Jóhann Thormählen and Pieter Jordaan

Bloemfontein – The decision by SANZAR to award the 15th franchise to Melbourne in the expanded Super Rugby series from 2011 spells danger for the Lions and Cheetahs.

The two South African sides are deeply concerned about their future as it appears a certainty that the Southern Kings will be one of the five South African teams from 2011 onwards.

Not even the Sharks, Bulls or Stormers can sleep easily following the SANZAR decision.

Free State Rugby Union president Harold Verster said that the South African teams are only assured of their places until the Super14 ends in 2010.

“After that anything can happen. That is why it’s important that the Cheetahs perform well next year. If you get a chance, you have to perform,” said Verster.

Success in the 2010 competition will therefore be of vital interest to the Cheetahs and Lions.

Manie Reyneke, chief executive of the Golden Lions Rugby Union (GLRU), admits that success may be crucial in the future.

“Of course we are worried,” said Reyneke. “It will be a tragedy if one of the teams has to make way for the Southern Kings. I really think South Africa have enough players for six regional teams.”

Rugby officials from the Kings, who are believed to be banking on Government support, believe the Cheetahs and Lions will become one region again.

Statements by Butana Komphela, chairperson of the parliamentary portfolio committee on sport, stated this week that the South African Rugby Union has to urgently address the Kings issue. This is a pointer to the political support the aspiring new franchise has

18 Responses to Lions and Cheetahs in danger?

  • 1

    I will stop watching S14 if that faarked up cheeky kings side gets in by forcing the Lions and Cheetahs to play together again.
    I will also support any side they play against.

  • 2

    Skop asb die Stormers uit…hulle onderpresteer elke jaar. 🙄

  • 3

    Ek stem Supa. Laat die Stormers en Spears saam smelt. storming spears.

  • 4


    Watse Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk praat julle nou? Die Stormers onderpresteer in vergelyking met wat… die laaste Currie Cup wat hulle gewen het?

    Nee kom nou ouens, as daar een span is wat inderpresteer is dit die Cheetahs. Briljant in die CC, maar USELESS in die Super kompetisie.

    Daar is net EEN oplosisng vir die probleem. Gee die Kings ‘n permanente plek in die CC prmier liga (net soos wat doc Craven aan die Sharks gegee het) en sien wat gebeur.

    Maar herlaas, dit lyk my of SARU hell bent is daarop dat die Kings in die Super reeks sal speel, so as dit nou so moet wees, stel ‘n relegasie/uitspeel stelsel in.

  • 5

    jammer, die Cheetahs onderpresteer.

  • 6

    Baie eenvoudig laat die Cheetahs die King Cheetahs word, dit is een van die skaarste diere in die wereld. n King cheetah kos 5 maal meer as n gewone cheetah.

    1.Geografies pas die twee unies bymekaar.
    Bloem en PE is seker die twee naaste stede aan mekaar.
    2.Vrystaat moet elke jaar anyway die helfte van sy span terugkoop van iewers. Na die strooptog deur ander unies.
    3.Met die gesamentlike geld tot hul beskiking kan hulle kan die King Cheetahs dalk vir n slag n paar spelers behou.

  • 7

    If the Kings do get entry into the CC premier division, what will happened to EP?

    sal dit dan die einde van die mighty elephants wees of sal hulle nog steeds toegelaat word om in 1ste divisie te speel?

    en wat sal gebuer met Griekwas? en die luiperds? sal hulle plek maak vir die Kings in die premier afdeling?

    ek dink nie hulle sal te gelukkig wees daarmee as hulle moet plek maak vir die Kings nie. Die finansiele impak sal net te groot wees.

    as dit van die presidents council afhang, dink ek nie die Kings gaan Premier afdeling speel nie. die groter unies sal daarteen wees omdat hulle voort bestaan in die super reeks alreeds in gevaar is deur die stigting van die kings.

    En dan is daar griekwas, Luiperds, Pumas wat hulle premier afdeling status kan verloor. en selfs boland en die griffons kan teen die kings se deelname in die Premier afdeling wees want dit sal hulle ook vergoed uit hou,

  • 8

    This is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo pathetic.
    Let us say that the Cheetahs perform reallt badly [again] in the S14 and are replaced by the Kings. What happens next? We all know that they Kings do not have the players to actually make up a decent S14/15 team, so what will they do? They will simply draft the Cheetahs players, and they will perform badly in PE as to performing badly in Bloem.

    If the Kings want to play rugby then they should form a team, play in the CC, get promoted to the CC Premier division and then prove that they as a team can actually deliver.

    SA rugby has learn’t nothing form the Sharks and WP, YOU CAN’T BUY A TEAM!

