Heyneke Meyer makes a dramatic return to the Bulls in the capacity of Director of Rugby, with Frans Ludeke continuing as head coach in next year’s Super 14. This has now been confirmed by means of a press release from the Bulls, contained hereunder in Afrikaans, then in English. In other related news it is reported that Frans Ludeke has signed for another 3 years at the Bulls.


Heyneke Meyer will return to his beloved Bulls, where he won three Currie Cups and the first Super 14 title ever won by a local coach. The Bulls had scheduled a press conference for 14:00 today,  Tuesday, at Loftus Versfeld in which they made an announcement about the “strategic changes” in the Blue Bulls Company.

The new structure is based on the model successfully utilized in most Premiership football sides whereby Meyer would be involved in overseeing the Bulls’ structures while he could also be closely involved in team strategy, tactics and player recruitment.

Ludeke will continue to be in control of day-to-day playing issues and man-management and he will be responsible for daily training and preparation. Frans Ludeke has just signed a renewal of is contract with the Bulls for another 3 years. Recently, former Sharks coach Dick Muir was appointed in the same capacity (which Meyer now holds at the Bulls) with the Lions while Rassie Erasmus will fulfill a similar role with the Stormers in 2010.

Here is the Official Afrikaans version of the Press release, followed by the English version:


Die Blou Bulle Maatskappy (Edms) Bpk het die dienste van Heyneke Meyer bekom deur hom Dinsdag by Loftus Versfeld as die Uitvoerende Hoof: Rugby-afrigting aan te stel.

As die Uitvoerende Hoof: Rugby-afrigting sal Meyer verantwoordelik wees om die volgende in die onderstaande departemente te bestuur:

  • ‘High Performance’: Bestuur en koördineer al die afrigtingsstrukture (professioneel sowel as amateur) om die ontwikkeling van die spel op alle vlakke te bevorder insluitende op klub- en ‘cluster’-vlak. Hy is verder verantwoordelik om ander ondersteunende aspekte soos ontwikkeling, sportwetenskap/geneeskunde te bestuur en te koördineer.
  • Ontwikkeling: Om die klubs sowel as die ‘clusters’ se afrigters by te staan.
  • Opleiding: Om ‘n verskeidenheid van kursusse en klinieke vir afrigters en skeidsregters te inisieer en aan te bied.Meyer, wat saam met die Blou Bulle vier Curriebekers sowel as ‘n Super 14 gewen het, is ook verantwoordelik om die strukture wat hy in 2000 in plek gesit het, verder uit te bou en te verbeter.
  • Die ‘High Performance’ Bestuurder, Ian Schwartz, kan Meyer van tyd tot tyd nader om te help met werwing en talent-identifisering en saam met die hoofafrigter Frans Ludeke sal hy volhoubare strategieë betreffende spelers en afrigters uitwerk.
  • Meyer (Uitvoerende Hoof: Rugby-afrigting), Schwartz (‘High Performance’ Bestuurder) en Ludeke (Hoofafrigter) rapporteer almal aan die Maatskappy se Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, Barend van Graan, en laasgenoemde rapporteer op sy beurt aan die Direksie.

Dit is interessant om te weet dat Meyer, Schwartz en Ludeke in 1999 by die SWD Arende saamgewerk toe hulle die halfeindstryd van die Curriebeker gehaal het en dit is ‘n grootse vooruitsig dat hulle drie weer saam is om die Bulle op die voorpunt van wêreldsport te hou. Hulle komplimenteer en vertrou mekaar en hul hoofdoelwit sal wees om te verseker dat die Bulle in die toekoms weer bereik wat in 2009 vermag is.

Danksy Meyer se bewese ervaring as hoofafrigter sal hy as klankbord vir ál die afrigters dien en dit sal sy taak wees om hulle van informasie betreffende die nuutste tendense in die spel te voorsien. Die Bulle se Vodacombeker-, Onder 21- en Onder 19-afrigters sal in dié verband direk aan Meyer rapporteer.

As die Uitvoerende Hoof: Rugby-afrigting is Meyer ‘n lid van die Maatskappy se Strategiese Komitee en deel van al die ander strukture en forums van sowel die Maatskaappy as die Blou Bulle Rugby-Unie.

Meyer sê dit is ‘n groot eer om weer saam met die Bulle te werk en hy is baie opgewonde oor die nuwe rol wat hy in die Blou Bul-familie gaan speel.

“My hoofdoelwit sal wees om saam met die ander afrigters en rolspelers die Bulle na ‘n volgende vlak te neem.

“Ons teenstanders word by die dag beter en daarom moet ons toesien dat ons strukture en strategiese planne van só ‘n aard is dat ons aan die voorpunt van die rugbywêreld bly.

“Dit is lekker om terug te wees en ek sien baie uit na al die nuwe uitdagings.”


The Blue Bulls Company (Pty) Ltd has secured the services of Heyneke Meyer by appointing him as the Executive: Rugby Coaching at Loftus Versfeld on Tuesday afternoon.

