Tonight saw the 1st match on Tour for the Springboks End of Year Tour 2009.  The Springboks took on the Leicester Tigers at Welford Road. The Tigers were full value for their win by 22 / 17 against a lack-lustre Bokke side which was scrummed to bits and taught a lesson in forward domination.

The Bokke started well, taking an early penalty and thereafter scoring a good try after a deft little kick from Earl Rose, for Nokwe to pounce on over the goal line.

From the first scrum however, the Springbok front row battled, then absolutely crumbled in subsequent scrums.

It is clear that the wrong front row players were taken on Tour, no doubt about it! Where was Wian du Preez, Adriaan Strauss and WP Nel when the Bokke needed grunt up front? Not on Tour, is the easy answer!

At Blindside flank Davon Raubenheimer was absent… in the ground-ball battle it was clear that the Bokke loosies were the wrong combination. The only credible loosie was Ashley Johnson, he was everywhere, did everything.

At scrumhalf, Heini Adams was slow, at flyhalf Ruan Pienaar had a nightmare with sub-standard tactical wawareness and kicking.

In the backline nothing much happened simply because the Bokke never got front foot ball.

In the last vestage, Earl Rose was one of the better players in the Bokke lineup.

Take nothing away from the settled Tigers, they played what was in front of them, monstered the Bokke in the scrums, clearly won the ground-ball battle and played it cleverly.

The lesson which should be learnt from this is simple, the best Dirt-Tracker Bokke side was not taken on tour…. The Cheetahs front row was needed, an abrasive lock like Sykes was missed, a true fetcher was required, Francois Hougaard needed to start at scrumhalf, Jacques-Louis Potgieter was needed at flyhalf…..

No need to speculate about players out wide, the ones on the field never saw the ball, because the battle was lost up front!

If ever it was’nt evident before, Ruan Pienaar has slumped to a sub-standard player and continuing with him in the pivot position is pure folly.

Scathing comments from me, but true, I’m afraid.



Tigers: 5 Penalties & 1 Conversion Ben Youngs, 1 Try Lucas Amorosino

Bokke: 4 Penalties Ruan Pienaar, 1 Try Jongi Nokwe



Leicester Tigers: 15 Scott Hamilton, 14 Lucas Amorosino, 13 Andy Forsyth, 12 Manu Tuilagi, 11 Johne Murphy, 10 Aaron Mauger (captain), 9 Ben Youngs, 8 Brett Deacon, 7 Ben Pienaar, 6 Geoff Parling, 5 Ben Kay, 4 Calum Green, 3 Martin Castrogiovanni, 2 Mefin Davies, 1 Marcos Ayerza.
Replacements: 16 George Chuter, 17 Dan Cole, 18 Tom Armes, 19 Dan Hemingway, 20 James Grindal, 21 Greig Tonks, 22 Lote Tuqiri.

South Africa: 15 Earl Rose, 14 Odwa Ndungane, 13 Juan de Jongh, 12 Wynand Olivier, 11 Jongi Nokwe, 10 Ruan Pienaar, 9 Heini Adams, 8 Ashley Johnson, 7 Dewald Potgieter, 6 Davon Raubenheimer, 5 Andries Bekker, 4 Danie Rossouw, 3 Jannie du Plessis, 2 Chiliboy Ralepelle (captain), 1 Gürthro Steenkamp.
Replacements: 16 Bandise Maku, 17 Heinke van der Merwe, 18 Alistair Hargreaves, 19 Jean Deysel, 20 François Hougaard, 21 Meyer Bosman, 22 Riaan Viljoen.

Date: Friday, November 6
Venue: Welford Road, Leicester
Kick-off: 19.45 (19.45 GMT, 21.45 SA time)
Referee: Stuart Dickinson (Australia)
Assistant referees: Roy Maybank, Robin Goodliffe
TMO: Andrew Turner, Graeme Hughes

290 Responses to Leicester Tigers (16) 22 vs Springboks (11) 17 (f/t) – Game Thread & match summary

  • 241

    3 minute om ‘n drie te druk

  • 242

    Laaste kans vir Bokke

  • 243

    – Tigers chew the Springboks!!

  • 244

    Oi…. Tigers hold out to win

  • 245

    boknaaaaaai, ons was pateties vanaand

  • 246

    kak bokke span!!!!!! Night!!!!!

  • 247

    Well done Tigers, well deserved victory.