  • 9

    Pasop, jy weet mos hoe werk dinge by die Bulls.
    2007-wen S14
    2009-wen S14

    Maar ernstig, en ek roer die punt al lankal aan. SARU moet sê hoe hulle die Kings gaan betrek. Gaan een span wegval, of gaan twee spanne moet saamsmelt? Ons weet die Cheetahs en Lions het nie lekker gewerk nie, so wat van Lions/Bulls? Of kom ons verfok die hele besigheid en laat die Bulls en Stormers saamspeel! StormingBulls. Dis al hoe ons hier onder innie Kaap verseker kan wees van SuperRugby glorie! hehehe

  • 10

    KP as ons nou mag bybelverse aanhaal sal ek jou gepas kan antwoord, maar jy weet dat daar staan geskrywe die Here haat n louwarm persoon, eerder koud of warm maar hy spoeg n louwarm persoon uit of iets in der voege.

    Nou daarby berus my Blou hart hom in.

    Oor die saamsmelt van spanne ek dink regtig die Bulle kan nie bekostig om nog sterker te word nie, netnou skraap die NZlanders die kompetisie.
    Julle het nie jul kant gebring met SWD nie hulle is by Stormers ingedeel.

  • 11

    More Super
    Maar ernstig, wat dink jy is die oplossing?
    Nie een van die huidige 5 SuperSpanne kan bekostig om nie meer Superrugby te speel nie. Sponsors gaan opdroog, spelers gaan waai en rugby gaan ‘n stadige dood in daai provinsie sterf…

  • 12

    #7 Number 12

    Ek dink die PE, Border en SWD saam gaan die Kings maak. In elk geval, watter span ookal die Kings moet verteenwoordig in die Super 15, laat hulle net eenvouding daai span vervang in die CC. Ek is seker daaran dat die Kings in elke geval beter infrastrukture ens sal he as die olifantjies.

  • 13

    Guys, what if, just what if, the Lions falls out next season… for example. And then the Kings come in, start winning, and then in stead of a possible Kings Lions play off to see who comes back into the comp, it will be a Cheetahs or whoever that plays out with the Lions for relegation, instead of the Kings.

  • 14

    #13 Dink dit klink meer fair

  • 15

    Vir die wat glo die leeus en bulle moet saamsmelt:

    Die bulle maak op die oomblik met S14 seker 80%-85% van hulle optimum inkomste. So as hulle nou 100% maak deur met die leeus saam te smelt moet hulle dit nog steeds deel deur 2 en dit los hulle met 50%. Geen idioot sal dit doen nie.
    Die leeus sal baatvind en die bulle sal verloor.

  • 16

    Die oplossing is eenvoudig: Stormers sal moet plek maak vir die Kings.

    Rede: vanaf 1996 beweer hulle nog elke jaar dat hul die beste span is, en belowe hul die hele SA al vir 13 jaar agtermekaar hul gaan “volgende jaar” die S14 wen … maar hul kom nooit hul belofte na nie, inteendeel, elke jaar gaan dit nog slegter.

    Die Sharks, Ctahs en Leeus maak nie sulke valse beloftes nie, en die Bulls doen die praatwerk met hul trofeekas.

    So, Stormers uit, Kings in ! 😉

    Ernstig: Die Kings se plaaslike spanne moet eers naam maak in die CB, voordat hul enigsins oorweeg kan word vir die S14. Kan jy dit glo, klomp spannetjies wat nie eers die B afdeling kan wen nie (OP, SWD, Grens), en nou wil hul saam met die groot honne blaf ?

    Hou die streekspanne soos hul is, en laat die Spears eers in SA naam maak, voordat hul oorweeg om in die S14/15 te kan speel.

  • 17


    The only fair way is a promotion relegation scenario.

    In the original Super 10, the top four (4) CC sides in a particular year played in the next season super 10.

    As there’s no franchise participation in the CC, the fairest method would be a “play-off” to decide.

    It’s not all about on the field though. How many S14 players this season were originally born and / or raised in the Eastern Cape?

    The fact that many leave for greener pastures show that there are fundamental flaws within Rugby in the Eastern Cape region that need to be adressed before a S14 franchise there can succeed.

    All the government funding in the world won’t help if the skills to use it are not either developed or sourced from elsewhere.

    The support base must be such that there are enough supporters at games WHO HAVE SUFFICIENT MONEY to pay the market related cost of tickets.

    I’m sure that there are financial models and business plans that show how successful the Kings will become financially, but unfortunately most of this type of thing always revolve around a certain amount of assumption, and as was once quoted in a Hollywood movie, “assumption is the Mother of all F%#k-ups”.

    Further on a financial point, historically the region has not exactly been a contender for any Corporate Governance awards in terms of financial controls. Can a Leopard change it’s spots?

  • 18

    The whole debacle of expanding the s14 is a stuff up. Do we really want to see all our teams play against each other 3 or 4 times a year? Less is more, but unfortunaley not financially.

    The game will suffer as the teams will be weakened through the expansion and longer schedule. Injuries will be more common and our players will play too much rugby which will expose us to the NH teams.

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