As the Executive: Rugby Coaching, Meyer will be responsible to manage the following in the following departments:

  • High Performance: Manage and co-ordinate all coaching structures and services required to support the development of the game covering all the Vodacom Blue Bulls’ professional and amateur teams including the clusters and clubs. He will also manage and co-ordinate other relevant aspects such as development, sports science/medicine, and related support services.
  • Game development: To support cluster and club coaches.
  • Training & Education: To present various specialised courses and clinics for coaches and referees.Meyer, who has led the Blue Bulls to four Currie Cup titles as well as Super 14 glory, is also responsible to enhance and maintain the existing structures which he initiated in 2000.
  • In addition to this, the High Performance Manager, Ian Schwartz, may also approach him from time to time to assist with talent Identification and recruitment as well as putting into place succession plans for all players and coaches in consultation with the head coach Frans Ludeke.

Meyer (Executive: Rugby Coaching), Ludeke (Head coach Super 14 & Currie Cup) and Schwartz (High Performance Manager) will all report to the CEO, Barend van Graan.

It is interesting to note that Meyer, Schwartz and Ludeke were working together at the SWD Eagles in 1999 when they reached the semi-finals of the Currie Cup and it is a great prospect that they have reunited in order to keep the Bulls at the pinnacle of world sport. They compliment and trust each other and their main goal will be to ensure that the Bulls will be able to repeat in the future what they have done in 2009.

Owing to his vast experience as a top professional coach the highly creative and ingenious Meyer will serve as a soundboard for all Blue Bulls coaches by providing advice and support and he will be responsible to equip all Blue Bulls coaches with new (up to date) information and trends in the game. With this in mind the coaches of the Vodacom Cup, Under 21 and Under 19 teams will report to Meyer.

As the Executive: Rugby Coaching Meyer is a member the Blue Bulls Company Strategic Committee and all other applicable Blue Bulls Company and BBRU structures and forums i.e. Rugby Coordinating Committee.

68 Responses to Meyer – the latest….. news confirmed

  • 31

    Ekskuus julle, moet gou uitgaan, chat weer.


  • 32

    #28 Hoor jou, maar ek dink daar sal ‘n “windhoek lager” oog gehou word 🙂

  • 33

    bye snoek

  • 34

    #31 Cheers

  • 35

    Ja Tripples,

    After the miserable season the Bulls supporters had to endure in 2009 its no wonder that they brought Meyer back.

    But, “his beloved Bulls” you reckon? Wasn’t there more than a touch of animosity when Meyer said koebaai toe Loftus last time?

    Geld wat stom is?

  • 36

    Good to see HM back at the Bulls. Actually pleased he came back to SA. One of our best coaches.

  • 37

    36@ Puma – It is good news indeed. It is extremely bad and unprofessional not to make use of the best expertise this Country has to offer in the coaching department… and by that I meant Jake White and Heyneke Meyer, who were both in the darkness, after both winning what was required!

    Additionally I would like to see scrumming guru’s getting pulled in and making all our Franchises strong in that department too!

  • 38

    Talking about scrummaging…. Heyneke has always been an astute forwards coach… and I expect all Blue Bull sides to show a marked improvement in this regard.

  • 39

    37 – GBS, You very right there boet. SA should never lose their best coaches to abroad. Never. Jake is not even being used proper really. Really pleased that HM came back. Such a great rugby brain. We should never lose our talent like that. Also Gert Smal should still be in this country coaching. Now Ireland have him instead of us. Still think he is a better forward coach than Gold. Well that is my thoughts.

    We need to bring in Os and all the brains that know the scrum to work with the unions or our Boks. Why don’t the Boks have a specialist scrumming coach? We did under Jake. Balie Swart was the scrum coach then.

    Need to keep our talent here not just players but coaches.

    Back in half hour boet. Going to eat dinner now.

  • 40

    Mooi nuus die, HM is mos n volbloed Bul, nou raak dinge intresant.

  • 41

    Nou gaan die Bulle weer seker vir twee jaar heel onder wees

  • 42

    I hope he kept his key to the city, otherwise how’s he going to get through those gates?

  • 43

    Die Springbokke se sukses vanjaar hang nié van die uitslag in Saterdag se toets teen Ierland op Croke Park af nie, al glo die tuisspan dit is ’n nie-amptelike “eindstryd” tussen die Sesnasies-kampioene en die Drienasies-wenners.

    So sê die Springbok-skrumskakel, Fourie du Preez.

    Hy glo dit is ’n bietjie dik vir ’n daalder vir die Iere om te dink dat ’n oorwinning oor die Springbokke die naweek van hulle die beste span ter wêreld sal maak.

    “Die Iere glo dalk so, maar vir ’n span wat nie eens die kwarteindronde van die Wêreldbeker-toernooi twee jaar gelede kon haal nie om te dink ’n oorwinning oor ons sal hulle die beste maak, is darem te erg,” het Suid-Afrika se speler van die jaar hier gesê.

    Du Preez het gereageer op mediaberigte dat die tuisspan as die wêreldspan van die jaar gekroon moet word as hulle die Springbokke troef. “As die Britse en Ierse Leeus die reeks teen ons gewen het, kon hulle dalk daarop aanspraak maak, maar hierdie was ’n ongekende jaar vir Bok-rugby.