  • 248

    O wel!!
    Jy kannie rugby speel sonder ‘n ordentlike skrum en ‘n ordentlike losskakel nie!!
    Kom ons hoop maar ou Divvy leer dit in die volgende paar maande.

  • 249

    Pdivvie het die bok naam opgefok vanaand…met derderangse spelers!

  • 250

    Ons sal regtig die span vir Saracens moet heroorweeg.

    En daai voorry moet nooit weer saam vir die bokke speel nie.

  • 251

    En hierdie tipe games is die idiale games om ons 2de bestes ‘n kans te gee om ondervinding op te doen, nie om die ANCYL gelukkig te hou nie!!

  • 252

    Verloor die Bulls teen Tigers. Flok!
    I mean, kan nie op ‘n WP speler blameer word nie, daar was net 2 in die span!

  • 253

    244 GBS Surprise there for us!

  • 254

    Chillipop sommer vroeg geskyt…Guthro en Jannie SWAK!…Johnson het hard probeer…Hougaard het te laat opgekom en die bol het nooit verby Pienaar gekom nie!

  • 255

    Daai voorry behoort nooit weer die Bok trui aan te trek nie!!

  • 256

    Hougaard het goed gelyk op 9, en earl was goed op heelagter. Johnson het hard probeer, maar te veel individuele spel deur aldie loosies.

  • 257

    En prys vir die forwards van die Tigers, hulle was soos ‘n kombers vanaand.

  • 258

    Ons het te min bal gehad in 1ste helfte..en die bal wat ons gekry het was swak!…

  • 259

    Goeie nag manne, lekker naweek verder.

  • 260

    Nag mense

  • 261

    Kan iemand my se hoekom Potgieter 3de beste Kaptein was?

  • 262

    Nou ja, dan gaan ek ook inkruip.

  • 263

    Bring die hele Vrystaat voorry in en ook vir Wikus Blaauw en Tiaan Liebenberg. Bring dan ook vir JlP saam en ‘n ordentlike fetcher! Enige een van Francois Louw of Cobus Grobelaar sal goed genoeg wees!
    Maak dan vir Potgieter die 7 flank en kaptein, met Ruaan op 9, JlP op 10 en die res kan maar eers so bly!

  • 264

    Jy moet glo ‘n BlouBul wees om die Bokke se derde span se kaptein te wees!
    Hy moes van die beginaf kaptein gewees het.

  • 265

    ok mense eish , om die voorry heeltyd te blameer is BS

    die slotte het nie gedruk nie
    die losvoorspeelers het vokol in the scrums gedruk nie

    how do we expect our front row to scrum against a good scrumming unit if we only use our front row

    infact with deysel on and hargreaves our scrum was a little better

  • 266

    OK, ek gesels lyk my met myself. Gaan vir oulaas rook en dan inkruio.

    Kan jy asb vir my Pink Floyd se One of My Turns vanaf The Wall aanstuur. My cd is missing, en ek wil daai song op my foon laai.
    Asseblief ou tjomma!!

  • 267

    kp potgieter was net so hond kak vanaand

    hy het a klomp tackles gemis

    and ook n paar strafskoppe afgestaan

  • 268

    Day after day, love turns grey
    Like the skin of a dying man.
    Night after night, we pretend its all right
    But I have grown older and
    You have grown colder and
    Nothing is very much fun any more.
    And I can feel one of my turns coming on.
    I feel cold as a razor blade,
    Tight as a tourniquet,
    Dry as a funeral drum.

    Run to the bedroom,
    In the suitcase on the left
    You’ll find my favorite axe.
    Don’t look so frightened
    This is just a passing phase,
    One of my bad days.
    Would you like to watch T.V.?
    Or get between the sheets?
    Or contemplate the silent freeway?
    Would you like something to eat?
    Would you like to learn to fly?
    Would you like to see me try?

    Would you like to call the cops?
    Do you think it’s time I stopped?
    Why are you running away?

  • 269

    problem is pottie is not a 6

    and what i saw tonight tells me brussow is going to struggle

    up north they are allowed to drive and fall over the ball and come in from the sides

    to me we are in trouble

    this should be the bok loose trio after tonight for english conditions

    alberts , deysel and schalk

  • 270

    Hy moes nooit op 6 gekies gewees het nie! En toe moes hy buitendien nog die 7 se werk ook doen!!
    Soos GBS hier bo sê, die kombinasie was verkeerd, en ons ouens moet leer dat ‘n skrum uit 8 ouens uit bestaan wat saam moet druk!!

    Gaan nou rook en slaap, siggies is buitendien op….fok!!

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