    Boerboel #46, Ons sal wag tot dit met jou span gebeur en een van julle top spelers. Daars n regte manier om dinge te doen, en n verkeerde manier.

    Dis maar net n opinie. Ek glo as daar reels is, en dit word gebreuk, moet iemand vervolg word. Hier is reels gebreek. En niks word gedoen nie, dis waaroor dit gan.

  • 53

    Puma #48 I really think that the Unions must use rotation, it will be to the benefit of the Boks as well as the union itself. There is no way that Victor Matfield for instance is going to last till 2011, and we sure as hell need him. He must be managed as are others.

  • 54

    51 – Snoek

    Agree 100% mate.

    Now if we do get those players. I wont moan. We after all are only the supporters not the ones singing players. Until they are in a Shark jersey then I will believe it.

    Great players all of them if we do get them. If we get Brssow our loose trio going to be one of the best in S14.

    Well that is if we get him. Far as I know he has signed with Cheetahs until end of next year.

    Then contracts on this country is like SA. No law and order and that seems to go for contracts of any sort too even in sport 😉

  • 55

    Puma spit it out my friend , it was not burnout that cost you guys, you played injured players in that semi, right?

  • 56

    Willa #52 ek sê weer, maak ‘n voorstel oor wat moet gebeur. Kom met ‘n oplossing.

    Die reëls wat verbreek is, is maar ‘n opinie. Die Leeus kan mos iets doen as hulle dink hulle het iets om te doen.

    En as so iets met my Unie gebeur sal ek 2 sekondes sleg voel en aangaan met die lewe.

  • 57

    54 – meant signing not singing……hahahaha

  • 58

    SB #55 because they were not rotated!!!

  • 59

    53 – Boerboel

    Muir did rotate players too in 2007. He never let John and quiet a few play for the whole game. Always brought them off after 50 or 60 min to save them.

    Then maybe real rotation is to allow some to miss games and rest some for games we know we should win.

    We need Matfield, Bakkies and John huge for wc 2011 and YES we need to look after them. Just like Os was looked after. Worked for Os really well he played the full 80min of the world cup final.

  • 60

    Boerboel kom ons gaan praat daar op die wenners se artikel, ek wil jou vra oor Habana. Die revenge een.

    Willa ek stem oor die beginsel saam ou maat en dan is daai arogante beste nommer 13 in die wereld ook nie my gunsteling speler nie.

    Maar kyk ek sal moerig wees as ons Bulle sulke loopholes mee wegkom, ek is bly hulle het destyds die loopholes in Bakkies, WO en Habana se kontrakte beveg en gewen het. Kyk net al die bekers wat daai lot al vir ons huistoe gebring het.

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