    Saterdag se uitslag kan nie dít wegneem wat ons vanjaar bereik het nie,” het Du Preez benadruk.

    Dit beteken egter nié dat die Springbokke tevrede is met wat reeds bereik is nie.

    Om die Iere in Ierland te klop, bly steeds ’n doelwit.

    “Ons weet wat ons (vanjaar) gedoen het en die regte motivering is beslis daar om die jaar op ’n hoogtepunt af te sluit.

    “Ander mense wil dalk nie die span se prestasies erken of respekteer nie, maar dit is maar soos dit gaan,” het Du Preez gesê.

    “Ons speel egter nie daarvoor nie, maar om week ná week ons beste te doen.

    “In daardie opsig het ons vanjaar uitstekend gevaar en daardie doelwitte bereik.

    “Sekere mense kan dalk ander idees daaroor hê, maar ons weet wat ons as span vermag het – en steeds kan vermag.”

    Die drie oorwinnings oor die All Blacks in een jaar was beslis vir baie Springbokke ’n groter begeestering as die reeksoorwinning oor die Leeus, maar nou wag die Iere as ’n ewe groot uitdaging.

    “Ons weet daar wag nog 80 nat, koue, winderige minute, maar jy het ’n verantwoordelikheid om as Springbok vir jou land en sy mense te speel. Mense het verwagtinge… en dis goed so, want ons het dit geskep..”

    Du Preez is ook in ’n stryd gewikkel met die Ierse kaptein en senter, Brian O’Driscoll, om as die Internasionale Rugbyraad se speler van die jaar aangewys te word.

    “Dit sal geen bloue duit verskil aan my vertoning Saterdag maak nie. Ek weet ek het die beste seisoen van my lewe gehad en glo ek het in die groot wedstryde gewys ek kán. Meer as dit kan ek nie doen nie. Dit sal goed wees om daardie toekenning te kry, maar dit gaan ons nie help om Saterdag te wen nie,” het hy gesê.

  • 44

    Ai hoop ons looi die klomp paddys, ek het my respek vir noordelike halfrond rugby verloor na die geklaery van die Leeues, hel ek support selfs Australie teen hulle deesdae

  • 45

    I’m with Fourie, the 3 wins over the All Blacks my highlight of the year.

  • 46

    Soos f*k*fpolisiekar se

    ‘n Hond sal altyd na sy eie braaksel toe terug keer…

    HoooooooooooooooHeeeeeeeeeeeeee, DIT sal my gewild maak. Hahahaha

  • 47

    Disa @41




    Daarshy, kry vir jou ‘n paar strepe wat deur die bul thread kan loop!

  • 48


    Kyk WP was al swak maar ten minste was ons nog nooit heel laaste nie, die maer jare is verby.

  • 49

    Hahahaha jy maak my amper lus om jou K@k te gee maar ek probeer my bes om jul WP knapies bietjie n spreekbeurt toe te laat. Ek berus my maar by die gedagte dat julle nog altyd happy verloorders is. vadaar die aanvaarding om ook maar net saam te speel of soos die klein hondtjie saam te draf as die groot honde gaan spyker. 😆

  • 50

    Sies Super, now you’ve hurt my feelings, remember the days of the Super 12 when pre season you could pencil in the Bulls name at the bottom of the log, every dog has it’s day.

    WP will be back

  • 51

    Kon dit nie beter stel nie!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

  • 52

    Manly i could be more nasty and use a little Bible verse to tell you how i feel. Rev 3:15,16.

    15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or else hot. 16 So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth.

    But sreious things apart, i really hope you guys reach the Semis AGAIN. It will be nice to have more than one SA side in the playoffs. And what more mouth watering than to play the Stormers at Loftus when Loftus gets rough.

    Yes get your act together we want a good proper North vs South war.

    We might have a bad year , that is in line with our 1, 10 1 position pattern , but what would i give to play you in a semi final or final after you had success.

  • 53


    Kan nie wag tot dit weer krag teen krag is nie, julle het dit te maklik gehad die laaste klompie jare

  • 54

    Sounds bloody terrible Super, that must mean WP gets stuck in your throat.

    Yes, for me internationally it’s Boks/ABs, domesticly it’s WP/Bulls, I think we still have a way to go, but remember the eighties as we’ve discussed before, the wheel turns.

  • 55

    Bring it on , like i said i cant wait for a good proper North vs South encounter.
    This years semi final was bloody good.

    Enjoy your day i am of to work.

  • 56

    Cheers Super

  • 57

    Welgedaan Bulle, julle lyk na ‘n provinsie wat strukture hoog op prys stel, julle sal die vrugte pluk.

  • 58

    morning everyone (except the smurfs of course)
    have anyone read gavin rich’s “smit switch wont erase headaches” on supersport.com? your thoughts on it?

  • 59

    58 – ASH

    Nope have not read that. 😆

  • 60

    More alle Bul ondersteuners en agtergeblewenes.( WP en sulks )

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